What are some nsfw games a beginner can make in godot?


Jan 5, 2024
Like what style or concept of game would be good for a beginner to make in godot, and is it wise to use godot engine? or should i use something else?

What are some good ways to get ideas because i heavily struggle with ideas.

what are some tools to help out with things and what can i use, like how daz3d is used for images and posing and such.

also could i use ai tools to help in some way shape or form?

one more thing do you have any advice or tips your willing to share?

Agent Abide

Aug 12, 2018
The engine itself is pretty versatile, but I'd suggest making a 2D game unless you have pretty decent experience with 3D modeling. As for what you should make, you need to know your current skill level with both the engine and the programming language. Godot has 2 languages you can use for programming, their built in gdscript and c#. So, if I were you, and if I had no experience with programming, try gdscript as it has more support in the documentation and is a little easier to understand. Other than that, if I were an absolute beginner, I would say make either a simple match 3 lewd game or a simple VN.

For advice, I would say utilize the Godot documentation, and use Bing ai for help. The number of times I've had a programming issue that was solved by reading or asking Bing ai is tremendous. Another thing is to define what features you want and figure out what ways to make it possible in the engine. I'm not a lewd game developer but I've made regular games and it's a pretty good engine for both 2D and 3D.