
Active Member
Jun 28, 2020
Was the original name so uninteresting that they had to make up a clickbaity memey name that has nothing to do with it? They even parodied the logo.
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Active Member
Apr 30, 2017
Talk about throwing stones in a glasshouse. Weak effeminate cucks like you are the reason the world and dating in general are going to shit. You're simply accepting the situation, and accepting that 14 year olds are already whoring around without consequences. So you're seriously trying to sell me that you're just perfectly fine with the fact that several dozen guys already fucked your current girlfriend / wife? Sure, fuck off. As much as I fucking hate Talibans, at least they're doing one single thing right, they know how women should be treated.
I could actually respect you and your position, but let's be honest, it's completely one sided. Women who fuck (apparently even once) are whores, but guys who sleep around are fine?

Forget the misogny here, just mathematically, how would that work? Every time you fuck a girl, you make one less virgin, for all the other guys to potentially marry, cause in your bizarre world view non virgins are 'ruined'.

You're right about modern dating, it's turning everyone into degenerates, but you're part of the problem. Girls are throwing themselves at guys cause they have infinite opportunities now, but guys who treat women like you do, turn ordinary girls into hardcore feminists who poison the well.

Finally, in what way is refusing to sleep with a girl who fucked other dudes ANYTHING but insecure? You clearly can't handle competition or comparison with potentially superior men. If you're such a stallion, wouldn't you trust that as soon as any girl got s taste of what you can do, she'd be on the hook for life. What you are is weak, you're afraid that if some girl has options, she won't choose you. And you know what, with that shitty attitude, I wouldn't blame her.


Nov 22, 2017
I could actually respect you and your position, but let's be honest, it's completely one sided. Women who fuck (apparently even once) are whores, but guys who sleep around are fine?

Forget the misogny here, just mathematically, how would that work? Every time you fuck a girl, you make one less virgin, for all the other guys to potentially marry, cause in your bizarre world view non virgins are 'ruined'.

You're right about modern dating, it's turning everyone into degenerates, but you're part of the problem. Girls are throwing themselves at guys cause they have infinite opportunities now, but guys who treat women like you do, turn ordinary girls into hardcore feminists who poison the well.

Finally, in what way is refusing to sleep with a girl who fucked other dudes ANYTHING but insecure? You clearly can't handle competition or comparison with potentially superior men. If you're such a stallion, wouldn't you trust that as soon as any girl got s taste of what you can do, she'd be on the hook for life. What you are is weak, you're afraid that if some girl has options, she won't choose you. And you know what, with that shitty attitude, I wouldn't blame her.
Sadly, I must agree PeanutbutterJoe overall. I do agree with you that men shouldn't be fucking around either. Hook-up culture and casual sex are the bane of proper relationships.

That said, if a 20 girls have slept with 100+ dudes each, that means you can mathematically have 100+ dudes who have each slept with 20 girls. The same 20 girls. Which would leave 80 girls untouched. Your logic doesn't hold there. Sadly, it's also true that more than half the girls turning 18 have already lost their virginity... with a sizeable portion of them having had multiple partners the same year they lost their virginity.

Why does that matter. Oxytocin. Women secrete the hormone of bonding upon the first sexual encounter. This means that every new partner further increases her resistance to oxytocin... and thus reduces her ability to pair bond. For males, it takes a few more encounters but the same holds true otherwise.
This is why in our modern day and age, saying "let women have sex with whoever they want" can no longer be taken as a pure ideological statement anymore. We now have data to know whether it's a viable solution... and it's not. It's utterly atrocious. Marriages are down like never before, divorces are up, happiness is down, single parenthood is up (which is tied to increased criminality and other issues btw), consumption of anti-depressants is up... the list goes on. Never before have there been so many single adults and single parents. Including women at an age where they can no longer conceive, almost dooming them to half a lifetime of solitude.

Sex is far more than some dozens of minutes of pleasure. Letting girls and guys alike think they can fuck around with no repercussions is severely increasing their odds of becoming miserable later in life.

Finally, about virgins being bad at sex... DUH!! It's like saying a future artist's first drawings sucked. That's obviously Captain Obvious levels of obviousness. What makes first relationships magical is that you discover a whole new world with a loved one. You learn what makes you tick, what makes them tick... and you do this together. Complaining that a virgin doesn't know how to have good sex and so you should go for girls who have fucked around is the same as saying you don't actually want to "waste time" before reaching the good part. Which in turn is statistically correlated to relationships not lasting. The more partners a woman has had, the shorter-lived her relationships.

Just because PeanutbutterJoe stated all this crudely doesn't make him any less correct. You may criticise his form, but what he said is on point. There's a reason why virginity has a special significance in every religion and was highly prized, even if they suck at sex at first.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2019
gonna be completely honest my dude. that was pretty hard to read. specialyl because you compare a non virgin with sharing. which makes no sense to me. in all relationships i was, the 2 times i slept with a girl who had no experience, it was the most miserable sex i ever had. by comparisson, being with someone who wasnt a virgin was so more natural, and that includes those girls who were virgins before.

a girl who had sex( TALKING ABOUT natural as opposed to forced OF COURSE). IS SO MUCH BETTER in bed, its not even a fair comparisson.

also, because someone is no longer a virgin doesnt mean they slept with half of the planet.

i probably wont be responding to this topic as it wasnt my intention to derail the game post.
I don't get this logic, at all. Your tastes are yours, but you do realize you can just keep sleeping with the girl so she gets said experience, right?
Why tf do you need things to be great from the start?
Most importantly, I think it speaks more on your side if you're incapable of making an inexperienced girl comfortable and guide her through it.
Sounds liek you're just lazy bro, ngl, and I really don't mean any disrespect, I just don't get your logic at all.

ogr blanc

Active Member
May 15, 2019
I don't get this logic, at all. Your tastes are yours, but you do realize you can just keep sleeping with the girl so she gets said experience, right?
Why tf do you need things to be great from the start?
Most importantly, I think it speaks more on your side if you're incapable of making an inexperienced girl comfortable and guide her through it.
Sounds liek you're just lazy bro, ngl, and I really don't mean any disrespect, I just don't get your logic at all.

you are missing the point. i never said it was wrong or bad to get in a relationship with a virgin, all i said was that i dont get why there are so many people who are into the blood from their first time.

i literaly said i dated more than one girl who were virgins when we slept together. and it wasnt one after the other. but one then a couple of girls who werent virgins, and then i dated the second girl who was, since then i all the girls i've been with were no longer virgins, as i didnt go out with 16 year old girls in my late 20s.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2019
you are missing the point. i never said it was wrong or bad to get in a relationship with a virgin, all i said was that i dont get why there are so many people who are into the blood from their first time.

i literaly said i dated more than one girl who were virgins when we slept together. and it wasnt one after the other. but one then a couple of girls who werent virgins, and then i dated the second girl who was, since then i all the girls i've been with were no longer virgins, as i didnt go out with 16 year old girls in my late 20s.
Well, bloodis the best proof of the first time. So if you do want some defloration, blood is the best way. I find it actually great how in some scenes the MC thinks the girl just sleeps around and, surprise, you took her first. It's just a nice detail.

But if blood was your only issue, why would you bring up them being bad in bed? Clearly you had something against virgin girls besides the blood, hence I brought up everything I said before.

Jonathan Y

Dec 1, 2020
Sadly, I must agree PeanutbutterJoe overall. I do agree with you that men shouldn't be fucking around either. Hook-up culture and casual sex are the bane of proper relationships.

That said, if a 20 girls have slept with 100+ dudes each, that means you can mathematically have 100+ dudes who have each slept with 20 girls. The same 20 girls. Which would leave 80 girls untouched. Your logic doesn't hold there. Sadly, it's also true that more than half the girls turning 18 have already lost their virginity... with a sizeable portion of them having had multiple partners the same year they lost their virginity.

Why does that matter. Oxytocin. Women secrete the hormone of bonding upon the first sexual encounter. This means that every new partner further increases her resistance to oxytocin... and thus reduces her ability to pair bond. For males, it takes a few more encounters but the same holds true otherwise.
This is why in our modern day and age, saying "let women have sex with whoever they want" can no longer be taken as a pure ideological statement anymore. We now have data to know whether it's a viable solution... and it's not. It's utterly atrocious. Marriages are down like never before, divorces are up, happiness is down, single parenthood is up (which is tied to increased criminality and other issues btw), consumption of anti-depressants is up... the list goes on. Never before have there been so many single adults and single parents. Including women at an age where they can no longer conceive, almost dooming them to half a lifetime of solitude.

Sex is far more than some dozens of minutes of pleasure. Letting girls and guys alike think they can fuck around with no repercussions is severely increasing their odds of becoming miserable later in life.

Finally, about virgins being bad at sex... DUH!! It's like saying a future artist's first drawings sucked. That's obviously Captain Obvious levels of obviousness. What makes first relationships magical is that you discover a whole new world with a loved one. You learn what makes you tick, what makes them tick... and you do this together. Complaining that a virgin doesn't know how to have good sex and so you should go for girls who have fucked around is the same as saying you don't actually want to "waste time" before reaching the good part. Which in turn is statistically correlated to relationships not lasting. The more partners a woman has had, the shorter-lived her relationships.

Just because PeanutbutterJoe stated all this crudely doesn't make him any less correct. You may criticise his form, but what he said is on point. There's a reason why virginity has a special significance in every religion and was highly prized, even if they suck at sex at first.
Yeah Imma call bs on the whole ''Oxytocin resistance''. That sounds like the biggest load of peseudo-science I ever read.
I know the hormone exists, but gaining a ''resistance'' to it ? Nah.

Ps: Sry for jumping again in this conversation, I mean, discussing how people should live their lives on a piracy/porn forum ? How asinine.
I realized, I don't really care. Wether people are conservative about their lust or wether they are so liberal that they trample on the whole ''traditional'' and ''proper'' relationships, honestly I'd be fine with either of those.
Don't even know why I jumped back in the convo, feel free to ignore me, carry on, sry for interrupting, just wanted to point out how bs the Oxytocin thing sounded, sounds like a theory you read on some cheap medical related site and run with it as fact.
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Nov 22, 2017
Yeah Imma call bs on the whole ''Oxytocin resistance''. That sounds like the biggest load of peseudo-science I ever read.
I know the hormone exists, but gaining a ''resistance'' to it ? Nah.

Ps: Sry for jumping again in this conversation, I mean, discussing how people should live their lives on a piracy/porn forum ? How asinine.
I realized, I don't really care. Wether people are conservative about their lust or wether they are so liberal that they trample on the whole ''traditional'' and ''proper'' relationships, honestly I'd be fine with either of those.
Don't even know why I jumped back in the convo, feel free to ignore me, carry on, sry for interrupting, just wanted to point out how bs the Oxytocin thing sounded, sounds like a theory you read on some cheap medical related site and run with it as fact.
Doesn't matter what anyone thinks, real-life data always trumps feelings. So again, check the actual results. The more partners someone has, the less able they are to pair bond. That is a fact. Not pseudo science but actual science, proven with real-life statistics.

This is getting too off-topic though. I had started to write more but ended up deciding against it. I'll let you do your own research and I'll let the topic rest once again. Just wanted to point out that no, it's not "junk science" and you can find the stats and studies on it.

ogr blanc

Active Member
May 15, 2019
Well, bloodis the best proof of the first time. So if you do want some defloration, blood is the best way. I find it actually great how in some scenes the MC thinks the girl just sleeps around and, surprise, you took her first. It's just a nice detail.

But if blood was your only issue, why would you bring up them being bad in bed? Clearly you had something against virgin girls besides the blood, hence I brought up everything I said before.
like i said i dont have anything against virgins. all im saying is some people glorify virgins as if fucking them is the best sex they ever had. and im telling you, from my experience it was the complete opposite.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2019
like i said i dont have anything against virgins. all im saying is some people glorify virgins as if fucking them is the best sex they ever had. and im telling you, from my experience it was the complete opposite.
I have seen literally nobody say the sex itself is the best with a virgin.ANy praise people have for it comes from other aspects.
Btw, Glory to virgins! Hail virgins!


Feb 19, 2018
damn... that red , yellow cum thing is disgusting af.
I literally came to the thread to ask if there is some sort of meta-plot that involves covering all the girls in Ketchup, Mustard, and Mayo.

I'm sure it's SOMEONE'S kink, but I'm betting most people aren't getting off imagining fucking every lady on the condiment counter of a burger joint.