Others Tale of the Cursed Princess (SleepDage's Devlogs)


Nov 25, 2019
Thanks to games like Karryn's Prison, LonaRPG & Cloud Meadow I felt inspired to make a game about female corruption.

For now it's still an idea I'm working on. but suggestions are appreciated.

Warning: Shitty english (It ain't my native language.)

Devlog #1:
These days I started thinking about a game with a princess similar to what Disney used to make (Aurora, Cinderella and specially Snow White.) so I started making an amalgamation of stories and came up with Aurelia.

I think it's better If I start up with my ideas to the story:
Once upon a time there was a peaceful kingdom where everyone was happy.
One day the kingdom was blessed with a beautiful princess, Aurelia.

As the young princess started to grow, she became the most beautiful girl on the land.
But no one did know that the queen started to grow jealous of her own daughter.

Young Aurelia fell in love with a handsome prince as their pure love grew also the queen insecurities.

the queen started to talk daily to her magic mirror.
"Mirror mirror on the wall. who's the fariest of the land?"
As always the mirror replied: "No one else but you my lady".

Until the last day of winter his reply enfuriated the queen:
"Your daughter young Aurelia, my lady."

With a great anger the queen hired her stealthiest's men and sent Aurelia far far away.
The disappearance of the young princess mad ehis charming prince started a crusade to find her!
But maybe she won't be the person he remembers to be...

If you feel that you can improve the tale writting be my guest, but have in mind this introduction will be told with some book like art.

Welp lore aside let's start with the planned tags: Resource managment, survival, female protagonist, corruption, virgin, r4p3, impregnation, cheating, prostitution, rpg & monsters like goblins and orcs.

The gameplay revolves about Aurelia trying to survive so things like a food and energy bar are planned all means necesary.

She will be around a small village where news about her dissapearence aren't known yet, she can take some jobs to try to earn some gold in case you want to rely on society to survive, but if instead you want to rely on nature you will be able to use a cave as a shelter and grow vegetables, fruits and hunting.

Also a market to sell your fruits, meat, and so on is planned.

As well as a cooking system too!

Now to the fun part:
-I'm planning to have a combat system similar to Karryn's prison where enemies (thungs, goblins and bad people in general) will try to strip and subdue Aurelia and depending on how the player handles the situation she will become sluttier or not.

As the game start she will be really prudish and will try to stay loyal to her prince but we both know that thing ain't gonna happen.

-As for the pregnancy system would be something like you could choose to keep your kid and raise them so they can help you get resources as for the species i have planned are:
humans, half-goblins, half-orcs.

As for now this is what I have in mind, so time to jump to my task list for the time being:
1.- Finish Aurelia's status sprite's (40%)
2.- Start background and prop art.
3.- UI Art.
4.-Basic ingredient and food art.
5.- Essential NPC's art.
6.- Enemy and non important NPC's art.

7.-Aurelia's vaginal, oral & anal sprites.

I'll let you know once I have major progress! Have a good day. devlog1.jpg
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New Member
Apr 30, 2023
As I was reading your description I was getting more and more excited...cannot wait!

One of the best parts of say Karryns prison though is your ability to be a submissive (dominant for those who like that). Will there be a similar system where you can be degraded, spanked, used, etc?


Nov 25, 2019
As I was reading your description I was getting more and more excited...cannot wait!

One of the best parts of say Karryns prison though is your ability to be a submissive (dominant for those who like that). Will there be a similar system where you can be degraded, spanked, used, etc?
Yeah I was thinking of a feature where the enemy restrains Aurelia and she can only squirm or keep still to try to regain energy. When she's at this state aroused enemies will spank her, kiss her and humilliate her even if Aurelia isn't lewd enough to do those things on her own.
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
Awesome! Great to hear you have been inspired! Love the art!

I do notice that you are prioritizing art. That's good, can't make a game without assets. I know from my own experience however, that when I try to plan out and work on projects in batches... it starts to feel like a job rather than a fun hobby.

I myself am working on something vaugly similar, I've yet to explore what survival mechanics I want, but set in a zombie apocalypses type setting. my art tends towards being more western (think more total drama and flash animation rather than anime). While I've spent a few years getting character art to a level I can accept it and share it... I have no attention span for environment art, I find inspiration very hard, I never know what details to add or fill in. But that's fine because I'm more programmer than artist, and am having lots of fun coding up different systems, while experimenting with going 3D.


Nov 25, 2019
Awesome! Great to hear you have been inspired! Love the art!

I do notice that you are prioritizing art. That's good, can't make a game without assets. I know from my own experience however, that when I try to plan out and work on projects in batches... it starts to feel like a job rather than a fun hobby.

I myself am working on something vaugly similar, I've yet to explore what survival mechanics I want, but set in a zombie apocalypses type setting. my art tends towards being more western (think more total drama and flash animation rather than anime). While I've spent a few years getting character art to a level I can accept it and share it... I have no attention span for environment art, I find inspiration very hard, I never know what details to add or fill in. But that's fine because I'm more programmer than artist, and am having lots of fun coding up different systems, while experimenting with going 3D.
In my case I like drawing way more than programming! Since I'm pretty dumb when I have to write code and usually ask for advice from my friends XD, due to that i'm still choosing what software to use for the game RPGMaker or Gamemaker tbh


Nov 25, 2019
Devlog #2

As for Aurelia's sprites for now I just need to do the lineart and colour! Yahoo!

So I decided to take a break and start developing the "map"
The current 3 main locations are
1-Cave (Player's home)
2-Forest (For resource gathering)
3-Main town (Society/Market/jobs)

I was thinking on adding a tavern outside of the town, where Aurelia could work as a waitress & dancer.

As for the movement between locations I was thinking about the player moving between those dots, with a small chance of an event ocurring (Thieves, wild animals, goblin attacks).

I was thinking about the combat system. A main weapon wouldn't feel fitting for a princess so maybe a weapon arsenal could work better, something like: Body combat (+1 dmg) Small twig (+2 dmg) Rusty sword (+3 dmg) and all these weapons would have a durability like in Breath of the Wild.

As for combat options (Obviously extremely based on Karryn's one) Aurelia would be divided in two phases. (technical phase & physical phase):

Technical phase:
-Mental: focus (more likely to hit the target), try to calm down (reduce sexual urges), Fantazise (increase sexual urges).

Physical phase:
-Attack (three attack types)
-Parry (a mini game about clicking at the correct time would show if failed Aurelia would take double the damage)
-Escape (try to escape the encounter)
-Speech: Taunt, Flaunt, seduce & ask for forgiveness.
-Sexual: Compliment looks, Stare at cock (Aurelia will compliment it not be aggresive), Strip (manually strip Aurelia's clothing), Start sex anal/oral/titjob/vaginal.

If Aurelia is being fucked she can ask the aggressor to cum outside or inside (if she's lewd enough.)

If restrained by an enemy: Aurelia can try to squirm, stay still, try to convice aggressor to set her free & give up.
While being at this state the enemies will grope, assault and so on almost every turn.

While dueling if Aurelia's sexual urges reach certain states she'll be molested at certain levels:
-25 (enemies will use their hands.)
-50 (enemies will use their mouths or Aurelia's mouth.)
-75 (enemies will penetrate Aurelia.)

If restrained by an enemy: Aurelia can try to squirm, stay still, try to convice aggressor to set her free & give up.
While being at this state the enemies will grope, assault and so on almost every turn without any lewdness restriction.

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Nov 25, 2019
Devlog #3

Hallo! Currently at 80% of finishing Aurelia status sprites!
Only the clothes are left to finish.

Also a small update on the map!
The tavern is now on the map! also with a very spiky goblin camp! I'm still thinking about what locations to add so if you got any suggestions just let me know.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
I'm still thinking about what locations to add so if you got any suggestions just let me know.
The gameplay revolves about Aurelia trying to survive so things like a food and energy bar are planned all means necesary.

She will be around a small village where news about her dissapearence aren't known yet, she can take some jobs to try to earn some gold in case you want to rely on society to survive, but if instead you want to rely on nature you will be able to use a cave as a shelter and grow vegetables, fruits and hunting.

Also a market to sell your fruits, meat, and so on is planned.

As well as a cooking system too!
Here's what I want to suggest, Some fantasy locations that just seem like places a fantasy game should/could have are:
  • Ruins (a place where low grade adventures like to train/practice, but may often be unoccupied, herbs/spices located here)
  • Crypt (spooky! maybe leaving wine here in the depth with the ghosts/zombies makes it age faster and taste better?)
  • Meadow (always seems like a happy and safe place, honey bee's?, wild cows for milk? Horse people?)
  • Canyon (thieves safehouse/hideout/smuggle route? strong alcohol/mead, shitty vegetables that you somehow have to make 'taste good')
  • Caves (a place to find mushrooms, encounters with wolves/spiders?)
  • Forrest (location of hunter, who can provide meats?)
  • Dessert (cactus juice that make you trip balls, add to meals for effects? Weirdo bums hang out here)
  • sea side Cliffs (steal some seagull eggs)
  • Shores (I ate seaweed once to see what it taste like. it was salty, the only thing that tasted good was the salt, which is better than that crap my sister and asian friends tried to make me eat, dry seaweed taste like hot assfart. Maybe have some mer-people to talk to, trade for fish)

What I'd kind of like to see is a reason to go to locations.

Locations may or may not have random encounters depending on how you want to go about making the game and delivering content, but content without a reason kind of gets old if the player feels like they have to be the one to to steer the ship. If I have to go to the crypt to explore and maybe find lewd content, that's fine. but if there's nothing going on in the game other than me trying to find lewd content, with no gameplay reason EXAMPLE say I have to unlock X requirement before being able befriend a hunter in the forest, then the game tends to feel dead and hollow and just there for placing lewd scenes. If I just want lewd scenes, I'd find art or stories on my own.

So what I want to suggest is if you can invest a good portion of your efforts into the cooking system, basically have it as the core of the game. It can be used in a few ways:
  1. It can encourage exploration... or encourage going to an area that the player knows is dangerous, by having unique recipes require unique ingredients, that may only be locatable it specific areas or from specific characters.
  2. It can act as the main form of progression and control the story telling. IE some recipes may require wild game meat, but hunting may be dangerous, tedious, or simply not possible for the players. Wild game meat could be 'unlocked' in a sense in a few different ways. by befriending a hunter in the wood (may require cooking them a special meal), or becoming a slave/wife to the goblins/wolf/spider? unique meals can then unlock other unique items/resources to then make other meals. And maybe at first, there's not much the player can do without resources, and is forced to sell the raw ingredients at first (meat and fruits). And if the game focuses on this progression, then that means there is a win the game the 'good ending' way. maybe be recognized by the town/village chief and live a good life... or maybe something silly like being recognized by god, so you are tasked with making god some great meal (and maybe god is the reason these things happened to the mc), good ending is god gets his meal, secret ending, you poison and kill god, and become the corrupt ruler of the world! >:3
but trying to get a proper plan for 'winning' the game does make the project a bit more complex, especially if there are other ways the game end (ie forever become the breeding bitch to some wolf/or monster, and decide that's the player's happy forever life). the length of the game can be controlled by how often meal X needs to be made to make meal Y. Example meal W could make the shitty veggies better, and be traded for wine. a different meal X is used to bribe the hunter for game meat. Game meat meat stew is used to bribe an adventure to help you go into the crypt 'safely', the cheep wine you traded for is now aged wine after a few days in the crypt, and is used to make meal Y (could be used to bribe someone with more refined taste, like the mayor/village chief). maybe higher grade meals allow for higher value trades, instead of regular fish, get fancy fish, to make an even fancier fishy meal Z! start adding cactus juice to make everyone funny or enjoy it more, or get more touchy :p (fyi, snake venom or poisonous berries can be used as an ingredient, it acts as viagra and you can start spiking the meals with this if you are working at the in ;P )


Nov 25, 2019
Here's what I want to suggest, Some fantasy locations that just seem like places a fantasy game should/could have are:
  • Ruins (a place where low grade adventures like to train/practice, but may often be unoccupied, herbs/spices located here)
  • Crypt (spooky! maybe leaving wine here in the depth with the ghosts/zombies makes it age faster and taste better?)
  • Meadow (always seems like a happy and safe place, honey bee's?, wild cows for milk? Horse people?)
  • Canyon (thieves safehouse/hideout/smuggle route? strong alcohol/mead, shitty vegetables that you somehow have to make 'taste good')
  • Caves (a place to find mushrooms, encounters with wolves/spiders?)
  • Forrest (location of hunter, who can provide meats?)
  • Dessert (cactus juice that make you trip balls, add to meals for effects? Weirdo bums hang out here)
  • sea side Cliffs (steal some seagull eggs)
  • Shores (I ate seaweed once to see what it taste like. it was salty, the only thing that tasted good was the salt, which is better than that crap my sister and asian friends tried to make me eat, dry seaweed taste like hot assfart. Maybe have some mer-people to talk to, trade for fish)

What I'd kind of like to see is a reason to go to locations.

Locations may or may not have random encounters depending on how you want to go about making the game and delivering content, but content without a reason kind of gets old if the player feels like they have to be the one to to steer the ship. If I have to go to the crypt to explore and maybe find lewd content, that's fine. but if there's nothing going on in the game other than me trying to find lewd content, with no gameplay reason EXAMPLE say I have to unlock X requirement before being able befriend a hunter in the forest, then the game tends to feel dead and hollow and just there for placing lewd scenes. If I just want lewd scenes, I'd find art or stories on my own.

So what I want to suggest is if you can invest a good portion of your efforts into the cooking system, basically have it as the core of the game. It can be used in a few ways:
  1. It can encourage exploration... or encourage going to an area that the player knows is dangerous, by having unique recipes require unique ingredients, that may only be locatable it specific areas or from specific characters.
  2. It can act as the main form of progression and control the story telling. IE some recipes may require wild game meat, but hunting may be dangerous, tedious, or simply not possible for the players. Wild game meat could be 'unlocked' in a sense in a few different ways. by befriending a hunter in the wood (may require cooking them a special meal), or becoming a slave/wife to the goblins/wolf/spider? unique meals can then unlock other unique items/resources to then make other meals. And maybe at first, there's not much the player can do without resources, and is forced to sell the raw ingredients at first (meat and fruits). And if the game focuses on this progression, then that means there is a win the game the 'good ending' way. maybe be recognized by the town/village chief and live a good life... or maybe something silly like being recognized by god, so you are tasked with making god some great meal (and maybe god is the reason these things happened to the mc), good ending is god gets his meal, secret ending, you poison and kill god, and become the corrupt ruler of the world! >:3
but trying to get a proper plan for 'winning' the game does make the project a bit more complex, especially if there are other ways the game end (ie forever become the breeding bitch to some wolf/or monster, and decide that's the player's happy forever life). the length of the game can be controlled by how often meal X needs to be made to make meal Y. Example meal W could make the shitty veggies better, and be traded for wine. a different meal X is used to bribe the hunter for game meat. Game meat meat stew is used to bribe an adventure to help you go into the crypt 'safely', the cheep wine you traded for is now aged wine after a few days in the crypt, and is used to make meal Y (could be used to bribe someone with more refined taste, like the mayor/village chief). maybe higher grade meals allow for higher value trades, instead of regular fish, get fancy fish, to make an even fancier fishy meal Z! start adding cactus juice to make everyone funny or enjoy it more, or get more touchy :p (fyi, snake venom or poisonous berries can be used as an ingredient, it acts as viagra and you can start spiking the meals with this if you are working at the in ;P )
I'll take notes on the locations and food system! They sound good to add to the game, as for endings I was thinking on doing what Karryn's Prison did by adding some Game plus content, since I had a small skill tree planned as well this could come handy as some extra effects the player can get by defeating the game in different ways :D

Food could be a different way to solve conflicts, by giving a thug something to eat and persuading him could be another way to go around instead of combat if the player chooses to.

And for "love interests" with own ending I was thinking of:
-Bandit leader (shady guy who can get MC protection if she's his lover or friend)
-Undead king (with the idea of foods being important too you could restore his strength by feeding him special foods and this would transform him into his young muscular prime (like ganon on ToTK.)
-Lone huntress (a female who was a slave and escaped and now lives in the wild and has trust issues) (also yuri content)
-Orc (an old orc who just wants to live a peaceful life in the woods)
-Goblin tribe (become a goblin baby machine willingly)
-Town ruler (become a trophy wife)
-Town priest (become his secret lover lol)
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Nov 25, 2019
Devlog #4 Great news! I completed all Aurelia's status sprites, buuuut I got the dilemma of which hair colour to choose.
Let me know what you think,
(for now I will just keep one of this, so be careful on your choice!.)


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
Hmm.... I may also say black.
It seems blond and burnet fit the color scheme too well... like they are part of the outfit. White and black however feel like they are part of the character, each adding a bit of personality. I am leaning more black than white, but I think either would be good.

Really impressed with your shading and color selection, you definitely got a good grasp on color theory. I always debate and struggle with dark hair, but I do different style of hair and line work so that may get in the way. I think I'm leaning towards black either because its got a 'snow white' like refence... and I guess for some reason I was imagining the hair being black anyways :p


New Member
Apr 30, 2023
Devlog #4 Great news! I completed all Aurelia's status sprites, buuuut I got the dilemma of which hair colour to choose.
Let me know what you think,
(for now I will just keep one of this, so be careful on your choice!.)
View attachment 2897320
I really like the brunette/blond more than the black, as it gives more of a "girl next door" kind of feel. A sweeter edge


Nov 25, 2019
Devlog #5
I'm still deciding on other graphical aspects of the game so here's a small update on the ingredients!

This will be the main things the player can combine to get different meals :D

I'm still deciding if adding water as an ingredient for soups or not.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
I mean, getting help getting a bucket of water out of a well could act as a special item i guess.