Others - Completed - The Runaway Girl and Me [v1.05] [level1]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, I especially liked the voice acting, the scenes are solid and Natsuho is cute. It's a bit of a grind to get scenes but with living together scenarios, it'd be a bit odd to get everything too fast so I won't count that against it.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is genuinely tedious to play, i couldn't really finish it due to boredom, so i guess you can take my review lightly

    It tries more that most coahbitation games, but it's just a liniear slide show in the end, with no particular emotional weight behind it

    Like all cohabitation games, very simple if not boring, this one is the latter
    They could've done alot more with the video feature thing, havnig to go to work and ACTUALLY do something is crazy to me, youjust click a few fucking buttons and that's it, atleast a badly made mini game would've been betterm or just skip the work part and focus on the events at work part, like others games do

    Sound/Voice acting
    Voice acting is pretty rare in porn games, alright partial voice acting where the focuss is on important story events, nothing much to be said

    You take what you can get, i doubt anyone on this platform has big standards to care about the minor details, they're alright, i can't say it's unfappable
    What annoyed me more is the fucking 'interactive' sex
    Unlike most cohabitation games, you have to keep. clicking. the. buttons
    It just drained every little brain cell i had left in my brain from years of porn addiction, why did they put a timer on the actions? I can accept the actions being dictated by buttons by my god why did you add a timer to them

    It was just a giant, fucking chore to play is how i'll finish off
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    After 9 hours of play, I can say that investing too much time in a vanilla game.
    If you're looking for a beautiful simulator, with a protagonist who wants to do good, with beautiful sex scenes and very convincing voice acting, this is your game.
    It has some problems that may put some people off, such as the rating you receive at the end of each sex scene, I didn't think there was an explanation for the score. Also not knowing how many scenes there are in the game or how many accessories it is possible to get. I only discovered that there was a BDSM outfit, through photos, researching the game.
    I liked the story, the girl who has to run away, because of her father's problems, and I also liked the solution, there really is an ending to the game.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Good vanilla game that I wasted more hours on than expected. The gameplay loop is fun and an interact h-game is always welcome. There's a limited amount of content in the game overall that's slowly dished out through the story. For the h-scenes, an issue I have is that the scoring system and exp system doesn't seem to be well-explained. It just feels like a toss in the air whether you receive a good score.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This is the sort of game that drives a man insane. On one side, the devil on your shoulder wants you to rabidly pursue those H-scenes and the sweet wholesomeness all throughout this hellish inferno of a game. On the other side, the angel on your shoulder demands that you do something more productive with your godforsaken life and stay the hell away from this game if you know what's good for you.

    The story: Natsuho is a girl that runs away from home because her dad is so in debt that he has literal police confiscating his home and belongings. You find her in a park, she passes out, you bring her home. The plot thickens as your cohabitation continues. Your company president is actually a ??? year old yokai that was friends with your new gf's dad. Turns out her dad was hellbent on revenge yadayadayadayada. You end up doing amateur porn together to make a decent living.

    The gameplay: Fuck this goddamn gameplay. There's an arbitrary sex rating at the end of every session. You have to develop the girl, but you don't even fucking know if it's doing anything. My solution - go fucking AFK and play/watch other stuff while this shit is playing in the background. There's a weekday grind where you go to work editing porn videos. You manage Natsuho's health and cooking skills. You take her out on dates on the weekends. It's like Persona, but if you fucking cut out 9/10's of what makes Persona special.

    The Scenes: They're great. Natsuho is hot, and it's explained that her Mom was a model - so that somehow means she's hotter than most JAV actors goddamn. The uncensored patch makes this game all the more worth it. If you're sick of mosaics, this is the fucking game to play. I just wish they had more. There's so much potential. The game experiments with stuff at the start - trying to ask you how you wanna mold your relationship, but it never amounts to anything more than a couple of dialogue changes.

    4/5 - the translation brought this up half a point for me. I appreciate understanding what to do throughout half the fucking game now. Thank you translators. You are doing gods work. But fuck this game and it's grind to an extent lmao
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    This is pretty much your standard slice of life sim resource management game, carried by it's polish, pretty good art, and decent writing. Where it falls apart for me is Natsuho herself (the runaway girl). She's needy, tedious, annoying, and demanding. She will snap at you, going in to a negative mood swing that spirals in to a negative feedback loop that effects all of the games mechanics, all because you wanted to have a conversation with her and failed. She'll get anxious if you don't make a sex video with her often enough, but on the same day she's on her period so that you can't even make one if you wanted to, which of course, leads to a worse and worse mood. Savescumming pretty much part of the gameplay, and I sure hope you made lots of backup saves because you never know when you might brick yourself and go in to the aforementioned negative spiral.

    TL;DR: It's a very well presented game that tries it's best to piss you the fuck off.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game!

    It's mostly vanilla and there's little to no animation. But the artwork is great and the story is good enough to keep you entertained, plus is voiced and the VA really does a great job for the main girl. My only complain is that it can get a little grindy and somewhat repetitive, both for the non h and h gameplay parts. But the game has enough content to at least justify it.

    There are multiple endings so there's a bit of replayability. So if you're into vanilla-love couple kind of games this is perfect for that.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    The NTRtainer

    This game was a breath of fresh air.

    While decidedly the best cohabitation game I've ever played, this may be a contender for best hentai game in general. I was surprised to discover that there's even a moderately compelling storyline contained within the experience, with the dialogue being top-notch and the characters actually interesting and moderately believable (obviously requiring some measure of suspension of disbelief regardless given the premise).

    The game is by no means perfect and there's quite a bit of grind involved, but the experience itself is sufficiently captivating to keep the player engaged. My only regret is some limitations with regards to H scenes, but considering the quality of the art it's difficult to bring this up as a negative, I would word it such that I only wish there was more content since what is there is excellent.

    This is clearly a labour of love and in my opinion, an experience that is not to be missed. Natsuho is a charming and adorable heroine and you can really feel the bond between the protagonist and her gradually developing thanks to your actions. There are a surprising amount of moving parts in the game, such as items you can purchase that will passively increase parameters that develop her abilities further and unlocking new content in the game.
    I so seldom take the time to review a title but in this case I felt the effort was warranted. As stated before, this could plausibly be one of the best hentai games I've ever encountered and I simply could not recommend it enough.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Although it is MTL, it is still understandable what is going on, and the game itself is great, I really enjoyed the play through. You should totally check this one out if you are into this kind of games and the MTL does not bother you too much.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    An amazing game. Everything from the art to the dialogue to the story to the sex scenes, everything is 10/10. However, the only thing lacking is the language. It is edited MTL so a lot of the time the dialogue doesn't sense. The biggest problem is the pronoun situations where everyone is labeled as a he regardless of gender, which is hilarious in my opinion. But other than that game is amazing, it is so wholesome, and the story is actually eye-catching as opposed to the typical "girl run away from home, hide her and sex her". I would highly recommend everyone to try this out because it is an amazing experience. 10/10. Would play again.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    One girl, one room. I've played quite a few games with this formula and this one's pretty good.

    Story 3/10

    There's actually kind of a story. Natsuho ran away (obviously) and you found each other in the park. She propositions you sex in exchange for money and she promptly faints. After taking her to the hospital you take her back home and your one girl one room lifestyle begins.

    Honestly the MTL takes away greatly from the story. It's hard to read seriously with the MTL mistakes and the fact that you're called "Player" is kinda dumb. With a proper translation, I think this category could potentially be rated a 5/10. Not great, but there's a kind of a story there. However, the story's about Natsuho's dad, it's not even about Natsuho. So... where's the character development?

    I do like the ending but it's kind of abrupt. You confront your own overbearing parents but it's not that well done. But confronting your parents is what led you to marry Natsuho. I think the story could have progressed/been fleshed out more leading to that marriage, but it wasn't. Wasted potential.

    Gameplay 6/10

    The gameplay loop consists of days, 7 days a week. You work on the weekdays to earn money and can go on dates on the weekends. Eventually Natsuho wants to contribute so you start making porn vids with her and earn a shit ton of money.

    The stat grind is real. You have multiple stats to grind like trust, sexual interest, and something called "my hentai" which is like your own perversion (your perversion is actually a story element). But stats grow extremely slowly. I think I was around day 100 before I maxed every stat. With save scumming.

    Art 8/10

    Natsuho is beautiful. There's a decent number of interactive scenes and her reactions are great.

    Additionally, the voice actress for Hyakka is great.

    Overall 7/10

    A decent entry. Not the best 1 girl 1 room game I've played but probably the 2nd or 3rd best. The three main gripes being MTL, lack of character development, and the stat grind.

    Especially the stat grind. I had to pull out my phone to surf reddit during sex scenes because it was that grindy. It just takes a long time to max stats. This game probably took 10-20 hours to beat and half of that time was trying to max stats.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Nice game. Story seems alright. Gameplay was alright too. It's very similar to other runaway girl game but with worse (imo) execution.
    Art 3.5/5
    Story 3.5/5
    Gameplay 3.5/5
    Fapability 3/5
    Originality 3/5
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice story with a twist, animations are nice, and the few characters present are nicely writen. It might be a bit grindy for some of you. but it is not as bad. Definetly I've had fun with it.. Game is not to long.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed the story of this game, the heroine is adorable and you get to wife her up after all your hard work, but as a trainer VN, there are too many things missing from it (like changeable outfits to add variety to sex scenes and roleplaying) to rank it among the greats like Teaching Feeling, Akira Points, and 1room. Plus the very average at best, laughable at worst MTL translation drags this down currently. So in its current state, it is an average trainer/management romance sim worth a play just for the EXCELLENT story. (I will add a star if it ever gets a solid English translation)
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    -Story: You pick yourself a girl from the street, get to know each other better and get closer to one another. There are also some other issues (i mean for the protagonists to solve, not with the game itself) but i was not too invested. Particularly in
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    . The last plot-line is interesting tho and is realised through gameplay in fun way. Also i like the dynamic between the mc and the girl.
    -Gameplay: literally teaching feelings, 1room runaway girls and me(lul), fox-waifu Konko and many other..."life-sims"(?) but with a few sparkles of creativity: Girl's cooking can increase of decrease your Max HP, during work you can...work, or upload homemade porn videos.
    -Art and designs: splendid! I enjoyed pretty much everything in that regard. And dude...the faces that the sex-shop's keeper makes...glorious
    -H: *CURSE YOU, CENSORSHIIIIIP!!!* I think this games lacks sprites for multiple cum-shots, actions would be better if you pressed once and mc never stops doing it until you command him so rather then...this, but those are more of preference issues and not something wrong with the game itself. Generally speaking the H aspect is done VEEEERY well, he-he

    All in all i enjoyed my time and will enjoy some more)))
    Hope you will enjoy it like i do!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    It has problems, but overall...Probably the best in its subgenre?
    It has gameplay without feeling grindy or needlessly complicated.
    It has decent amount of porn. (animation was pretty bad though).
    It has an ending. Surprisingly rare for this kind of game...
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I can't stop playing until finish all game. Translation are not perfect, but you can understand what is happening pretty well. Images, actions and gameplay are really good, sex scenes are really hot and well designed.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Simple game where you give shelter to alone girl and then...(you already know)

    -Good story
    -Easy to finish
    -Repeated sex scenes
    -Love story
    -Many sex variants/options
    -Good looking main girl
    -Grind is not bad

    -Not many options with girls in house
    -Boring sex dialog
    -Boring home interactions
    - Sex scenes are pretty static 4me

    if this game has more option outside sex scenes like groping, spanking , trying to kiss or even making prank on girl inside house i would instantly give it 5/5 but you can only talk to the girl, give item or do sex scene
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 718458

    Great game! Graphics is good, the plot is long for those who likes to read a lot. There is a plenty of possibilities with things we can do with a girl, she is also quite slutty and nice. Definitely would recommend some cheats to avoid the grind.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply a masterpiece. I intend to write the review for this game after finishing it, but the game is so good that I feel guilty for not writing a review to promote it.
    + Story
    This is one of the most immersive and deep setting that I have ever seen in a H game and visual novel. It both comes from the dire situation of the girl and a relatable protagonist.
    Firstly, as a bit of a spoiler, the girl is on a runaway after her wealthy father goes bankrupt, is found involved in unethical misconduct and heavily indebt. The girl is then subjected to being stalks and hunted down by debt collectors, journalists, ... That make the girl situation more sound than most plots in which girls just runaway and randomly cohabitate with the protagonist. The story then reveal more about her father through the protagonist boss as the story progress.
    For the protagonist, he simply is a casted out Japanese employer who cannot bear the workload burden of the society. He is also a pervert who try to explain fisting and scat/urination play to the girl. Also he has no friend. These make him very relatable to me, rather than some random chad who sunk their dick into any girl he like.
    I like the dynamic between the cohabitated girl and the man. The conversation is very cute. The conversation is very real yet cute. For example, there are times when the girl is in her period and the she is grumpy. Sometime, the conversation just randomly bring up sophisticated topic such as AI.
    To me, I think that the developer touch more grass than all the J H-games developer in this site combine.
    The translation is very good, as I can fully enjoy the story.
    + H scene
    It is an interactive H-scene which is very similar to One Room game. You are prompt with several actions in different category such as kiss, entangle tongue in kiss section; grope boob, pinch boobs, caress clit in caress section; toys; insert; ... Orgasm gauges are for two characters. The game also present a AV production. It is basically normal sex, but you can financially benefit from sex. As far I as play, there are several 4 positions in bed and 2 in the bathroom.
    Furthermore, the toy shop offers product testing involve manly femdom play such as onahole and footjob. I particularly like the girl with glass here, but having sex with count as unfaithful to the main girl, so I content with the femdom tho.
    + CG: beautiful. God damn Japanese big shots who think censoring porn is good.