Which game is better Custom Order Maid 3D 2 or koikatsu? And Why


Mar 24, 2019
I want to know between these games which is better for gameplay( like side events besides the main "plotline") , the ability to play on an mid to lower teir setup, the ease of installation and ease of adding mods.
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Active Member
Apr 24, 2020
First two goes to COD3D2, last two is Koikatsu. They both are enjoyable, but I prefer Custom Maid. But it's such a pain in the ass to install, and the fact that a large chunk of content isn't translated... also it takes a lot of spaces. Maybe just try both
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Game Developer
Jan 18, 2019
Gonna hijack this thread real quick to extend the question, I know that Koikatsu has extensive modeling features (Chara Studio) and modding that allows you to construct very detailed scenes and customized character models. Is COD3D2 anywhere close to that? I'm thinking of getting COD3D2 to render more realistic sex scenes and characters.


Active Member
Apr 24, 2020
Gonna hijack this thread real quick to extend the question, I know that Koikatsu has extensive modeling features (Chara Studio) and modding that allows you to construct very detailed scenes and customized character models. Is COD3D2 anywhere close to that? I'm thinking of getting COD3D2 to render more realistic sex scenes and characters.
I am not sure to be honest. Probably yes, some people making sex scenes using COM3D2. There is a lot of h-scene interactions already in the game tho, so modding for them won't be needed

Well, that's just what I can guess judging from videos and such. I have problems setting up COM3D2 so can't say if it's true or not


Apr 19, 2021
Koikatsu is cheaper and your not spending 500plus on the base and game dlc but custom maid has better music and cutter female models in my opinion and experience.


New Member
Jun 22, 2023
i have played CM3D2, COM3D2, Koikatsu Sunshine & Koikatsu + After Party, so i will say i have played and tasted both of them...
*editing this for the last time since i am gonna stop playing hntai game to focus on my leftover dream... if i have any...

English is not my main language, so sorry firsthand :


-Koikatsu has some story but mainly it's only for the special character. . . because the story you get for your own created character is kinda lame? talk-talk and boom! she love you... and you do the same for every personalities in it.
-Koikatsu Sunshine in other hand. . . has non-existence story. . . only the panties fairies and the tour girls. . . if you can call it's a story. . . everything is just the same...

-if you are looking for the story then Custom Order Maid 3D 2 is the best one, it has main story for 3 main girls which you can edit, and side-story/event for each of the personalities which also created by you, even the Special character that you get ingame also has unique story, it's hard to explain since it was miles better story than what you get in Koikatsu...

*since i am a "play for the story" type of guy, i prefer COM3D with how much feels i get playing the story and event*


both have different genre;

-COM3D2 is a Management/VN where you play as a Club's Owner, managing the maids/Idols to level up their skill, bonding with them, develop their kink and to earn money to improve your Club, but the management is not that deep, it was very easy to handle, mainly because the main focus of the game is the night activity/seggs. Also you can connect CM3D2 if you have it and can transfer your maid.

-Koikatsu kinda an Open/VN have you exploring the game using your created character, bonding with all the girls by talking to them, where you choice your answer based on the topic of the convo, and have seggs with them if they like you enough. Koikatsu + After party take place during school time meanwhile Koikatsu Sunshine put you on the Vacation island.

*so it's depend on what playstyle you prefer.*

3. Installation

-Koikatsu is miles easier to install...

-COM3D2 in other hand, taking a lot of steps and you must follow it thoroughly or else something will broke. Also in order to get the full experience of COM3D2 ,you must have CM3D2, lot and lot of DLC(100+), and some essential mod and plugin...

so if you have patience to install it and has large space to spare, then go ahead.
*also reminder that COM3D2 has 2 version, the normal and the enhanced graphic/texture, i have the normal one since majority of Mod & Plugins is not supported/broken for the enhanced version.*


both run poorly if you don't have majority of Mods & Plugin that required/essential for the game to run smoothly.

in my experience, even with Mods & Plugins, Koikatsu run more poorly because of it's graphic which is much higher than COM3d2's Highest, and the "Open-world" where the girls will roam around, and the more girls you have the more tanking the performances is and the load between area will suffer even more.

*the only time my performance tanking in COM3D2 is in Studio mode where i put 6+ maid in the same room.*

5. Segg

Koikatsu's segg has better animation but less options, less voice variety, only Koikatsu +after party has NTR/Rape.

COM3D2's segg animation quality is alright, but has more options, more voice variety, also has NTR/Rape, if you choose to have it.

*even though i like how smooth the movement was in Koikatsu, the lack of options really make me prefer COM3D2 even more.*

6. Customization

Both has mod support so you can add more costume for the girls.

Koikatsu has more customizable character where you can go crazy but less outfit option for the main game so mods is needed to add more outfit.

the Customization in COM3D2 is a little limited so your maid doesn't look crazy but base game has decent amount of outfit option, connecting with CM3D2, DLC and Mods will add more.

*Koikatsu's customization tab is messy compare to COM3D2.*

7. Scene maker

overall both is good, except;

COM3D2 doesn't have male model...
Koikatsu has option to create male character...

*hence why you see most of people who make anime game using ren'pay using Model from Koikatsu*

Pro and Con for both based on my experience :

Custom Order Maid 3D2Koikatsu
+Has good and interesting story-Story is kinda non-existence
-Small amount of personalities+Huge amount of personalities
+Many voice variety/voicelines for each personality-Very little voice variety/voicelines for each persoanlity
-Decent seg animation+Very good seg animation
+Many seg option-Very little seg option
-Hard to install+Easier to install
-Can't create male character+Can create male character
+++IDOL DANCES- - - No idol dances

my opinion :

So OVERALL, i will say Custom Order Maid 3D 2 is better than Koikatsu mainly because COM3D2 is more alive, i know that this game is really-really hard to install, but the effort it's take to paly this game is really worth it, i has been wanting to play a game where your created character can talk and has story in it just like your android partner in SAO Fatal Bullet game, and this game is kinda like that, where the maid that i created has background story depend on what their personalities is, they can talk, and all the development in story and event making each personalities/character feel alive that make me feel attached to my created character thank to all the good voice acting in it, and god damn this is the only hentai game that make me wanna cry...

and then there's Dance mode where you can choose to play a rhythm mini game or just watch it, which in my opinion is the best rhythm i have played because i can watch my created maid dance, and this mode is what make COM3D2 much-much better than Koikatsu in my opinion with all those cool and awesome song~

heck i even create my own story for some of my created maid like below for example is 3 maid which is an android that i transfer from Custom Maid 3D2, which i edited to be much taller(1st glow up) and then i edit them again(2nd glow up) after unlock more dance/song from main story, and below is after i reach the end of the main story(3rd Glow up)...
Trio 3.png
and the reason i make the glow-up for my created maid is to show that the time has passed since i also playing this game for a year and a half(2 year if i also count the time i played CM3D2 before COM3D2) to increase my immersion and feel like i am also there supporting them for real...

and below is the 4th glow-up and the last time i played the game before i deleted it... the graduation...
Ai Trio-Last Dances-COM3D2 (2).png
and shit i cried making this in Studio Mode...

"If we stumble, it's okay...
we can keep going... Flying Onward~"
- lyric from Remember to Dearest

kinda ironic that a songs from hntai game motivate me more than a motivation speech...

but anyway. . . this is just my opinion. . .
Happy degenerating to those on journey finding their dream hntai games~

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