Wolf RPG - Completed - Tear and the Library of Labyrinths [v1.01] [Acerola]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Sum Fu King Gai

    The Good
    Very clean game, easy to understand the mechanics, decent help/ tutorial options. The UI is nice and easy to understand what is going on.

    The H-Content looks good, resolution is far more modern then most Wolf/RPGM engine games.

    The Mixed
    The combat does follow the same JRPG that many of these games use, but the twist is companions actions are preset in the menu and then either turned to offense, defense, or off (to save action points.) It make the combat quicker... in theory, in practice due to only having one party member for over half the game the system is wasted.

    The H content is limited to basically 3 characters and 2 of them are twins. If you really like the apperance of the twins you should have a good amount of situations to see, weather you want to make them slutty or resist the lewd. The fox girl is a slut, a super slut, most of her content is just a menu selecting prostitution jobs.

    Most H content is optional, but the two that are not both happen to be Futa-Rape, once again not bad or good just really odd. (And item appraisal)

    The Bad
    Item appraisal is at first glance an interesting idea, letting you choose one of 3 variants for each weapon/ring you find. They all start out cursed to be dildos. Turn on the skip repeat H-scenes as you will be grinding these out.

    The 'Action Dungeons' are a part of the game that are just a waste of time, the only excuse I can think of why they exist is to make sure certain biomes are represented in the game (for story reasons.) Just stock up on basic potions and run past these if you can.

    The Conclusion
    I like it, it is a solid 6 or 7 out of 10. The problem is I've played both of the games that precede this one, Brave Alchemist Colette and Treasure Hunter Claire. Both these game land the execution better, cast of characters is wider, thus more varied H-Content. Both have more side content to make the grinding less of a chore and more like gameplay.

    It feels like this game wanted to be different but someone was too afraid to commit to the new thing so they forced in older systems that held back developing the new content.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun game, story are kinda meh to some but quite good if it your rpgm game.
    lot of side quest with different game puzzle (some are literally juicing your brain juice out.)
    battle mechanic are quite dead for few bosses, till you are underleveled for some.
    item creation are creative with different effects.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Yet another masterpiece by Acerola. They have the hentai game formula solved and no matter how many times it gets recycled, I never get tired of it. I think that a critical piece of having a hentai rpg is that usually it can't be too character driven. Having a fantastically written protagonist often takes away from h rpgs because their h is largely centered around defeat and people don't like to have characters they like defeated. However, the protagonist also can't be unlikeable, as that would discourage people from playing at all. Tear and the Library of Labyrinths gets around this by making the stakes low enough so that the player does not mind being defeated.
    Additionally, the game introduces an interesting escape mechanism which would be totally fine if it just returned Tear to safety but by making Korin have to reach Tear to perform the transportation creates additional conflict that makes sense by the established worldbuilding.
    The evil lord is easy to hate but also extremely clever, making it believable that he was in the position that he is in. This makes his defeat so satisfying and when is turned into a scroty by the succubus it feels like just deserts.
    On the topic of the succubus, the player does not hate her, at least not intensely as they do for the evil lord. Although she kidnaps Lumi and mind controls Korin right before the climax, the game gives the player enough information to know that she is fairly honorable and is not doing this only out of malice . When the player reaches her world at the end , the succubus delivers an exposition dump which I would probably have skipped altogether had it not been so focused and explained so many things. Her exposition is further validated by what the player has seen in her world. When the succubus is finally defeated, she is honorable and accepts her defeat, a thing which the player already knew by her upholding the rules of the game she forced on Tear. That makes her acceptance feel in character and further goes to make the succubus a sympathetic character. It may be weird to bring in Marvel here, but their are definitely parallels between her and the character of Thanos. More specifically, I think that a lot of the same reasons that Thanos was such a great villain go to make the Succubus a great villain such as that they both come from destroyed worlds and the both usually don't show malice towards the hero.
    In the conclusion when god puts the world back together, it feels earned because of all that Tear and Korin have done to demonstrate the good in people. This kind of ending is a little cheesy, but it feels good and leaves the player feeling satisfied.
    What really separates this game from most other h rpgs is the way Acerola incorporates the hentai into the narrative. Acerola usually does a preety good job of this, but they have outdone themselves in this game. All of this culminates in a fun, engaging, and erotic time, and is absolutely deserving of a 5/5.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Tear and the Library of Labyrinths aka Sorceress Tia and the Great Library of Wonder ~Save the World with H Appraisals & Healing~ (acerola)
    I'm a bit mixed on this game. Forewarning: If you haven't started the game yet, for god's sake turn on the skip already seen cutscenes option, because you might waste time seeing the same repetitive scenes for the villagers over and over again due to the treatment part of the gameplay loop
    This is what'd you expect from an Acerola game, and it has a ton of great corruption and many different fetishes. The scenes with the bosses are great, and have some nice variations, around 3 for each boss, and a 4th/5th/6th variation depending on if you're in pent up/nympho mode
    Like another reviewer said
    1st scene is oh no I'm about to be raped, 2nd scene is enjoying it, 3rd scene is Tear admitting she lost intentionally
    the 4th/5th/6th variations are just based on if she's in nympho mode. The journal system is nice and gives a nice record/window to see Tear's thoughts and progression on being corrupted
    However, aside from the writing and voice acting, it's standard CG fare. The animated scenes are some minor ones in battle and the action dungeons.
    3.5 stars out of 5, it's good but nothing game changing, I was excited before playing this game, and near the end I really lost my motivation and drive to play, once you get into the swing of things (getting scenes etc), it's hard to be surprised by anything. It's just another CG hunter with repetitive scenes. The turn based battle system has a nice detail where you can drain enemies of their cum at the end if you hit shift if you're in nympho mode, but all in all, the game is kinda meh, it's hard to love, and hard to hate. It's alright. It has something for everyone to love but I wish there was more in the game to make me go 'oh shit'.
    For example the prostituting gameplay is basically like in any other game but plus nympho mode as an added bonus
    If you aren't careful it'll feel like this game has a LOT of filler since some scenes only unlock in later chapters, and grinding out cum to grow stronger gets super repetitive, unless you decide to just lose to get raped by the boss, but that still is super repetitive alongside taking care of the villagers and prostituting
    The game has a lot of great alternative costumes with stats, but you'll mostly be using some of them to unlock some scenes and then never touch them again. The art is great and the scenario is straight forward but I just wish there was something more
    Likes: mc247
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm a fan of corruption. This is an Acerola game. The vast majority of them do well with the theme. So take a wild guess as to whether I think this one is good or not.

    Seriously though, its fun. The gameplay for battle is pretty standard, but it lets you get through that quickly on easy mode. The events around town(s) are the lifeblood of the game instead. There's a ton of H-content, like pretty much all Acerola, and you watch the girl(s) become more and more of a slut as things progress. This is a simple premise, but it works really well.

    It even has a plot! No one really cares, but its not terrible or anything. Basically if you want to know whether you'll enjoy this, ask yourself if you play to fap or you are looking for a good story with some H-content. If its the former, this game is great, and if its the latter, you could do worse.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Tear and the Library of Labyrinths is a game about Tear, a girl who runs a clinic together with her sister Lumiere. One day comes out of a book that they had a succubus from the cilinica that kidnaps Lumiere. So Tear is forced to embark on a long journey to save her sister but will also have to face the Miasma that the succubus has unleashed in the various worlds and which increases people's sexuality. To help us there will be the sweet Korin. As a game it has a very simple and linear plot: we have to go to the various worlds, fight monsters and find out where our sister is. There will also be two main cities where you can participate in various events (both cute side quests and H events). In this case, one thing I particularly liked about the game is its gameplay, which manages to be very varied, fast and fun. Plus the designs are really gorgeous, I love the character design (Korin is the one I liked most of all) and the scenes are imaginative. I enjoyed the game a lot and I really hope to see a similar one again.
    Likes: mc247
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Acerola is basically the Call of Duty of smut stuff on here. Kind of generic, repetitive title by title, but also something you can count on. And that's okay! If you hate them you'll hate this, you weirdo.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Full disclosure, I played this game in moon runes and loved it then, I'm biased.

    The reviews saying that this entry adds nothing new to the Acerola line of games are both right and wrong. The gameplay is familiar and has largely the same structure as previous entries. However, there is enough to separate it from its predecessors that I feel the bashing is unwarranted.

    I understand plenty of people hate RPG game combat these days. It's been beaten to death in just about every way by now. Still, the addition of the assist mechanics with Korin does add something interesting to the combat. That and the SP charging fully replacing mana makes the combat somewhat different from just mashing your AOE abilities that you see all too often. If it's not your cup of tea, just slut it up for a bit get naked and rofl stomp enemies. The game is considerate, if you don't enjoy the combat, you can "almost" ignore it. Not perfect, but above average for H-RPGs and different from previous entries.

    There are areas that operate on an entirely different combat system in this game. I believe the game refers to them as action dungeons. The concept doesn't feel entirely fleshed out, but as a change of pace they serve their purpose. They are entirely new to the series, and the animations in them are new too.

    As for the H content, the low variation complaint makes sense but only compared to other games of this level. Essentially, each unique CG will have 1-8 variations with slight differences. Not trying to spoil anything, but there are 30ish unique CGs for the main character and more if you consider side characters and the occasional crossover. Then on top of that you also have a fair amount of pixel animations if that's to your liking. So yes, the game will have repetitive CGs to get through. As for the total content included it's robust, and doesn't deserve the criticism when plenty of shit in this genre releases with 10 CG TOTAL.

    Concerning the nature of the content, it's got two categories. One, slut it up around town for money to treat miasma. Two, get raped by monsters after losing to them, come around to liking it. Soft-core through and through by my reckoning. If you're such a hardcore vanilla only that you can't stomach the occasional "partly consensual" goblin gangbang go play VNs instead because RPG games aren't for you. Some other characters have scenes, main emphasis on either slutting it up or being trained by some douche.

    The art quality is both cream of the crop and unoriginal. It takes the prevailing Japanese H-RPG art style and does it really really well. If you want something unique go play black souls. All the Acerola games look like this, and it's fucking great.

    Game has voice acting for some of the CGs and generic moans for the rest. As someone who doesn't understand Japanese, I'd border on calling it good. I absolutely hate that Japanese porn has women squealing at frequencies native to bats. This game avoids that.

    Well worth your time if the art interested you. The gameplay itself is alright at supporting that. You don't have to innovate for innovations sake to make a good game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    First off, if you have a recipe that works, stick with, this one of those games. This market is extremely saturated and its extremely fortunate to get games of this quality, even it has recycled ascpects.

    The art is insanely good, and this game much less grindy than others.

    The only problem I have is the H-scene by defeat can get a little tiresome but in all honesty the game makes up for it with a diverse set of H-scenes. Also the action dungeon was really well implemented, nice added mechanic with good sprite scenes.

    All in all, really good game, worth your time, took me around 5 hours to clear it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The overall game itself is fun enough to finish a playthrough of it.

    H-scenes are as expected of Acerola games, a mixture of good and bad depending on what you like. [I personally like a lot of them although I feel like they could've added in battle scenes to the gallery too.]

    The gameplay is also as expected, where you have treatment/prostitution, dungeon runs, the new action dungeons and more. A mixture of old but improved mechanics and new mechanics for refreshments.
    [Although they don't work together as harmoniously as the previous titles due to having too many different gameplay elements. :unsure:]

    What I find really pulled me in though (and worth the 5 star rating) is the character Korin, the white fox girl and the way they portrayed her in the game. Minor details like ear moving, tail wagging and simply the little bell sounds really adds to her character as a whole and it's these little things that I find really lacking in many r-18 titles. (I mean what do you expect from a hgame honestly?)

    The segment where "spoiler" gives Korin a "spoiler" as a gift is really wholesome and the dialogues themselves gave me a few chuckles and laughter too. Especially when you use her skill in the action dungeons it's definitely worth trying out.

    If you're just in this for the h-scenes then yeah it kinda leaves something to be desired as always. But if you really just sit down and try to immerse into this game's "story" then I think you'll enjoy Korin's character writing a lot.

    There's definitely efforts put into the game and I wholeheartedly think you should at least give it a try. ;)(y)
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    First thing first, have you ever eaten a big hot pot which is full of many type of different flavor ? This game is the same and it's a mess. Here's why:

    1. Because this is Acerola's game, we all know that it will be the same as other games: same mechanic, same script, same scenes but with different characters. However, despite all those things, some Acerola's games still have its own unique point such as Treasure Hunter Clair still has adventure quests, Collete the Alchemist has its potion making point... This game ? It has nothing because it just a copy of those games like going around and heal everyone, doing quest and explore different places... Sometimes, copying other games' strong point isn't a bad strategy, but it's only effective at one point. This game has copied so many mechanic and combine it into 1 story, which makes everything become a mess and half baked. I know that the main theme is traveling through worlds so each worlds will have a different game mechanic, but because the time we spend on that world isn't long and pretty short to be honest so it makes player really confused with so many new information.

    2. Too many recycled scenes and CG. Trust me, every scenes look exactly the same but in a different position or angle. 90% of the scenes are just prostitution and that's it. Other Acerola's games even have some filler events and all of them all different from each other. However, this game is just the same over and over again: go meet a guy --> choose prostitute and repeat.

    3. Characters are characters. No i mean every lines are just words and the same as they speak. Even in the H-scenes, everything is just so one way ? (sorry i can't find any english words to describe it, english isn't my main language) I can't feel any emotion in that scenes, just a bunch of words with some hearts in it. Believe me, there aren't many different between watching a scene and viewing CG only.

    In the end, if you just want to enjoy everything again like Collete or Claire then play it. Other than that ? Go and watch the gallery room because trust me, the story is just the same but with some pointless filler events that everyone can guess.
    My opinion: I hoped that there will be something good with the white fox girl, but all her scenes are just the same, no new emotion or anything. I feel empty. (Here's the flow of every scenes: Come and F me --> Oh yes harder --> Thank you for it --> Repeat)
  12. 2.00 star(s)

    Goblin Slayer

    Have you ever played a triple A (AAA) game and feel like the next game that you play feels the same but with different skins (characters) and slight changes? (like almost all the latest Ubisoft games)

    Sadly this game has that problem, it just feel to similar to colette and claire (games published by kagura games and made by Acerola), the protagonist feels just like Claire and the NPC´s and the city feel so similar same for the combat system, in a world of "inovate or die" Acerola fails by giving us the same game with slight changes.

    If you want to support Kagura games then buy the game if not dont waste your money on this one.

    Only play this game if you like/love "Treasure hunter Claire" and "Colette cum collecting adventure" and want more of the same.

    The only lovable part of this game for me was the white haired fox girl, that character had great charm.

    For those who love playing games with a "Virgin" protagonist stay away from this game since it has a forced rape at the beggining, at the end most of Acerola games are like this (with the exception of "President Yukino").

    On a personal note: I use to love Acerola games but this game is a huge let down of "more of the same without anything new or fresh".
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Game Overview
    The twin sisters Tear and Lumiere enjoy a happy life running their clinic. But when a demon abducts her sister, Tear must summon her courage to venture through worlds within magical tomes to bring her sister home safe.
    Nyanco's Review
    + ✨ Do you like twintail anime girls? Yeah! ヽ(´• ω •`)、✨
    Tear and the Library of Labyrinths. This is an adventure type anime character game produced by Acerola and published by Kagura Games. If you've been interested in these kinds of games, you may already know the Acerola doujin circle team. Their games are full of cute and adorable anime girls and feature rich content. Treasure Hunter Claire, President Yukino, Phantom Thief Celianna, Leanna's Slice of Life, Brave Alchemist Colette, and so on. We already know what quality games they have shown to us. If so, how about this new game? Let's take a look at it with Nyanco-chan! (ฅ'ω'ฅ) The main heroines in this game are twin sisters(Tear & Lumiere) who are blonde busty girls with twintail hairstyles. One day a demon succubus abducts Lumiere, so Tear should collect magical tomes through worlds to bring her younger sister home safe. Otherwise, your sister will gradually become fallen by the succubus. The game has H events in every storyline, so you can enjoy the content casually. In addition, there is a costume and H-diary system so you can collect and observe the achievements you have completed. Moreover, action dungeons have been added to the gameplay, so the game itself is not boring at all. Also, don't miss the fun event with the sub-character kemonomimi girl! Tear and the Library of Labyrinths is definitely a game worth it
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Acerola games always feel really...boring for me.

    It's not really cutesy...because there's rape.

    It's not really rape...because they are slutty from the start and just get somehow sluttier.

    It's not really corruption...because its just mode 1 or 2.

    Scenes are a chore...because you need them to grind and the same cgs pop up every time during the grind.

    It took me this long to realize that acerola games are basically the AAA games of the HRPG industry. Polished, great production value but a strange sterile feeling to it.

    Don't get me wrong. It's not a bad game. You can't really go wrong with it. But it really doesn't fulfill any niche. Treasure Hunter Mai has hardcore (without being disgusting) degradation. Amor Academy has that strange NTR but fun and everyone enjoys it theme. Kamikaze Ouka has the entire environment change as you purposely lose to bad guys.

    It just feels like this game has everything a good game needs at the base, but has no direction, specialty or soul to it.