Unity - Completed - ViotoXica -Vore Exploring Action RPG- [Xi]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Pros: great game, i love this kind of gameplay, good upgrades, doors and keys.
    Cons: graphic and sex content, the strange 3d scenes that appears when you die are quite boring, also, the only character with dick is the final boss, i liked the idea of being inserted inside that dick. BTW, i feel like it lacks clothes changing and clothes tearing.. but good game.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Nice but boring 2d scrolling metroidvania kind of game.
    Even if here is huge map, rpg level up system, crafting and much more, you'll be frustrated to kill enemies for hours and hours, walking in all the same places, so did I. Tried to beat it in two days, but boredom killed me faster. Anyway, medium quality game, with no plot, nice graphics and mediocre gameplay