Why Do You Like Mind Control?

Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
The key thing about mind control is control.

Says it perfectly.

So pretty much what he/she/it says.

I am just going to explain what i like about mindless drones.

The consept behind mindless drones is taking somebody and turning it into a mindless automition that obey's orders without question or care.
You can have it orgasm on demand, you can have it feel nothing, you can change it to bimbo or business woman personal, etc.
You can have it to the same task repeatly and it wont get bored, loney or anything because it has none of these desire's.
You can have it stand as a statue for your amusement.

The key thing about this all is:
Compleet mastery over mind, body and soul.
It feels what i tell it to feel, it talks how i tell it to talk, to fucks how i tell it to fuck.
What makes it different from robots however is that i know this used to be a person.
Someone with thoughts and dreams.

Some of the more enjoyable part of mind control is sublty.
For example in Jikage rising you main character use mind control to push there victems into releaving stuff they useally woudnt or travel with them to place's they useally dont.

Or in superpowered where it is a huge turn on to whore out the girls to make me money while they got no idea they are doing it.
They key thing about mind control is control.
And nothing screams control to me as much as taking a woman and reducing her into a mindless drone without any thought or emotion that exist purly to obey me.
The feeling of having suchs control over somebody that they cant even feel or think without my say so.


Mar 30, 2019
At the end of the day it's a fetish, albeit a niche one, like many others. I find the concept of conflict surrounding the mind itself extremely compelling. Everything we do has an indirect impact on our mind, mediated and diluted by our sense of self. Stripping that mediation away to some extent and directly shaping the mind is interesting even in a non-sexual sense.

Most games involving mind control don't really utilize it well, which I think has left a bad impression on many. Dreams of Desire, for example, despite a strong start, eventually basically discards the concept for its latter half and fails to explore its implications adequately. Unfortunately, it's also one of the better examples, at least in light of its first half. There are mountains of asset flips and shovelware under the tag on this site where mind control amounts to little more than a "fuck me now" button.

A game like Snow Daze does a much better job, in my opinion. The mind control takes place over time rather than being instant (though instant control can definitely be done well), is written decently, and has the potential for failure or unexpected consequences. The characters are characterized well and their personalities have an impact on the hypnosis used by the protagonist.

Penlight, a new game, is another one that actually uses the concept well. In fact, it does so with more nuance and depth than any other game I've seen.

I think the primary issue games face is that mind control makes many conflicts uncompelling. Any good story needs a strong conflict, but writers often try to implement a standard conflict that could be easily resolved or is nonsensical due to the presence of mind control.

That's one of the reasons I've taken a liking to games where the protagonist doesn't have mind control powers at all and instead fights those who do. In that context, it's much easier to keep the conflict compelling. Most such games do tend to be femdom, however, which I personally don't mind but many do. The only examples I can think of off the top of my head are Succubus Prison and Lust Grimm, both succubus-focused games where the succubi don't necessarily have an explicit mind control power but a sort of compulsion charm. Monster Girl Dreams is another game that has similar concepts.

Overall, I hope those who said they don't like mind control give some better games a try, cause I totally understand why you'd say that if your primary exposure is some of the games here.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
it's been so long since I played bible black, but as I remember it managed to somehow keep the tension while using mind control. I remember a distinct feeling of being nervous while using it, will it work or not? at least for us without the control fetish that seems to make it or break it. it's not really domination if you don't need to dominate over their will. also the common cliche where they don't remember anything seems to completely ruin everything.

but for people who do have the control fetish it seems to be the opposite.

I'm curious though, do they think the best part is right before breaking them into mindless drones, or after it?
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Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
I'm curious though, do they think the best part is right before breaking them into mindless drones, or after it?
The best part is the journey.
Seeing a woman slowly becoming more and more under my control.
Acting in ways i want her too.
Having her over time become my puppet.
Mindless drones is when the effort payed off.
Once there you start looking for your next victem.

Same for all games really.
I mean would command and conquer be fun if you got you are victorious at the start of the game?
Would minecraft be fun if everything was already build?

That said if you have a goal beyond the mindless drones then said drones because a very usefull tool.

One way to keep mind control interesting is by forcing the player to balance usefulness vs control.
Think mass effect indoctrination.
The more control you have over a person the less usefull they become as they lack the capacity for making decisions and adapting on the fly like induavials do.
Or having to keep your mindless drone out of sight to prevent the goverment from sending snipers after you.

The joy of gaming is having a obstacles to overcome.
Mind control is a great turn on for people like me because it give power over others beyond the limets of slavery.
Mind control is an insanely powerful ability.
Just below reality warping really.
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