Ren'Py - Sorcerer's Paradox [Ch.3 Part 1] [Ceddot]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Lucas Robert da silva

    Game is really amazing there is no doubt about it. It take little bit of time to popular.
    I'm really enjoying it so far, the story is interesting, it looks pretty good. It looks promising.
    I really liked it and I'm going to give it 5 stars. I can't wait for the story to develop.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    version - Ch3. P1

    i tried it, played i think a good portion of it, but i just cant go on.

    Firstly, its a not a bad game, atleast to the part i stopped at. yes some minor stuff like spelling and grammer, nothing ground-breaking.

    story is, interesting, looks pretty good, abit dated but good.

    but for me, the reason i have given it 2 stars is... what is going on with the camera? its like the FOV slider is cranked all the way down to fisheye mode. almost every scene the camera focus is stretching anf squishing the background and chars. its jarring and actually making my eyes go funny.

    i have 2k screen, so i dunno if thats making it worse or not. never had this issue before. tried fullscreen and full-screen windowed. whats annoying is, the preview pics in the thread, look normal.

    Sorry, ive tried it, but i cant carry on. dunno if its a bad version or what. checked the threads and see no one else mentioning this. so take this review with a pinch of salt.

    i can only comment on my experience of the game i got.
    for me its unplayable and hurting my eyes, the fisheye nature is just too much.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Not sure about this one. The art is dated, strangely distorted sometimes and the angles are weird. It makes me want to back up from the monitor.

    The story takes long and is often just not very interesting / inconsequential.

    Many of the characters seem to have no role and little character. There's generally too many women with too little screen time.

    Also, the (everpresent) oversized breasts make me eyeroll so bad, that I am afraid I have permanently damaged my eyes by now. "Lola" will fall over trying to stand straight. NO WOMAN looks like that. It's juvenile and irritating.

    On the other hand, sometimes, the story works and some characters are written reasonably well to be interesting.

  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Hi, Dev
    This is my 2nd review as you know.
    First of all I want to say that your game is amazing. Why?
    1. The most interesting thing that caught my eye is MC.
    MC's really cool and I like powerful mc, it's a good thing that not some typical MC like:- horny teenager, degenerate, weak ass beat up by some school girls that's the most irritating thing.
    2. Story is really good I really really like superpower type stories, it's remind me of some of my favourite animes.
    3. The LIs is good looking also milf it's good.
    4. Well, graphic's not that high quality but fine by me.
    5. Action & lewd scenes, action with animation it feels like I'm literally watching anime, VNs without violence I don't like much & your game action scenes surely is nice I like it very much and lewd scenes I really don't care much about lewd scenes but with lewd scenes it's makes your fucking good without lewd scenes I don't even called this "Visual novel" in this game lewd scenes is obviously good when LI's is good looking and with animation that's surely makes some eye candy.
    Overall I'll give you 7.5/10.
    I try to support you as much as possible.
    Best wishes from me.
    Good luck.❤❤❤
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    4.5/5 so far,ch1 was good,but honestly ch2 feels too short,not a lot happening story wise and sex scenes wise,i would really like to progress the story n get closer to the main girls,but other than that,game is gr8,definitely one to look out for,and for future updates,pls dont make it too "sandboxy" like other vn,ur style of sandbox is more of exploration/unlocking scenes types of sandbox which i love,cus u actually have gameplay n things to do,n i hope in the future,we have diff paths/outcome based on whatever we decide,thanks for all ur hard work
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    v. ch2-hotfix1
    The idea is creative enough, a reverse isekai.
    A medieval sorcerer gets isekaied into modern day earth (or a world like it).
    Hints that he actually travelled into the future instead of to a different world. (although MC explicitly believes he is in a different world).

    The 3d art is rather dated looking.
    English is mediocre.
    Dialog, plot, and pacing are rather stilted and awkward.
    Things just move slowly and I am finding myself bored.
    It isn't bad... but I did drop it.