HTML - Totally a Spy! [v0.1] [LunaWasTaken]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    As of v0.1 there's no game to see here yet, just part of an introduction which very-much runs on rails with few choices having little-to-no impact on this short intro.

    For the moment, I'm afraid it's a waste of ~5 minutes to download and "play" this noy-yet-a-demo. I gave it one extra star for the above average quality of the graphics (excluding the somewhat-flabby camgirl used for the undressing scene).

    Hopefully I will be able to revise this review upwards in few weeks (or months). When there is some actual game content to review.

    If the author is reading this: Please consider replacing everything before the suitcase scene with a single introductory sentence, and then getting on with actual game development. I get that you're copying Female Agent here, but getting bogged-down for years in boring preamble isn't the aspect of that game which you should copy.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Writing a review as of 0.1. so maybe I shouldnt get my hopes up this much, but the story is fun and the writing style is good.
    also the pictures and videos are nice additions to imagining what is happenind to the protagonist.
    I gave 5 stars so I hope my faith was not ill placed and the game will only improve.