VN - Others - Completed - The Labyrinth of Grisaia [Front Wing]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Is more a fan disk/prequel than a sequel in reality. Though the cocoon part is putting together the pieces hinted at behind the scenes and filling in more of Yuuji's history.

    The girls stories don't add anything but each route reaffirms another aspect of MC's broken and dysfunctional personality.

    Still loved it. I might not like the MC, he is an arrogant, sexist, bigoted. inappropriate, bully who regularly uses both physical and emotional violence against women who don't accommodate his wishes. The reasons are well written and he has very reason to be so broken, yet his gentle and caring nature from childhood still comes through.

    The women are still as quirky and adorable as ever and just as broken as Yuuji of course. It is not a story of miracle recoveries but coming to terms with harsh realities and moving on together as lovers and friends. Accepting and protecting each other.