HTML - Completed - Sleeping Sister [Final] [Sykol]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Insert Sponge Bob Meme: Imagination~

    This game is a friendly reminder that not every game needs next gen graphics, fully rendered 3D models, or even handcrafted art. No, sometimes, all you need, is words. Because the best material, will come from your own mind.

    And what you read is what you get, a somewhat grindy story of a brother sneaking in on his sleeping sister to fool around with her. Starting off subtly and growing more and more brave, from light touching, to undressing her, to putting his dick in her mouth, to just outright fucking her ass while she snoozes. Heavy sleeper indeed.

    Once you do "beat" the game, you'll open up an option to have her be awake and enjoying the whole thing. But this is "sleeping sister" not "awake sister" so those eyes stay shut in my game while the brother pops his cork inside her for a month straight.

    Overall, a nice step back into my earlier days of playing MUDS and other Text Based games.
    Likes: Sykol
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a text-only game which does its job pretty well. It doesn't take too long to be able to do the actions you want (do the achievements if you want to speed things up) and there are a lot of different actions you'll go through. There is a very little amount of grinding required at the very beginning but it doesn't really slow you down at all and you can finish the whole game in no time. Recommended.
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Sleeping Sister is an HTML game where you molest your little sister while she sleeps. Shocking, I know.

    It's an interesting idea in practice, but ends up being more tedious than engaging. The more you do an action to her while she sleeps, the less it will wake her up. While you might start off having trouble undressing her, eventually you'll be destroying her pussy.

    In order to unlock all the content, you must cum on/in her in every possible way and knock her up. This is the tedious part, as cumming resets the game, meaning you'll need to loop through the same actions dozens of times in order to hit each target. There's no variation in the writing for each action, so it's just a lot of clicking to finish the game. There's a sorta wholesome ending to see though I guess?

    Anyway, unless this game really hits your fetishes, don't bother. There's no deep strategy, only decent writing, and little variation in actions. The better types of sleep molestation games tend to require balancing arousal and sleep or rely heavily on art. This game lacks both.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    It accomplishes what it set out to do. There's no images, but the writing is evocative enough, the grammar's good, the progression is well-paced and I liked the ending. The only reason it doesn't get a perfect score is because it repeats a lot of the descriptive text used, especially with the different types of penetration. With such a small game, I expected more variety.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Short and simple text game about playing with sleeping sis.

    Every action we pick will make her more awake but also reduces it's awaking effect next night so every day we can go further.

    Nicely done but as I mentioned above game is very short and we will quickly check out all the possible options.
    Likes: Sykol
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    cursed spark

    for what it is, this game did deliever what it had promised
    a simple HTML game focused around a "non-consensual" sleep sex the quation marks make sense as you reach the end, no spoilers ;)

    its a text game where every sex scene instead of being rendered is described, your every action and your "victims" every reaction

    when you get into the game you are greeted by 5 main options
    Face, Chest, Hand, Thighs, Feet.
    This allows you to aproach your favorite areas in sex right away instead of touch > oral > fuck. progression which i very much prefer.

    in each category you will get further actions which this time cost sleep points for example to remove a piece of clothing may cost 40 points HOWEVER each time you do this action, the price gets reduced by 5 on the next night, so if you so wish to do vaginal sex to completion then on the first night that is unfortunatly impossible instead you have to work your way to that point, which brings me to bonuses i will not get into what they do or what you need to activate them, just keep in mind that repetition isnt the only thing to help you speed things along. If however you do manage to depelte your points bellow 0 you will get a quick game over scene which then resets the night, so no negative consequences.

    its quite easy and thats what porn games are supposed to be... after all i am not here to play thought the entirety of dark souls in the hopes of sleeping with a certain character. for what it is i feel that this game has everything while not being overly ambitious...

    some may argue that 5 stars is too generous for such a small project, i disagree i think that for such a small project it got everything right and aligns with alot of my fetishes for me to enjoy this short experience.

    well done Dev. good luck with your next projects.