Unity - Completed - SuperPantsu Tentikun [Final] [Jakai]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Super fun game, that I definitely recommend, even though it's a bit grindy.
    I just wish there was more stuff. Especially more diversity with the girls looks and maybe an upgrade tree with more interesting options, like unlocking new sex positions or different kinds of tentacles or the option to impregnate the girls. Personally I'd also like the addition of male students. Here's hoping for a sequel!
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Game is extremely whatever and gets repetitively boring, after 15 minutes.
    • At most 3 animations for the 1-person locker
    • 1 harem animation for the locker, elevator, and restroom
    • Restroom is extremely grindy to get
    • Skills are extremely grindy to get
    • Alert level is frustrating and unpredictable
    • Game fails to load into save, occassionally
    • Editing .save is not possible due to weird, uncommon format

    Why make games so grindy and unrewarding?
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Just finished the game or I assume I did. The game was good. No real story to it but it's just short enough to keep you interested. The main point of the game is to unlock all the upgrades and get the portal to the tentacles realm. Sex scenes aren't anything huge but they have variety which is nice. Every locker has at least 2 different sex scenes. And there are toilet stalls, closets, and elevators all with different scenes. I like the addition t being able to get three girls in a closet and, an elevator as well. So there are even more scenes when you count those. Ultimately once you unlock auto pods the game pretty much runs itself at that point. Except for closets, elevators, and stalls, they still need to manually grab girls. The game was easy and finished it in about two hours. It is definitely an actual game. One star off because I didn't find it fapable, more like a warm-up than anything else lol. and it looks like there are a lot more upgrades than there really are. There are buckets, sinks, etc that allow you to select but you can't do anything with them. I think its a missed opportunity for the dev. They could have implemented something with those and made them out in the open pods or something for end-game stuff. I mean by the end game you basically have conquered the school or at least the part of school you are allowed in. At that point, every student would probably know there are tentacles in the school giving girls mad orgasms. Yet they still come. Tells me they don't care and love the orgasms so at that point out in the open pods would be great so all the good stuff isn't hidden behind lockers unless you select on it. Or at least some of the good stuff isn't hidden lol. All in all a great game. Could use a story and more to do but it was great while it lasted, never got bored.