Others - Completed - Shelter [Final] [Alibi]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Bob Bee

    Overall 1/5. "Shallow" is the best way I would describe this. A game about a landlord spying and blackmailing. It has a good premise, and that's it, everything else is horrible.

    Gameplay 1/5. There is no depth in this game, you can investigate, threaten, report, evict, and very little of anything else. You will probably experience everything the game has within 5 mins of starting the game.

    Character and story 1/5. Each character can be described in 1 sentence, no growth, no mystery, and no depth. As for the story, except for the overview, it is pretty much non existent

    Art 2/5. Its fine and very limited

    H Scenes 1.5/5. There are 12? ok looking pictures and around 2-5 sprite animations
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Good art
    Bad gameplay

    There isn't much to add.

    You are in charge of taking in tenants and make sure the law is followed. Report people with contraband, investigate the tenants, and take their goods to either sell or give them for missions.

    But... Nothing is explained on how to play the game. Sometimes investigating works, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes a guy asls to get buy a tenant, but I can't give them any because they are not ready yet. O, How do prepare them? Who knows...

    A tenant asked me for a radio. Another tenant had a radio, great! How d I take their radio? By inspecting them. But I can't investigate them... so... I can't do anything.
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    Lit Dark Age

    story (2/5): the story is explained from the beginning, it is very basic and I feel that it is not its strength, it does not catch you and over time it becomes tedious to unlock all the scenes.

    Gameplay (4/5): I found the gameplay entertaining, it's easy to understand and it entertains you for a while.

    Animations (2/5): The girls are beautiful, the lines and colors are good but I feel that they all have the same body type, the setting will always be the same.

    sex stuff (3/5): only saved by the small animations and voices, the images are more or less good.