What patreon is making the most?


Mar 10, 2018
(so I guess necrophilia is a valid fetish? cause this thread just got necro'd)

Specifically to answer the OP, if you go to and click on the "Earnings" title twice, you'll get the list sorted by who's making the most. The top 5, as of this moment, are:

1. DarkCookie, getting about $35,700 per month. He's making Summertime Saga.
2. Fenoxo, with about $35,500 per month. He's making various text-based games, like Trials in Tainted Space.
3. Fek, about $29,000 per month. He's making Furry-focused games, like the Rack 2.
4. Kaliyo, about $18,000 per month. Making Rounscape and Arenus.
4. MITY, about $17,800 per month. Making Four Elements Trainer, an Akabur-styled Avatar game.

Not listed here are some notable names like Palmer and Redamz. For some reason, while we can see how many patrons they have, and their patrons are all donating monthly, we can't see how much they're making. Redamz specifically has made over $40,000 recently.


Active Member
May 12, 2017
I'm pretty sure Lewdlab is up there (Maker of Dreams of Desire)

I can't be sure but I think there was a point they didn't hide their monthly intake, which at the time was $20,000+ a month. Looking at it now, They have a little under 4,750 patrons. It's not out of the realm of possibility that they're making upwards of 30k. Their tier goes straight from $1 to $10 and while there's a good chance a lot of people are paying the $1, it's impossible to say

For some reason, while we can see how many patrons they have, and their patrons are all donating monthly, we can't see how much they're making
It's probably a setting. And if I were to guess I'd say a lot of them might think that if you go on the patreon page and see a dev. making tens of thousands of dollars a month you may be less likely to contribute yourself. "Oh, so and so is making that much money but other patreon pages are making $50-300 a month and their games are going fine." mentality like that


Chicken Bubble Butt
Game Developer
Aug 5, 2016
It's probably a setting. And if I were to guess I'd say a lot of them might think that if you go on the patreon page and see a dev. making tens of thousands of dollars a month you may be less likely to contribute yourself. "Oh, so and so is making that much money but other patreon pages are making $50-300 a month and their games are going fine." mentality like that
Patreon have setting. you have option for select the patreon info at
- amount of patrons
- amount of money

and even if you choose to put your patreon info based on the money, you still always have an option to put the amount of money displayed as "public" or "private"
same goes for the amount of patrons.
i myself use the most clear way and show everything.
i understand that some peoples can make troubles with patreon that have huge amount of money. but honestly i consider this as a kind of "trick" or "abuse" to hide the amount of patrons and/or the amunt of money gained.
technic used for "push" the new patrons to invest in it.
some win like 10K/months, and at this level, its easy for futur possible patrons to just consider that they win way more than enougth support for what they promissed.
i understand that.
still, i prefer peoples who are honest and didnt hide any info in the unique way to get even more patrons and money by using the lack of information for the new futur patrons.
peoples like DarkCookie are the perfect exempl or good peoples, as they didnt hide anything and clearly show the amount of patrson and the money. ( wich make them lookl ike each patrons give around 2 or 3$ )
also keep in mind that the amount showed on patreonis not the exact amount. ofc theyare taxes to reduce to it, but also this count all the patrons of the month but didnt show the change (aka, the patron who delete their pledge, change their tier or the "fake" one who use fake credit card or invalide credit card, that can be verified only at the moment the money is taked)