Others - Completed - Strive for Power [v1.0d] [Maverik]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Almost gave up on this game for a lack of information at the start, which makes it obnoxiously tedious. But I gave it another chance with an online guide for getting started, and from there I've had a lot of fun.

    There's plenty of content: a variety of unique character questlines, a substantial main quest with several surprises, a fun combat system, a lot of meaningful choices and actions, a decent amount of customization built into the game and a good number of basic game options, as well as a cheat menu.

    Some drawbacks:
    The tutorial is inadequate, simply because it's too easy to make a huge mistake early on without getting any real direction. I highly recommend finding some info online about getting started.

    I expect a game like this to include grinding, but it could be toned down in a couple of places. There are several areas where a simple option to repeat an action without having to manually click would be great.

    There are other minor annoyances like being unable to use the down arrow to scroll a text box. More keyboard shortcuts would be awesome.

    Overall, for what this game is, it's probably the best I've played. I'd recommend anyone interested to give it a try.
  2. P
    5.00 star(s)


    A unique style text-based roleplaying game, with excellent story-lines and several customization options to make the game play your own. Looking forward to following this game and seeing future updates.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This easily became one of my favorite NSFW games. This game is extremely text-heavy, with almost no images. As a reader, this didn't bother me, but it might dissuade others from enjoying this game. The game feels extremely free and caters to pretty much all of my fetishes, and allows me to get guilty pleasure from more extreme things without feeling a punch in the gut from them. This game is probably in my top 3 most enjoyed.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is still in development it is already fun and interesting. I just would like some male recruit-able characters with portraits and full body portraits. I love the game style. I hope they continue with this because I enjoy the game very much.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is a mixed bag. You train harem of girls from different races, there is a lot of choices, game is really polished. RPG/exploration aspect is really good, writing is decent. On the other hand game system is really simple. You have only single factor model (obedience, then loyalty) which compared to other trainer games gives only one way to train your slave. Compare this to free cities where you have two factors (afair fear and acceptance) and you can submit girl maxing either or Jack-o-nine-tails with multiple additional stats and a lot of training actions to choose from. There is no time pressure and abusing your slaves decreases core stats (which in turn decrease slave value) so being nice is the optimal way. If this was just RPG game I'd give 5/5, for slave management it is too shallow, for waifu/harem simulator there is not enough interactions.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    For me, this game has a whole lot to like about it. The art, questing, slave/harem management and inventory system all combine to make it one of my favorites. It's a refreshing change from the typical VN clicker in that you have many options to choose from regarding your style of play.
    Being able to import your own portraits is a welcome feature that sets it above the rest, and the dev should be commended for this. Difficulty/grind is moderate if you play the way the dev intended, but by editing a few files this can be toned down significantly. The UI is a tad clunky, but that is just picking a nit, as you get used to it after awhile. All in all, great game in the genre, highly recomended if this is your cup of tea.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I tried playing this game several times. Every time I quit it because nothing happens. I don't have enough money to buy stuff or slaves, when i make some money i have to spend them on misc stuff or random events. So I cannot afford anything required to exit the damn mansion. So basicly - fuck your sister and make ugly your ugly harem happy by spending money and food. Where is the fun in that?

    This game has pretty complex system to run with zero guidelines to start off with. The learning curve is more than several hours, reading outside of the game. And that's if you're stubborn.
    Erotic content - played more than 5-6 hours, did not see a nipple. It's basicaly the same as if I'm playing a pure HTML browser TEXT game.

    GUI - too complex on menus - you need a lot of tim to figure out and remember which action is done from where.
    All menus and icons and text are so small at 1920x1080 and increasing font size makes them go out of their boxes.
    Almost zero graphics, except for the backgrounds, no way to find out if the enemy you're going to fight is tougher than you.

    The plus side - variety. With so many options for spells, genders, alchemy, magic spells, ecenomics, items, weapons, places to visit etc, this game can be a huge thing. Unfortunately, all the variety requires also a HUGE amount of content, both text and graphics and simple enough system to control it. Otherwise it's just as boring as Excel.