What are yalls pet peeves when it comes to drawn/3D porn?


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2017
Just stuff that irks you when you see something good and then that one thing big or small throws you off. For me a really big one is when creators make the dicks really big but then have the woman turn into a black hole having the dick dissappear inside with no bulge or stretching.
What about yall?


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
When someone tries to parody a particular property with a distinctive art style and absolutely cannot stick the landing. You'll see this a lot with Dragonball parodies where the artist is trying their best to ape Akira Toriyama's iconic style, and the static 3/4 standing sprites look okay. But every fucking lewd scene that involves moving any of the characters or camera angle away from that safe and easy portrait mode, just has the artist completely butchering everything. Anatomy, proportions, perspective, even thing inherent to the style like a consistent type of line work? All goes out the fucking window, cause the artist is 'self-taught' (i.e. doodles the characters on their homework in school) with zero formal education or training in the fundamentals of the artistic medium they now find themselves in.

I get that not everyone at the karaoke bar has formal vocal training, but not everyone at the karaoke bar has a Patreon setup to support their 'music career' either.