Why is futanari/dickgirls so popular?


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2017
Ask not why it is popular. Trends come and go. Your favourite fetish may not be norm of current porn game industry, it can always be a trend in the future.
While I agree with that, futanari isn't exactly a trend.
At least in doujins and hentais it's been around for ages, long before milfs, for example, were such an established genre.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Although a futa isn't a trap (even though there is a trap, too), it's undeniable that there is some common ground between this two concepts.
I'm curious, what is exactly the common ground between a male who dress as a woman, a person naturally born with the genitalia of both sex, a transgender, and a male suffering from gynaecomastia, to only take four example falling under the "futa" categoy ?
If you include the fact that between lead to a baby that don't have a sex clearly defined, your common ground become even smaller.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2017
I'm curious, what is exactly the common ground between a male who dress as a woman, a person naturally born with the genitalia of both sex, a transgender, and a male suffering from gynaecomastia, to only take four example falling under the "futa" categoy ?
If you include the fact that between lead to a baby that don't have a sex clearly defined, your common ground become even smaller.
Maybe I'm reading you wrong, tone is hard to interpret, but your post seems a bit heavy with righteous indignation. I don't think anyone was trying to pass judgement on however you're born or whatever you're attracted to. The conversation moved past that.

I'm not sure how much of an overlap there is between futas and traps, if any, and frankly I don't think it matters. I don't select my porn according to political correctness.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Maybe I'm reading you wrong, tone is hard to interpret, but your post seems a bit heavy with righteous indignation.
It was just, exactly as I explicitly said, curiosity. He see a common ground where I see none, therefore I want to know what is this common ground.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2017
It was just, exactly as I explicitly said, curiosity. He see a common ground where I see none, therefore I want to know what is this common ground.
It seemed a bit loaded when you brought up birth statistics and listed different examples of real life "futas" and I still don't see how exactly that's relevant to porn preferences, but if you were just curious then my bad.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
I'm curious, what is exactly the common ground between a male who dress as a woman, a person naturally born with the genitalia of both sex, a transgender, and a male suffering from gynaecomastia, to only take four example falling under the "futa" categoy ?
If you include the fact that between lead to a baby that don't have a sex clearly defined, your common ground become even smaller.
The common ground being the "female appearence with a dick" in a nutshell. I mean, a futa is a woman with a dick, and a trap is a man, therefore has a dick, but looks like a woman. That's what I meant. However, I want to add something else. My reply to your comment from before was cut short for an unknown reason to me, I said more than just that about traps. And my final point, about the overall message was that, even if I have some misconceptions about some concepts, studies or stuff, about which you seem to be much more properly informed, the whole point of this thread was to clarify why the futa was so big in hentai, and to some minor degree, traps. What it that so many people see as appealing to these elements? Zachy gave a pretty convincing argument, but maybe someone else can expand on the reasons, if they feel like it.
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Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
imho, if the futa doesn't have both a vag and a dick at same time, it's just a dude with a dick... Packing both make it somewhat peculiar interesting. It can go both ways... I saw a porn movie once with two supposedly hermaphrodite's (was more likely two girls with male prosthetic implants). I think my brain farted a bit when they started fuck each others vag at the same time...

scenes with a trap/dickgirl (whatever) bone some girls, my brain can keep up with that, but if it end up with some guys rail them up the bum, I'll take a hard pass, because not the way I swing.

End of the day doesn't matter if people start wonder why X Y & Z is popular and why it is, because.. IT JUST IS!. People like different shit and been like that since dawn of mankind. People doesn't necessary have to be sexually attracted to the more obscure stuff though, they get attracted to it because it is obscure. Some people overloaded on normie porn at a level they can't get it up to it any longer, and need to delve deeper and deeper into obscurity to get it up..

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
[...] I still don't see how exactly that's relevant to porn preferences, but if you were just curious then my bad.
Hermaphrodites have a vagina, all other futa and traps don't have one. Traps are males, all futa are females, or half females for hermaphrodites. How those differences can not be relevant to porn preferences, when having or not a vagina, and being male or female, is the base of porn preferences ?

When people who like them see a dickgirl, they are facing a female character, that happen to have a dick ; and what matter here is the gender, not the sexual attribute they have between their legs. The only difference between a dickgirl and a girl wearing a strapon is that the dick is made of flesh, not of silicon and metal/plastic.
Saying, or implying, that liking futa is sign of, at least a latent homosexuality, is misunderstanding both sexual attraction and genders. Homosexuality is the fact to be sexually attracted by human beings of your own gender ; not by their sole sexual attributes, by their gender. And it happen that there's way more that make a male than a dick and two balls, like there's way more that make a female than a cunt and two boobs.
It's where the reference to the, astoundingly high ( place it between 70 and 140 millions, so 1% and 2% of the world population), number of intersex peoples in real life, play a role ; by demonstrating that there's really more that define a male or a female, than their sole genitals. There's, by example, males who suffer from gynaecomastia and, due to the oestrogen level in their body, grow boobs.
Did this make them females ? Obviously not. Did they suddenly become traps against their will ? Once again the answer is no. Yet they now are guy with boobs. But then, did this mean that straight males who like futa would fap to them ? Again no ; what arouse a straight male is female, and they are not.

And it's the reason why futa and traps, that have only one thing in common, their dick, tend to have two different public ; well, outside of bisexuals that can possibly like both. It's also why there's both male futa and female futa ; despite the fact that they both have boobs and a dick, they aren't the same thing and don't attract the same persons.

Now, that is my point of view, and nothing else. A point of view based to scientific facts, but yet just a point of view. Therefore, when someone say that there's a common ground, and like, as I said, a dick is far to be enough for this, yes, I'm curious to know more, because I'm just a human being, therefore I can be wrong and/or have misunderstood something.

The common ground being the "female appearence with a dick" in a nutshell. I mean, a futa is a woman with a dick, and a trap is a man, therefore has a dick, but looks like a woman.
But, traps don't looks like a woman. They dress like a woman, they put make-up like a woman, and they try to mimic women, but that's all. Look at their face, and you'll see the man in them. Look at their body, see how it's built, you'll also see a man. Look at their Adam's apple, and again you'll see a man. Traps are males, and they don't try to hide it, they just wear a female costume on top of it.
It's less visible in drawn porn, because they tend to blur the limits, making all traps being sissy or potential sissy, but it's visible in 3D porn (unless it's a really cheap one) and even more in real life.

And if you don't see the man in them, then it's not a trap, it's either a MtF transgender, or a female futa. That for you they are the same, because they have a dick, is just your own point of view ; a point of view that I understand and respect. But, as I said right above, while answering to DownTheDrain, it's limiting the definition of sexual gender to a single and small part, the presence of a dick, when there's way more behind this term.

I'm straight, never be aroused by a man or by a dick during the almost 40 years since the start of my puberty. I'll not say that I effectively tried, but I past trough shared changing rooms and shared showers. Therefore, I had a lot of guys naked in front of me, some that seemed to be good looking, some that, no need to hide it, had bigger dicks, at least when soft, than me, and never ever I felt at least the start of an arousing because of this.
During school, I seen my best friend, so the guy for who I had the strongest feelings, naked more than once, and again no reaction. Sometimes it happened in private places, like him changing in his room by example, so the best place and the best person if I was bisexual, and yet not even the start of a reaction, whatever physical or emotional. I not even dreamed, voluntarily or not, about this after, and never felt that I missed something.
Still at school, I had a good friend who was openly gay. It was a nice and friendly guy, would have been a good opportunity to at least hangout sexually speaking ; to remove the "fuck I'm a virgin to this" effect. All this without the fear to be rejected since he also never hidden the fact that he was perpetually horny, like all teenagers are. Yet, it never crossed my mind.
Be noted that I do not say that to enforce the fact that I'm straight. Honestly, why should I care if someone on internet, so someone that I don't know and who don't know me, say that I'm gay ? It would have absolutely no influence on my life, and I wouldn't doubt of my virility for so few. No, I said this to demonstrate that I'm not "straight just because", and so remove this part from the debate. I lived situations that would have revealed my bisexuality, had the possibility to do it without risk or consequence, and like nothing happened, yes, there's no ambiguity, I'm straight.

Yet I like futa, not all, but many. To this, add the fact that, while it's not what I prefer, I have nothing against pegging. Put a girl with a strapon in front of me, if the girl arouse me, I'll be aroused. If she say that the strapon is for me, I'll be more aroused. If she's good at this, I'll have an orgasm.
But, put a guy in front of me, like I said above I'll feel nothing. Make him sodomize me, I'll perhaps have an ejaculation, because it's a purely physiological reaction, but I'm 99,99% sure that I'll not have an orgasm, that is an emotional reaction. This in the same way that a girl being raped can be wet, because her body respond to the stimulation, but will have absolutely no pleasure from this act.
Yet I like futa... I like it because it's the paroxysm of my sexuality. A girl that have a flesh strapless connected to her nervous system, so a girl that would effectively have pleasure while pegging me, a pleasure that would come directly from the act, and not as reaction from her movements. It would be what sex should always be, shared pleasure, each one of the two partners both taking and giving pleasure.
This said, I prefer my futa to be hermaphrodites, because they would also have a vagina and, like I said, pegging isn't what I prefer ; I found that giving or receiving anal is a too limited choice. But as far as realistic settings can goes, I go with the flow and my futa are generally MtF transgenders ; be noted that, so far, none of the many MtF I encountered effectively aroused me, except one that was really a beautiful girl, but a girl that alas like girls. But well, back to the subject, if the setting is more fantastic, then yes, please give me hermaphrodites, not dickgirls.

But, as I said, for this to be pleasuring, the girl must looks like a girl, act like a girl, think like a girl, have a girl body, so in short be a girl... that happen to also have a dick. And a trap isn't a girl. A trap is a male that try to looks like a girl, try to act like a girl, and sometimes also try to think like a girl, but have a male body and is a guy.
The difference is perhaps subtle, but it's the most important point, at least for me but I know that I'm far to be the only one. The girl have to be a girl despite her having a dick, else I'll not be aroused. And it's the reason why, above, I said that "I like futa, not all, but many", because there's also male futa (so futa that looks like male, not like female), like there's female futa that tend too much on the guy side, acting or thinking like a guy. Those wouldn't aroused me more than a trap or that directly a guy.

So, I'm just a straight guy that don't care this much if some of the girls in my fantasy have a dick. And not caring doesn't mean that I'm gay or bisexual, else I would also like guys, since they all have a dick. I also don't like traps, because they are aren't girls that happen to have a dick, but guys that try to looks like girls.
Be noted that the "in my fantasy" is something important, for me and I guess for most of futa lovers that are straight. It's a fiction. Like I said above, my mind see the dick of those girls as a flesh strapless, because it's not real, so I can interpret it in whatever way I want. But perhaps that in real life my brain would see it as an effective dick, and that it wouldn't arouse me even if it was the most beautiful girl on Earth, and that I would have had the hardest erection of my life if it was a strapon.

Zachy gave a pretty convincing argument, but maybe someone else can expand on the reasons, if they feel like it.
The problem is that his argument don't fit the reality, just a part of it, and not really for the right gender.

Unconscious physiological reactions to a sexual stimuli are directly linked to the hormonal level. Automatic arousal will be almost constant during puberty, when the body is under a hormonal overdose, but less frequent after puberty, when the hormonal level will lower enough to let the brain take back part of its control over the situation. It's demonstrated by studies regarding women arousal that take in count the usage of contraceptive pills. Women under such treatment have a lower hormonal level, and appear to also respond less to sexual indirect stimuli (so visual or auditory).
"However, differences between OC [NdA:Women under oral Contraception] and NC [NdA:Women with normal menstrual cycle] groups suggest hormonal influences on attention to sexual stimuli that were unexplained by subject characteristic differences."

And, as I said, it also not apply to the right gender. Between men and women, it's the latter that discriminate less between the source of their arousal. While still being (somehow) aroused, men while react less to stimuli not corresponding to their sexual preferences (sexual orientation, fetishes, etc.), than to stimuli corresponding to their preferences. But at the opposite, if a woman have an arousal response, it will be the same whatever you'll show her, even if it's not at all part of her sexual preferences.
"Greater activation to opposite sex stimuli compared to same sex stimuli was seen in men in the inferior temporal and occipital lobes. Women did not show any areas of increased activation to opposite sex compared to same sex stimuli. Men showed more differential activation of brain areas related to sexual arousal than women, including the amygdala, hippocampus, basal ganglia, and some areas of the prefrontal cortex. Women did not show these differences, suggesting that women do not emotionally discriminate between opposite sex and same sex stimuli in the manner that men do. Women only showed increased activation to same sex compared to opposite sex stimuli in visual cortical areas. These differences may reflect different strategies for women in the cognitive processing of stimuli, specifically in how women focus their attention to sexual stimuli. Increased activation by women in these cortical areas may reflect a more complex approach to sexual stimuli that focuses not only on sexual aspects of a stimulus, but also on nonsexual and perhaps more contextual factors."

In short, women are more likely to be aroused when seeing boobs on a body having a dick, than men when seeing a dick on a body having boobs. This because it's the situation that arouse them more than the participant to this situation, while for men it's the opposite.
Therefore, a woman will be aroused by a futa having sex, whatever with a man or a woman, because they have sex. This while a man would be aroused by the same situation only if futa are part of his sexual preferences. And yet, this arousal will happen only if the act also correspond to his preferences ; so if he don't like pegging, a futa sodomizing a male partner will not arouse him.
So, in the end, his argumentation is circular. A man will be aroused by futa because of a physiological reaction that will happen only if futa arouse him.

Edit: Well, you wanted an elaborated answer, for sure this is one.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
Hermaphrodites have a vagina, all other futa and traps don't have one. Traps are males, all futa are females, or half females for hermaphrodites. How those differences can not be relevant to porn preferences, when having or not a vagina, and being male or female, is the base of porn preferences ?

When people who like them see a dickgirl, they are facing a female character, that happen to have a dick ; and what matter here is the gender, not the sexual attribute they have between their legs. The only difference between a dickgirl and a girl wearing a strapon is that the dick is made of flesh, not of silicon and metal/plastic.
Saying, or implying, that liking futa is sign of, at least a latent homosexuality, is misunderstanding both sexual attraction and genders. Homosexuality is the fact to be sexually attracted by human beings of your own gender ; not by their sole sexual attributes, by their gender. And it happen that there's way more that make a male than a dick and two balls, like there's way more that make a female than a cunt and two boobs.
It's where the reference to the, astoundingly high ( place it between 70 and 140 millions, so 1% and 2% of the world population), number of intersex peoples in real life, play a role ; by demonstrating that there's really more that define a male or a female, than their sole genitals. There's, by example, males who suffer from gynaecomastia and, due to the oestrogen level in their body, grow boobs.
Did this make them females ? Obviously not. Did they suddenly become traps against their will ? Once again the answer is no. Yet they now are guy with boobs. But then, did this mean that straight males who like futa would fap to them ? Again no ; what arouse a straight male is female, and they are not.
I was talking exclusively about anime and hentai, where traps ACTUALLY look and act so much like girls, that the fact that they're actually males is revealed a a surprise (therefore, a trap). However, this traps, after their true nature having been revealed, are popular among straight guys, sometimes in porn, but mostly in more mainstream media, like thos harem animes full of fanservice, where you usually find a trap among the group of chicks flocking around the main character. And sometimes this traps even appear out of that harem context, and my best guess is that this trait is extended into an archetype of character that receives a popular opinion from the viewers of such material. I can't think of any of this traps right now, but if have some knowledge of anime you can recognice this trend.
And it's the reason why futa and traps, that have only one thing in common, their dick, tend to have two different public ; well, outside of bisexuals that can possibly like both. It's also why there's both male futa and female futa ; despite the fact that they both have boobs and a dick, they aren't the same thing and don't attract the same persons.
Now, regarding exclusively about hentai, super sissy traps, to give them a name, are virtually girls with dicks and no boobs, like lolis with dicks. And God knows how popular lolis are, so seeing them with a tool down there is likely, too, in hentais. So when I said that there is a common ground between traps and futas, I was exclusively talking about hentai, 2D, especially, where traps have no male element aside from the dick. Now, call me naive, narrow minded or whatever, but for me, a dick is the most relevant male feature (visually speaking) of a male. I think we can agree in that elements like chromosomes, the very definition of hermafrodite and bisexuality are somewhat minor when it comes to just fapping to cartoon porn, where even the line of what makes a human is blurry in many cases.

Now, that is my point of view, and nothing else. A point of view based to scientific facts, but yet just a point of view. Therefore, when someone say that there's a common ground, and like, as I said, a dick is far to be enough for this, yes, I'm curious to know more, because I'm just a human being, therefore I can be wrong and/or have misunderstood something.

But, traps don't looks like a woman. They dress like a woman, they put make-up like a woman, and they try to mimic women, but that's all. Look at their face, and you'll see the man in them. Look at their body, see how it's built, you'll also see a man. Look at their Adam's apple, and again you'll see a man. Traps are males, and they don't try to hide it, they just wear a female costume on top of it.
It's less visible in drawn porn, because they tend to blur the limits, making all traps being sissy or potential sissy, but it's visible in 3D porn (unless it's a really cheap one) and even more in real life.

And if you don't see the man in them, then it's not a trap, it's either a MtF transgender, or a female futa. That for you they are the same, because they have a dick, is just your own point of view ; a point of view that I understand and respect. But, as I said right above, while answering to DownTheDrain, it's limiting the definition of sexual gender to a single and small part, the presence of a dick, when there's way more behind this term.

I'm straight, never be aroused by a man or by a dick during the almost 40 years since the start of my puberty. I'll not say that I effectively tried, but I past trough shared changing rooms and shared showers. Therefore, I had a lot of guys naked in front of me, some that seemed to be good looking, some that, no need to hide it, had bigger dicks, at least when soft, than me, and never ever I felt at least the start of an arousing because of this.
During school, I seen my best friend, so the guy for who I had the strongest feelings, naked more than once, and again no reaction. Sometimes it happened in private places, like him changing in his room by example, so the best place and the best person if I was bisexual, and yet not even the start of a reaction, whatever physical or emotional. I not even dreamed, voluntarily or not, about this after, and never felt that I missed something.
Still at school, I had a good friend who was openly gay. It was a nice and friendly guy, would have been a good opportunity to at least hangout sexually speaking ; to remove the "fuck I'm a virgin to this" effect. All this without the fear to be rejected since he also never hidden the fact that he was perpetually horny, like all teenagers are. Yet, it never crossed my mind.
Be noted that I do not say that to enforce the fact that I'm straight. Honestly, why should I care if someone on internet, so someone that I don't know and who don't know me, say that I'm gay ? It would have absolutely no influence on my life, and I wouldn't doubt of my virility for so few. No, I said this to demonstrate that I'm not "straight just because", and so remove this part from the debate. I lived situations that would have revealed my bisexuality, had the possibility to do it without risk or consequence, and like nothing happened, yes, there's no ambiguity, I'm straight.

Yet I like futa, not all, but many. To this, add the fact that, while it's not what I prefer, I have nothing against pegging. Put a girl with a strapon in front of me, if the girl arouse me, I'll be aroused. If she say that the strapon is for me, I'll be more aroused. If she's good at this, I'll have an orgasm.
But, put a guy in front of me, like I said above I'll feel nothing. Make him sodomize me, I'll perhaps have an ejaculation, because it's a purely physiological reaction, but I'm 99,99% sure that I'll not have an orgasm, that is an emotional reaction. This in the same way that a girl being raped can be wet, because her body respond to the stimulation, but will have absolutely no pleasure from this act.
Yet I like futa... I like it because it's the paroxysm of my sexuality. A girl that have a flesh strapless connected to her nervous system, so a girl that would effectively have pleasure while pegging me, a pleasure that would come directly from the act, and not as reaction from her movements. It would be what sex should always be, shared pleasure, each one of the two partners both taking and giving pleasure.
This said, I prefer my futa to be hermaphrodites, because they would also have a vagina and, like I said, pegging isn't what I prefer ; I found that giving or receiving anal is a too limited choice. But as far as realistic settings can goes, I go with the flow and my futa are generally MtF transgenders ; be noted that, so far, none of the many MtF I encountered effectively aroused me, except one that was really a beautiful girl, but a girl that alas like girls. But well, back to the subject, if the setting is more fantastic, then yes, please give me hermaphrodites, not dickgirls.

But, as I said, for this to be pleasuring, the girl must looks like a girl, act like a girl, think like a girl, have a girl body, so in short be a girl... that happen to also have a dick. And a trap isn't a girl. A trap is a male that try to looks like a girl, try to act like a girl, and sometimes also try to think like a girl, but have a male body and is a guy.
The difference is perhaps subtle, but it's the most important point, at least for me but I know that I'm far to be the only one. The girl have to be a girl despite her having a dick, else I'll not be aroused. And it's the reason why, above, I said that "I like futa, not all, but many", because there's also male futa (so futa that looks like male, not like female), like there's female futa that tend too much on the guy side, acting or thinking like a guy. Those wouldn't aroused me more than a trap or that directly a guy.

So, I'm just a straight guy that don't care this much if some of the girls in my fantasy have a dick. And not caring doesn't mean that I'm gay or bisexual, else I would also like guys, since they all have a dick. I also don't like traps, because they are aren't girls that happen to have a dick, but guys that try to looks like girls.
Be noted that the "in my fantasy" is something important, for me and I guess for most of futa lovers that are straight. It's a fiction. Like I said above, my mind see the dick of those girls as a flesh strapless, because it's not real, so I can interpret it in whatever way I want. But perhaps that in real life my brain would see it as an effective dick, and that it wouldn't arouse me even if it was the most beautiful girl on Earth, and that I would have had the hardest erection of my life if it was a strapon.
This is a very interesting thought, "a futa girl is like a girl with a strapon but with the ability to receive pleasure with it". It really makes sense, and I didn't think about it. About your opinion on traps, I agree that traps are not girls, and thus don't fit within the realm of futa, however, the popularity of this traps (the ones that, as I stated above, are something like girls without boobs and with dick, but with all the other female atributes, like small frame, wide hips and big butts) among presumably straight men led me to believe that there were some degree of connection between this two genres.

The problem is that his argument don't fit the reality, just a part of it, and not really for the right gender.

Unconscious physiological reactions to a sexual stimuli are directly linked to the hormonal level. Automatic arousal will be almost constant during puberty, when the body is under a hormonal overdose, but less frequent after puberty, when the hormonal level will lower enough to let the brain take back part of its control over the situation. It's demonstrated by studies regarding women arousal that take in count the usage of contraceptive pills. Women under such treatment have a lower hormonal level, and appear to also respond less to sexual indirect stimuli (so visual or auditory).
"However, differences between OC [NdA:Women under oral Contraception] and NC [NdA:Women with normal menstrual cycle] groups suggest hormonal influences on attention to sexual stimuli that were unexplained by subject characteristic differences."

And, as I said, it also not apply to the right gender. Between men and women, it's the latter that discriminate less between the source of their arousal. While still being (somehow) aroused, men while react less to stimuli not corresponding to their sexual preferences (sexual orientation, fetishes, etc.), than to stimuli corresponding to their preferences. But at the opposite, if a woman have an arousal response, it will be the same whatever you'll show her, even if it's not at all part of her sexual preferences.
"Greater activation to opposite sex stimuli compared to same sex stimuli was seen in men in the inferior temporal and occipital lobes. Women did not show any areas of increased activation to opposite sex compared to same sex stimuli. Men showed more differential activation of brain areas related to sexual arousal than women, including the amygdala, hippocampus, basal ganglia, and some areas of the prefrontal cortex. Women did not show these differences, suggesting that women do not emotionally discriminate between opposite sex and same sex stimuli in the manner that men do. Women only showed increased activation to same sex compared to opposite sex stimuli in visual cortical areas. These differences may reflect different strategies for women in the cognitive processing of stimuli, specifically in how women focus their attention to sexual stimuli. Increased activation by women in these cortical areas may reflect a more complex approach to sexual stimuli that focuses not only on sexual aspects of a stimulus, but also on nonsexual and perhaps more contextual factors."

In short, women are more likely to be aroused when seeing boobs on a body having a dick, than men when seeing a dick on a body having boobs. This because it's the situation that arouse them more than the participant to this situation, while for men it's the opposite.
Therefore, a woman will be aroused by a futa having sex, whatever with a man or a woman, because they have sex. This while a man would be aroused by the same situation only if futa are part of his sexual preferences. And yet, this arousal will happen only if the act also correspond to his preferences ; so if he don't like pegging, a futa sodomizing a male partner will not arouse him.
So, in the end, his argumentation is circular. A man will be aroused by futa because of a physiological reaction that will happen only if futa arouse him.
Yes, I know from other studies on the subject that women are more aroused by contexts and situations, whereas men tend to be more aroused by the direct images and scenes. Men being more interested in visual porn, and women being more interested in erotic literature, however, the futa phenomenon is extremely popular among men, and the IRL women that I know, and who are open enough to talk about their preferences with me, have clearly manifested a huge interest in male on male, yaoi, or gay intercourse, and not very in any sort of porn revolved around women. I could be that this girls I know are just that peculiar, but that was the idea that I had.

Edit: Well, you wanted an elaborated answer, for sure this is one.
Well, I have to say, that you seemed offended to some level by my words (or wording) concerning the subjet of the threat. If my judgement is not wrong, believe me when I say that it wasn't my intention to do so. You did, however, take the time to write quite the elaborate and organized answer concerning the theme, so I thank you for your contribution and all the data you offered to solidify your opinion.
EDIT: Well, I seem to have messed up the way I should have written my answer, and now it's mixed up with your message! Bloody hell, I'll try to figure how to make it cleaner next time.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Well, I have to say, that you seemed offended to some level by my words (or wording) concerning the subjet of the threat.
That I can seem annoyed, not explictly because of you, I can understand it, because perhaps that it's the case ; this week was difficult and annoying as fuck. But offended, really ? :/

What I said regarding people possibly calling me gay obviously apply to whatever other subject ; why should I care when it happen on internet ? And what I said regarding your point of view, whatever if it now changed or not, stay as well ; it's not because I don't share it that I don't understand, or don't respect, it.
We disagree on something that imply a subtle difference and mostly depend of the point of view. Therefore a difference that can easily be missed, what obviously need precision and clarity. I'll not pretend to have wrote an academic paper, but look at the last reference I gave ; they repeat themselves a lot, use technical words that they then define despite the readers obviously being aware of their signification, give information that could have been gave less verbosely, and so on. Did the fact that they did this mean that they are offended ? Or did it mean that they tried to remove as much ambiguities as possible ?

Like I said, the answer to your question mostly depend of a point of view. But saying, "it's because they see futa as female", isn't enough ; I already said it in this thread and you don't understood it (what isn't a criticism, just an observation). Therefore, I need to move you to my point of view, which isn't something easy, right ? For you to see what my eyes see, I need to explain you what it is, and that's what I tried to do.
Try to describe an optical illusion to someone who's blind, by example. You can't just say, "It's a tree, but I see a face". You've to explain that there's a branch that goes this way, one that way, and so on, then conclude that, when you mix them all it form a face. In a way it's the same here. You aren't effectively blind, but blind in regard of my point of view, because it's not yours and, lets say that, because you're too feet on the left there's a building hiding half of the tree and so you don't see that it also represent a face.
For something concrete like that tree, I would just tell you to move to your right and you'll see it. But it's an abstract concept, therefore it's not you body that need to move, but your brain.

In the end, perhaps that it will change nothing, and why shouldn't I be right with this ? But, as I said, something as difficult than this need to be precise and clear, so to write something long that present the same thing from different angles and insist on the main point(s).
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Jan 10, 2019
*haven't read through the entire thread yet but here are some thoughts:

It all depends on how you watch your porn. If you've watched porn for some time, you should know by now. My guess is everyone starts with RL porn and moves into niches like SFM, doujin and hentai.

Futa is an odd concept, that in itself makes it a taboo(and you could just leave it there for some), and taboos are curiosity in sexual exploration form.

You're going to get a tonne of different perceptions explaining this but again depending on how you watch your porn. If we're talking about hetero guys enjoying futa then we're most likely going to be talking about the A+++ variation of this and that is: 'Futa on/with female'. I think with any version of the 'Futa' or 'dickgirl' combined with Female will no doubt be the more popular version. Not because it helps folks mind gymnast that they're not turning but that it's genuinely a hot concept. It's pretty straight forward but let's step back a sec.

There's a tendency to view SFM, 3D, Doujin, Hentai as not real, or perhaps exist in their own universe so the same rules don't necessarily apply. I mean...it isn't real tbf... but this helps with the disassociation. There is usually no real world version of what's normally created in these categories so it's easy to become interested as it just isn't possible. Surprisingly, Futa on Female does have a real world example, which would be transexual on female(Dude with fake tits, fucking a chick), that's not why it's popular though I feel...

What I think Futa was birthed from was:
1. Theorising what it would look like if the male presence was completely removed and what that would look like
2. Boring as fuck lesbian porn
3. a prejudice against sex toys, i.e. dildos not really being able to fully replace an organic working cock that reacts naturally.

What was technically born from the creation of Futa would be Futa on Female, I would say this is the mainstay of the genre. What you have is the male presence completely removed all but the one reference to the male sex organ and technically two 'Females'. Depending on which version it is I can guarantee most see a futa that has either the cock & balls or just the cock but still has a pussy, as female. This is because characters usually drawn are like parodies of real life and I can guarantee not one real life transexual looks hotter than naturally breasted 2D or 3D creation. It's then easy to believe that the gender remains unchanged despite the genital addition/or swap. This normally through 3 scenarios that are immensely popular in doujin for starters. 1. It's genetic, 2. they grow it, and 3. It's gifted to them.

What is coupled with the 3 scenarios above is a situation where you have two female characters that now need to deal with the revelation. So now think about it. You can have a mix up of both being straight, both being lesbian, one being either or, or both just being super fucking curious. Long story short the Futa in the story basically gets to fuck the other female. Now to add another layer you'd get plot lines like: 1. The futa NEEEEEEDS to fuck the other girl JUST because the cock is now present(i.e. sudden rush of male hormones and intentions), 2. The futa is shy and the other girl(being either straight/gay, because it don't matter now!) takes advantage against the futas will(or if willing, still does anyway), 3. without rape the futa takes advantage of the other girl in a more consensual manner. There's probably a lot more but most of these cases are hot plot devices. Lots of blurred relationship lines like they are both best friends, or it's daughter/mom or sister/sister, student/teacher. Hell even putting them in a tentacle bit...but that's more for the next part. But this all boils down to what you can assume is lust between two 'females', technically speaking.

The catalyst for some, would be specific to empath porn watchers like myself. You've now witnessed a girl all of a sudden grown/be gifted/reveal she has a cock(as well as a pussy(though this still could work for dick girl I guess since they are fucking another female). You're now aware that she has the same sex organ as you have, hasn't used it(usually) and feels everything you're feeling now(whether you're jerking it or not). Can you remember using your own dick for the first time? Or imagine what it would now feel like to use it again for the first time. She now has the weighted feeling of a dick(which are normally comically massive too), the sensitivity of having balls and all the appropriate nerve endings that make up a cock including the tip. You'll now see the pleasure it gives the female to actually use it and follow through with her because you know how it it's feeling. I would suspect it's similar to always wanting to see a guy cum at the end of a RL porn scene. You need the reference to finish.

I'm trying to think up some examples:

DevilHS's ' '. (Good artist btw). Skip to panel 18 for the cock growth. Now go back to the start and read up all the way to that and try to convince yourself that at 18 that female character is now male. Past panel 18 there is certainly some fluid sex but nothing a mature person can't selectively block out(i.e. male on dickgirl anal) we get to *Edit* panel where one of the 3 scenarios happens where the female friend of the other female(now futa) wants to fuck her because of the newly added sex organ.

Doujin by . (another good artist, full colour too!). No beating around the bush on this one, 2nd panel you have the cock growth but then after this all you should be feeling is what the character is experiencing rather than being worried about if you're suddenly going to want to start thinking about doing stuff to the cock yourself. It's conveyed by the emotional response of the character, and a character that technically should not have this sex organ but now that they do, you can relate.

One more, , a weirder one this time. Technically tentacles do most of the work here and the other female doesn't actually do a whole lot to the Futa. But since the character IS futa and being abused by another woman it just completely changes the perspective and the empathy of what happens to the futa's cock should align with how YOU'D also feel in the same situation. I mean tentacles too, but that's a whole different topic :D:LOL:.

Personally 3D and 2D has always been about putting the female form through its paces in every weird and wonderful way, hyperising sexuality passed exaggeration. How emphasing with how a girl would feel if, technically speaking, all her holes were pussies(or at least there's always how it's portrayed) and she's in a tentacle pit and were all getting filled, the amount of pleasure that would produce. Now add on a cock to that, and how WE know how THAT feels, and what you're seeing is just impossible exctasy on display. Emphasis on the word 'impossible'.

It's an interesting talking point anyway. Sometimes it can catch you out and you suddenly realise you're watching/reading some dickgirl on futa, or futa on trap, or futa on futa, can sometimes be a little too much for some people and once you realise you're kind like eh. As a personal rule, if there's more than one sack, and there's only two characters, then that is one sack too many.

I'd like to think that this is why NYL's animations are so popular because it completely leans into Futa vs Female, rather than the Puppetmaster guy who's animations feature two futas instead. If one was just pure female then I think he'd probably be more successful.
Last edited:


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
years ago I saw an interview of someone selling porn videos for profession, and among other things he was asked whether there's still some significant taboo in porn that the mainstream isn't aware of. and he said, without a doubt tranny porn. that even though back then the concept was absolutely invisible in mainstream media, tranny porn was one of the biggest sellers for all porn peddlers and it was 'straight' guys buying it.

there could be other reasons for it, but I took it as a sign that 'hetero men' are not even nearly as binary as often believed. it also made me realize how often I ran into situations where some outwardly straight dude had some gay experiences. then the whole futanari thing ballooned, and lately also all kinds of non-binary people came out from the shadows. also I have a gay friend who used hit on straight men at bars, and he said that while they first made a big deal about being straight, more often than not the night ended with my friend sucking the 'straight guy' off in the bathroom.

I think it's really as simple as a lot of 'straight' guys getting excited by cocks. they might have their own excuses and attempts to rationalize it by saying things like 'futa isn't gay' or whatever, but it's really irrelevant. the bottom line is they like dicks. they might still prefer women, they might still identify as straight, but when the lights go out and no one knows, they're still jerking off to dicks. which is fine, it's 2020 and none of those things matter much anymore.

and I think that's gonna enter the mainstream pretty soon as well. we see it here already, but then again everybody is here already. whether they show it IRL or not, everybody is watching porn online almost daily. so probably what we see here isn't anything special, people here just don't hide their preferences like offline.
If we go by the "gayness is a spectrum," which I think is probably true, things like this make sense. I wonder what the breakdown is though between 100% straight and like 60% or 80% etc. Self reporting is probably inadequate to get the true numbers here for obvious reasons.


Aug 13, 2019
i liek de bob end da penoos

i also like assertive women and futa are commonly portrayed as sexually aggressive which is hot


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
Ok, but why is the concept of a girl with a penis/a man with feminine features and tits, so appealing to so many self proclaimed straight males?
Ok, first off sorry if what I am about to say offends anyone. Just pointing out facts as how this is regarded to science. It isn't a personal opinion or meant to attack yours.

There are a number of people that believe gender is determined by mental image. Technically gender can be. Gender is however not the same as a species sex. Sex is determined by Chromosomes. That might inflame some but there is a difference in the definition of sex vs gender and you can blame or thank the French for coming up with gender. You can see the reference to social and cultural differences play a factor vs biological. That means its possible to have the biology of a male and the gender of a female.

On a biological perspective or looking at Sex:
Futunari or hermaphrodites usually have mixed XX and XY Chromosomes. 46XX/46XY, 46XX/47XXY or 45X/XY
On a Scientific classification they are considered males because they have a Y in there.
There are other Chromosome disorders such as XXX, XXXX that don't have a Y and are classified as females they don't have penises either.
Of course there are plenty of other places that can be found if one cares to search.
That said I think wikipedia took the page down they had that broke the Chromosomal syndrome abnormalities into male and female. I assume they caved to people bitching about it.

If you accept that premise then they are males watching males.
But I doubt most these people bothered looking that up at any point thus think of them as women with dicks and not males.
You can see that in a number of the responses on here.
If they read this however they will now know they are biologically males just with added female parts. Not the other way around. However, one could argue they are of the female gender if they are raised that way or belief it themselves.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
*haven't read through the entire thread yet but here are some thoughts:

It all depends on how you watch your porn. If you've watched porn for some time, you should know by now. My guess is everyone starts with RL porn and moves into niches like SFM, doujin and hentai.

Futa is an odd concept, that in itself makes it a taboo(and you could just leave it there for some), and taboos are curiosity in sexual exploration form.

You're going to get a tonne of different perceptions explaining this but again depending on how you watch your porn. If we're talking about hetero guys enjoying futa then we're most likely going to be talking about the A+++ variation of this and that is: 'Futa on/with female'. I think with any version of the 'Futa' or 'dickgirl' combined with Female will no doubt be the more popular version. Not because it helps folks mind gymnast that they're not turning but that it's genuinely a hot concept. It's pretty straight forward but let's step back a sec.

There's a tendency to view SFM, 3D, Doujin, Hentai as not real, or perhaps exist in their own universe so the same rules don't necessarily apply. I mean...it isn't real tbf... but this helps with the disassociation. There is usually no real world version of what's normally created in these categories so it's easy to become interested as it just isn't possible. Surprisingly, Futa on Female does have a real world example, which would be transexual on female(Dude with fake tits, fucking a chick), that's not why it's popular though I feel...

What I think Futa was birthed from was:
1. Theorising what it would look like if the male presence was completely removed and what that would look like
2. Boring as fuck lesbian porn
3. a prejudice against sex toys, i.e. dildos not really being able to fully replace an organic working cock that reacts naturally.

What was technically born from the creation of Futa would be Futa on Female, I would say this is the mainstay of the genre. What you have is the male presence completely removed all but the one reference to the male sex organ and technically two 'Females'. Depending on which version it is I can guarantee most see a futa that has either the cock & balls or just the cock but still has a pussy, as female. This is because characters usually drawn are like parodies of real life and I can guarantee not one real life transexual looks hotter than naturally breasted 2D or 3D creation. It's then easy to believe that the gender remains unchanged despite the genital addition/or swap. This normally through 3 scenarios that are immensely popular in doujin for starters. 1. It's genetic, 2. they grow it, and 3. It's gifted to them.

What is coupled with the 3 scenarios above is a situation where you have two female characters that now need to deal with the revelation. So now think about it. You can have a mix up of both being straight, both being lesbian, one being either or, or both just being super fucking curious. Long story short the Futa in the story basically gets to fuck the other female. Now to add another layer you'd get plot lines like: 1. The futa NEEEEEEDS to fuck the other girl JUST because the cock is now present(i.e. sudden rush of male hormones and intentions), 2. The futa is shy and the other girl(being either straight/gay, because it don't matter now!) takes advantage against the futas will(or if willing, still does anyway), 3. without rape the futa takes advantage of the other girl in a more consensual manner. There's probably a lot more but most of these cases are hot plot devices. Lots of blurred relationship lines like they are both best friends, or it's daughter/mom or sister/sister, student/teacher. Hell even putting them in a tentacle bit...but that's more for the next part. But this all boils down to what you can assume is lust between two 'females', technically speaking.

The catalyst for some, would be specific to empath porn watchers like myself. You've now witnessed a girl all of a sudden grown/be gifted/reveal she has a cock(as well as a pussy(though this still could work for dick girl I guess since they are fucking another female). You're now aware that she has the same sex organ as you have, hasn't used it(usually) and feels everything you're feeling now(whether you're jerking it or not). Can you remember using your own dick for the first time? Or imagine what it would now feel like to use it again for the first time. She now has the weighted feeling of a dick(which are normally comically massive too), the sensitivity of having balls and all the appropriate nerve endings that make up a cock including the tip. You'll now see the pleasure it gives the female to actually use it and follow through with her because you know how it it's feeling. I would suspect it's similar to always wanting to see a guy cum at the end of a RL porn scene. You need the reference to finish.

I'm trying to think up some examples:

DevilHS's ' '. (Good artist btw). Skip to panel 18 for the cock growth. Now go back to the start and read up all the way to that and try to convince yourself that at 18 that female character is now male. Past panel 18 there is certainly some fluid sex but nothing a mature person can't selectively block out(i.e. male on dickgirl anal) we get to *Edit* panel where one of the 3 scenarios happens where the female friend of the other female(now futa) wants to fuck her because of the newly added sex organ.

Doujin by . (another good artist, full colour too!). No beating around the bush on this one, 2nd panel you have the cock growth but then after this all you should be feeling is what the character is experiencing rather than being worried about if you're suddenly going to want to start thinking about doing stuff to the cock yourself. It's conveyed by the emotional response of the character, and a character that technically should not have this sex organ but now that they do, you can relate.

One more, , a weirder one this time. Technically tentacles do most of the work here and the other female doesn't actually do a whole lot to the Futa. But since the character IS futa and being abused by another woman it just completely changes the perspective and the empathy of what happens to the futa's cock should align with how YOU'D also feel in the same situation. I mean tentacles too, but that's a whole different topic :D:LOL:.

Personally 3D and 2D has always been about putting the female form through its paces in every weird and wonderful way, hyperising sexuality passed exaggeration. How emphasing with how a girl would feel if, technically speaking, all her holes were pussies(or at least there's always how it's portrayed) and she's in a tentacle pit and were all getting filled, the amount of pleasure that would produce. Now add on a cock to that, and how WE know how THAT feels, and what you're seeing is just impossible exctasy on display. Emphasis on the word 'impossible'.

It's an interesting talking point anyway. Sometimes it can catch you out and you suddenly realise you're watching/reading some dickgirl on futa, or futa on trap, or futa on futa, can sometimes be a little too much for some people and once you realise you're kind like eh. As a personal rule, if there's more than one sack, and there's only two characters, then that is one sack too many.

I'd like to think that this is why NYL's animations are so popular because it completely leans into Futa vs Female, rather than the Puppetmaster guy who's animations feature two futas instead. If one was just pure female then I think he'd probably be more successful.
Damn, that was a pretty good argument. Completely erasing the male from the scene, but without sacrificing the dick. And being able to identify to some degree with the futa girl because we know how it feels to receive pleasure in the dick. Well, the part of it being something taboo didn't convince me. I mean, there are many taboos, but futa is overwhelmingly popular. However, you sold me that reasoning, it seems to me that having both lesbian action and a dick, and being able to understand what the futa girl feels, could probably be the reason for it's success.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
Ok, first off sorry if what I am about to say offends anyone. Just pointing out facts as how this is regarded to science. It isn't a personal opinion or meant to attack yours.

There are a number of people that believe gender is determined by mental image. Technically gender can be. Gender is however not the same as a species sex. Sex is determined by Chromosomes. That might inflame some but there is a difference in the definition of sex vs gender and you can blame or thank the French for coming up with gender. You can see the reference to social and cultural differences play a factor vs biological. That means its possible to have the biology of a male and the gender of a female.

On a biological perspective or looking at Sex:
Futunari or hermaphrodites usually have mixed XX and XY Chromosomes. 46XX/46XY, 46XX/47XXY or 45X/XY
On a Scientific classification they are considered males because they have a Y in there.
There are other Chromosome disorders such as XXX, XXXX that don't have a Y and are classified as females they don't have penises either.
Of course there are plenty of other places that can be found if one cares to search.
That said I think wikipedia took the page down they had that broke the Chromosomal syndrome abnormalities into male and female. I assume they caved to people bitching about it.

If you accept that premise then they are males watching males.
But I doubt most these people bothered looking that up at any point thus think of them as women with dicks and not males.
You can see that in a number of the responses on here.
If they read this however they will now know they are biologically males just with added female parts. Not the other way around. However, one could argue they are of the female gender if they are raised that way or belief it themselves.
Well, the scientific stuff thrown in there surely is interesting given that I am prone to be mildly interested in almost anything I don't know or understand. However, the question of the thread focuses in the futa genre in hentai and it's huge success, being much more popular than many other "taboo" things. And this success is somewhat incomprehensible to a guy who doesn't like futas. Sorta like "hey, what is it that so many people like about chocolate, if I find it repulsive? Anyway, just to let you know, that I didnt' feel offended or anything about what you said, and neither should anyone when bringing science to the discussion.

Asia Argento

The Golden Dragon Princess
Apr 14, 2020
*haven't read through the entire thread yet but here are some thoughts:

It all depends on how you watch your porn. If you've watched porn for some time, you should know by now. My guess is everyone starts with RL porn and moves into niches like SFM, doujin and hentai.

Futa is an odd concept, that in itself makes it a taboo(and you could just leave it there for some), and taboos are curiosity in sexual exploration form.

You're going to get a tonne of different perceptions explaining this but again depending on how you watch your porn. If we're talking about hetero guys enjoying futa then we're most likely going to be talking about the A+++ variation of this and that is: 'Futa on/with female'. I think with any version of the 'Futa' or 'dickgirl' combined with Female will no doubt be the more popular version. Not because it helps folks mind gymnast that they're not turning but that it's genuinely a hot concept. It's pretty straight forward but let's step back a sec.

There's a tendency to view SFM, 3D, Doujin, Hentai as not real, or perhaps exist in their own universe so the same rules don't necessarily apply. I mean...it isn't real tbf... but this helps with the disassociation. There is usually no real world version of what's normally created in these categories so it's easy to become interested as it just isn't possible. Surprisingly, Futa on Female does have a real world example, which would be transexual on female(Dude with fake tits, fucking a chick), that's not why it's popular though I feel...

What I think Futa was birthed from was:
1. Theorising what it would look like if the male presence was completely removed and what that would look like
2. Boring as fuck lesbian porn
3. a prejudice against sex toys, i.e. dildos not really being able to fully replace an organic working cock that reacts naturally.

What was technically born from the creation of Futa would be Futa on Female, I would say this is the mainstay of the genre. What you have is the male presence completely removed all but the one reference to the male sex organ and technically two 'Females'. Depending on which version it is I can guarantee most see a futa that has either the cock & balls or just the cock but still has a pussy, as female. This is because characters usually drawn are like parodies of real life and I can guarantee not one real life transexual looks hotter than naturally breasted 2D or 3D creation. It's then easy to believe that the gender remains unchanged despite the genital addition/or swap. This normally through 3 scenarios that are immensely popular in doujin for starters. 1. It's genetic, 2. they grow it, and 3. It's gifted to them.

What is coupled with the 3 scenarios above is a situation where you have two female characters that now need to deal with the revelation. So now think about it. You can have a mix up of both being straight, both being lesbian, one being either or, or both just being super fucking curious. Long story short the Futa in the story basically gets to fuck the other female. Now to add another layer you'd get plot lines like: 1. The futa NEEEEEEDS to fuck the other girl JUST because the cock is now present(i.e. sudden rush of male hormones and intentions), 2. The futa is shy and the other girl(being either straight/gay, because it don't matter now!) takes advantage against the futas will(or if willing, still does anyway), 3. without rape the futa takes advantage of the other girl in a more consensual manner. There's probably a lot more but most of these cases are hot plot devices. Lots of blurred relationship lines like they are both best friends, or it's daughter/mom or sister/sister, student/teacher. Hell even putting them in a tentacle bit...but that's more for the next part. But this all boils down to what you can assume is lust between two 'females', technically speaking.

The catalyst for some, would be specific to empath porn watchers like myself. You've now witnessed a girl all of a sudden grown/be gifted/reveal she has a cock(as well as a pussy(though this still could work for dick girl I guess since they are fucking another female). You're now aware that she has the same sex organ as you have, hasn't used it(usually) and feels everything you're feeling now(whether you're jerking it or not). Can you remember using your own dick for the first time? Or imagine what it would now feel like to use it again for the first time. She now has the weighted feeling of a dick(which are normally comically massive too), the sensitivity of having balls and all the appropriate nerve endings that make up a cock including the tip. You'll now see the pleasure it gives the female to actually use it and follow through with her because you know how it it's feeling. I would suspect it's similar to always wanting to see a guy cum at the end of a RL porn scene. You need the reference to finish.

I'm trying to think up some examples:

DevilHS's ' '. (Good artist btw). Skip to panel 18 for the cock growth. Now go back to the start and read up all the way to that and try to convince yourself that at 18 that female character is now male. Past panel 18 there is certainly some fluid sex but nothing a mature person can't selectively block out(i.e. male on dickgirl anal) we get to *Edit* panel where one of the 3 scenarios happens where the female friend of the other female(now futa) wants to fuck her because of the newly added sex organ.

Doujin by . (another good artist, full colour too!). No beating around the bush on this one, 2nd panel you have the cock growth but then after this all you should be feeling is what the character is experiencing rather than being worried about if you're suddenly going to want to start thinking about doing stuff to the cock yourself. It's conveyed by the emotional response of the character, and a character that technically should not have this sex organ but now that they do, you can relate.

One more, , a weirder one this time. Technically tentacles do most of the work here and the other female doesn't actually do a whole lot to the Futa. But since the character IS futa and being abused by another woman it just completely changes the perspective and the empathy of what happens to the futa's cock should align with how YOU'D also feel in the same situation. I mean tentacles too, but that's a whole different topic :D:LOL:.

Personally 3D and 2D has always been about putting the female form through its paces in every weird and wonderful way, hyperising sexuality passed exaggeration. How emphasing with how a girl would feel if, technically speaking, all her holes were pussies(or at least there's always how it's portrayed) and she's in a tentacle pit and were all getting filled, the amount of pleasure that would produce. Now add on a cock to that, and how WE know how THAT feels, and what you're seeing is just impossible exctasy on display. Emphasis on the word 'impossible'.

It's an interesting talking point anyway. Sometimes it can catch you out and you suddenly realise you're watching/reading some dickgirl on futa, or futa on trap, or futa on futa, can sometimes be a little too much for some people and once you realise you're kind like eh. As a personal rule, if there's more than one sack, and there's only two characters, then that is one sack too many.

I'd like to think that this is why NYL's animations are so popular because it completely leans into Futa vs Female, rather than the Puppetmaster guy who's animations feature two futas instead. If one was just pure female then I think he'd probably be more successful.
This was honestly one of the better responses I have ever read. I feel smarter for having seen it and good day to you, kind sir or madam.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
Call me weird but for me the only thing that draws the line between straight to gay is the feminity of the character. Any highly feminine character it won't matter for me if she has a dick or not.

Sexuality is a complex thing, a female that uses a strap-on to fuck a male ass would be gay? (personally I don't think so), the only thing that matter is, do you like feminity or masculinity? that's all.