Whats up with all the games from Japan?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2017
Also, if someone thinks I haven't been to Japan or someshit, note that 日本語もわかる as well as the fact that living on a military base out there kind of gives me the perspective of how shit happens, the relations of the country as well as an understanding of how distribution is different from the US which greatly influences stronger broadband and other things.

And I read shit like this:

One for Japan in terms of culture comes from on Japan specifically which I read when it was new.

So yeah, I'm a weeabo. Come at me bro...


Jun 16, 2017
If you're going to cite racism then cite the specifics and those individuals you suspect of such. If you're instead thinking of "ignorance" rather than racism, then enlighten those that are (in your opinion) ignorant. Many people get their opinions of other countries and cultures that they haven't experienced from 2nd and 3rd hand sources so ignorance is a valid excuse unless you've lived all over the world.
Fair enough.