Identify Trying to find a Game


New Member
Nov 4, 2018
Hello, First Time posting a Thread, hope its in the Right Section.

So the Game starts with our MC deciding to just go somewhere on his Bike. (I think, the Memory of this game could be a bit inaccurate)
Somewhere a long the way he goes into a Bar to drink 1 or 2 beers where he finds a Older Looking Man sitting alone and giving him a bit of company.
After some time this Old Man gives our MC a Briefcase and says to go somewhere with this Briefcase, and until he's there he is not supposed to open this Briefcase.
He then gets on his Bike and drives off to the Location given to him. Following this there are a Couple of Cutscenes/Animations where the MC drives his Bike on a, what seems to be, never ending Road. Sometimes there are buildings flying by, a couple of cars etc.. Otherwise there is just a Road, Grass, the MC on his Bike, and nothing more. The MC sometimes uses his Indicator for changing Lanes. I think there is also a bit of Music playing.

When he gets to this Location, he sees a Big House, we could say Massion, but its run down and in not so good/not livable shape and form.
IDK if he meets the Farming Lady that lives in the Area before OR after he found the Massion, he could very well be asking her for directions, Im not sure rn.

Once inside he checks every room etc. and realises the Briefcase. He opens it and (i think) there is a Letter AND a bunch of Cash inside.
The Letter from the Old Man reads smth like: "This used to be my House, it was once full of Life, but now it isn't. I want you to renovate this Massion. To get you started I have given you almost all of my Money to help with the first Steps. When you have renovated this Massion, it is yours to keep."

IDK if a Stipulation of this "Renovating Massion" thing was that he tries to get as many girls as he can, but it could very well be.

The MC then proceeds to be filled with Joy after what he just read. Since he can't live there rn he asks the Farm Lady to let him sleep there for the time being till he get the Massion done.
The Farm Lady has no Problem with it and welcomes him. There are different things that pop in and out of Memory now, but I think she has a Red Shirt on with a "Farmer" Hat. Over sometime they get closer to gether and eventually kiss and fuck etc. and there my Memory ends.

If there are any Questions, just ask them, I'll try to answer them as fast and honest as I can with the Knowledge I still have of this Game.