Whats the biggest difference between Asia porn games (mainly from Japan)and western‘s


Nov 4, 2017
In my experience Japanese games are more creative with the kind of situations you get, largely because they feel less "restricted". When I'm playing a Japanese porn game I'm never sure how fucked up shit is going to get, which just keeps things interesting.

This might just be due to the kind of games I go after though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Oct 29, 2017
japanese: cuckold shit, shy girls shy pervert guy, censor
westerng: cuckold shit, shy girls shy pervert guy,


Japanese porn games, outside the notorious Nukiges, tend to develop an actual plot. They are also way more diverse when it comes to character personalities, fetishes and game art.

Western games are almost invariably Slice of Life games. Japanese games' sub genres range from horror and science fiction to comedy and satire of the genre itself.
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
To me it would be that Western games are mostly in their adolescence and in that adolescence also in an age where anyone can make one. As a result Western games are often very similar, not much experimentation has been done yet. Japanese games have been developed longer. The line that Japan in particular tends to stride between sexual expression and repression is confusing. Much of the repression in their culture comes from them adopting western values. There is seemingly a war going on, with society as a whole appearing to adopt the repressive views of the west, but with people in private seeking release. As a result, their porn is also a bit more depraved, involving many different forms of rape fantasy, from train groping, to actual rape, to freeuse, etc etc.

I personally enjoy both, but I like most of all when the west adapts the VN style of Japanese games. Too many western games are boring life sims where you have to do a series of mundane tasks every day and on top of that play games to try to climb steps with a girl. VN's offer a more coherent story and allow progression to be less linear and more organic, in my opinion.


May 7, 2017
I think the difference is mainly due to censorship (mosaics).

I think due to the censorship, they've had to find ways to subvert it in a sense and many weird and/or wonderful fetishes and such have developed due to this and they often need to rely more heavily on the dialog and story.
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