Unity - Completed - SinVR [Final + DLC] [SinVR]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Really not much to it, feels more like a tech demo and a few years old one at that.

    No real progression, some voices are just godly bad and unfitting, the "furry" is just wearing makeup and clothes that has a tail (not even butt plug seemingly) and ironically enough or w/e has the worst basic porn voice cuts (though only tried like 5 characters).

    graphics are ok more so if you ok with some weird faces at times and head turns 0_0 .

    Really should have just snuck more original voice files not like other things have not done that and still charged $ (though guess not worth risk?).

    Works without Vr + and ook graphics with many of the gals +
    (also Very quick downloads I guess).
    2/5 below average not worth it.