Others - Completed - Vampire Revenge [Gaweb Studio]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    4/5 Stars

    Honestly, it's not bad. It's definitely old school in terms of graphics and gameplay style. But there's a nostalgia to that. There was a time where games like this were just about all one could find on the internet. And this is probably the Dev's first game, so I can't knock the game for lack of experience if that's the case.

    It's a little grindy at the start, but decent and easy enough to get past. The management system could be organized a little better, but again it's similar to the old school games. No sound, and micromanagement.
    It's animated-ish.

    Is it "Being A Dik" level? No. Is it "Meet n' Fuck" level? Yes. But a little better in terms of depth of gameplay. Worth a try, honestly.