Unity - Completed - Spoils of War 2 [v1.0] [SelectaCorp]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Excellent concept. Really like it, just not enough clips. Also AI doesn't fight back which makes it very one way. Side note would also like to be able to impregnate enemy women and produce more soldiers for our side
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Game is way too tedious. Nothing but grind, erotic content is sparse and far apart. Not worth playing. It's like an RTS or a board game, with a few videos. Kind of Command and Conquer vibes mixed with BNWO and genocide themes, maybe if that's someone's fetish they can look past how much of a timesink with no payoff it is.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I really want to like this game. I really do.
    But it suffers from the same problems that most SC games have, only that they're even worse here. The game is fucked up, sure which is what I want from this dev but it's not particularly rewarding.
    The gameplay, the part that is unrelated to sex is fine. It won't blow your mind and you can cheese it quite easily but even massive AAA strategy games have shit AIs so I won't fault them for trying this. It's new and I like it for what it is trying to be.
    Now for the sex stuff. You'd they'd be the highlight of, you know, a sex game. But this game has very little of it and what little it does have is extremely unrewarding. Also, when the game ends, it just... ends. There's nothing in here that can be considered an ending, the game just lands you to the main menu when you finish everything.
    All in all, I can see how much effort has been put in the writing of this game, I can see that this guy is clearly not an idiot, and I can see a lot of wasted potential/
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    So it will be my first review even if I have been a member since 2018... I thought it would be nice to say a few words in favor of this largely hated game. Why ? Because actually the game was fun ! I agree with most remarks about the lack of AI and the grinding process of conquest. And the porn is very poor most of the time.
    But the game is functional and at least has a minimal wargaming logic. As it is a porn game the player is not supposed to mount complex offensives and supply networks. He will win with minimal attention (you only need mercs in fact) and some patience. The theme of the game is quite horrible (war crimes, rapes, abuses) but the hunt for the female elite is the driving element and I wanted to capture all of them even if the rewards are minimal (as mentioned by many reviewers). My opinion is that it is a sort of black humor game, racism being retroprojected and turned into sheer absurdity (which it is....), I had the impression to watch an exploitation movie of the seventies, piling racist and sexual stereotypes to the finish line. It was violent, dumb and gross...Somewhat "educational" if you get into the right mood. There is some comfort in playing the very bad guy (especially knowing that in a true wargame or in real life he would have been obliterated by a NATO strike or a militia rebellion).
    So I gave 3 stars, I would have liked to be able to mod this game and change the porn (mostly bland), but the models were generally my type (i prefer thin blondes) and I was puzzled by some videos (their sources seem to be these black exploitation movies trend).
    So to enjoy the game you should accept its second degree (or third maybe) approach, do not take it at face value.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Ironically enough advancing into more modern game development tools made this Selectacorp game worse in pretty much every way than its precedessors except that it was stable and mostly bug-free.

    In short the game is set in a fictional island nation called Dominion ruled by descendants of white European colonists. The player controls armies of a militant black uprising called PRF (Prime-something-something). Your goal is to take over the island, subjugate and dehumanize the white "minions" and make them heel under black "primes".

    In no particular order of magnitude, first the goods and then bads.

    The good:

    Technical side

    Technically speaking, the game works. Didn't experience a single crash and the only bug I found was that apparently there are no tech policies even though you can assign someone to be a minister of technology. You can even freely save and load the game instead of starting a new game to see the content you missed - the marvels of proper game development platform!

    The bad:

    The theme

    While the game is about black dominance and subjugation of whites, it also echoes a ton of racist stereotypes. In other Selectacorp games the story is mostly about a (white) guy using combination of social engineering, blackmail, drugs and technology to outsmart their enemies and put women in situation where their only choice is to heel, with next to no violence, sometimes even "converting" women to their cause, becoming willing pawns for personal gain. None of that here. Primes only ever use brute force and almost all the sexual content is violent rape or rape under threat of violence.

    The other major issue for me is the theme of war crimes. I've enjoyed the themes of dominion and subjugation in other Selectacorp themes, mostly because at the end of the day they are obviously nothing more than elaborate fantasies. The problem with Spoils of War 2 is that the atrocities in the game are a bit too real for my taste. The subjugation bit is still taken to 11 and entertaining in its absurdity, but it gets quite overshadowed by the constant rape and war crimes shown and implied.


    To put it bluntly, the mechanics are extremely basic. You have some 10 or so provinces that need to be conquered, each with dozen or few locations. In each province you can have one base where you build buildings, recruit troops and declare edicts. Each location is guarded by enemy unit. Conquering locations gives resources which are used to build buildings and recruit troops. Enemy units never move, although unguarded locations slowly generate resistance each turn, which may lead to the location rebelling and spawning a new enemy unit to guard it. Bases can build and recruit instantly, so resources permitting, you can churn out as many units as you want every turn. The only limit is that the hex needs to be empty, so new units need to be moved away between every two recruitments.

    The issue here is obvious: the game requires zero strategy. In my one and only playthrough I first churned out basic militia non-stop, using them to conquer and guard all conquered locations to stop rebellion. After getting some ministers I teched damage upgrades and spec-ops units. I then churned a few dozen of them out and then spent rest of the game recruiting basic militia to run behind them to guard the conquered areas. I didn't really need the spec-ops: they just move faster and hit harder, so I used them to make the game end faster.

    Rewards / sexual content

    Being an adult game, this is often the most important bit... And it leaves a lot to be desired, especially compared to older Selectacorp games.

    Like most of their games SoW2 also has "priority target" list. Essentially its list of some random real world porn stars with some made up role in the game world. You capture them and can either add them to your personal harem, gift them to a minister to keep them loyal, put them on display, ransom them or kill them.

    The "main girl" (playing role of a reporter) has some ~two dozen videos, mostly shown when you conquer a location, regardless of whether she's already been captured. If added to harem she has ~8 short clips with some mediocre acting in-world, with no sexual content outside stripping.

    Everyone else has the same ~5 backgrounds that alternate every time you click their icon, with the same, single shot of their naked body pasted on top of these backgrounds. That's it. Other options consist of one image of being gifted, humiliated or shot respectively - thankfully the last one apparently is just some red dots drawn randomly on their naked body based on the one such picture I checked out of morbid curiosity.

    Rest of the reward content is gained by conquering locations and consists of either still images portraying post-conquest prime culture of dominating "minions", mostly women. This was the most entertaining bit of the game in its sheer absurdity, really. The other half of conquest reward content consists of videos of rape, humiliation, rape, torture, rape and one murder, all of it with few lines of story text. The videos are portrayed as being from the secret internal files of the PRF, documenting secret missions and war crimes they've covered up.


    I honestly can't recommend this game to anyone. I've played and enjoyed other SelectaCorp games (which already puts me in small minority I guess), but this game is just bad.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    OK, just played v 1.0 & beat the game.

    Certainly not jack off material, but a war game with the occasional eye candy thrown in.
    Don't bother with a minister of Technology, the GUI remains on top when you open the Policies tab ensuring you can't select tech to upgrade anything.
    Not as bad as I'm used to coming from Selectacorp. Everything's still RNG based, however once you take a province and install a governor, you can research the odds into your favor.
    Half-way decent time killer with adult (slavery) themes.
    Despite the tutorial, there's still a huge learning curve.
    No clue why certain Ministers were never available to govern either.
    With a little patience you might enjoy it.
  7. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 14108

    It's a porn game that grinds you and gives hardly anything back in return,the concept might have been interesting but it's suck a RNG based grindfest that what you get is hardly worth the effort.
    In summary its a boring porn game with hardly any porn.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Looks promising, i loved the first Spoils of War and i hope the second improves everything a bit. Its a long time waiting now and its very much tech dome at the moment but it looks and works good so far. Basicly nothing to do in the game but no reason to down vote yet.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    A spectacularly awful game. Its basicaly risk but nothing seesm to work as it should most of the features don't seem to do anything its laggy as hell.

    The porn is terrible; real porn hastily cut and pasted into different images and the images are tiny.

    This Dev is a joke 10/10 when it comes to game themes but 1/10 for implementation.

    I've tried 3 or 4 selectacorp games and i always wonder why I think the next one will be any different. This maybe among the worst of them.