VN - RPGM - Onhold - Saria Reclaimed [v0.17] [Velminth]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Update turned it into a very generic game with boring combat and mechanics. Started out really great, the card mechanics weren't bad either but the last update dumbed it down way too much. Hope dev comes around this has a lot of potential.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    I was here from the very beginning, waiting idly by while this creation was being built. I thought his ambitions for this game were very high and was shooting for the stars and heading in that direction. I was excited for every version but usually only updated the game after a couple updates so i get a good amount of content in. This game I considered to be the best up and coming game up until v0.14. Where he changed the turn based action RPG into a turn based card game which I wasn't thrilled about but I would be able to live with.

    At this point I thought it was still playable but no longer the strongest up and coming game, more of the middle of the pack because all of the systems taken out(talent/choose a path system particularly). This is where I began to lose interest in the game. I put this game on the back burner, waiting for several updates in the future to play it again to see where this card system goes. I was planning to revisit it in 3 or 4 months but I came by it a little while ago on the "Latest Updates" and read the patch notes description to see what had changed and to my surprise it read "I remade the game from scratch" so I didn't know what to expect in v0.16 but OH MY was this a sucker punch to the gonads after playing it.

    We started with an turn-based action RPG, turn Card Game system, to a VN with card game added. Boy I was not expecting that.... Game went straight from the back burner to the trash..... From Hero to Zero... All you see on here are VNs and only a handful are even half decent. I hope he enjoys what he has created but wow going from shooting for the stars to shooting at a hoop in a dark and sad alley.

    My overall thoughts on this project is it is far too difficult and overwhelming for him to do himself and he was looking for a way to finish making the game. He had clear and ambitious goals for the game and had a plan set up with a great foundation, it all looked very promising but clearly he couldn't handle the pressure and chose the easiest way out. Watching him spend about 2 years developing this to just trash it is wild to me. I hope you enjoy your creation. "I won't cater to anyone but myself regardless of sum or interest. Support is appreciated if you are happy with the direction it's heading in, but that's all there is to it." His words on Patreon.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Not a fan of this new "rework" of the game. The game was originally a promising rpg with a card deck mechanic but now, it has become a generic vn that's rather boring. You want my advice? Play the 0.15 version if you wanna play the true game witch is the better game imo.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Financially supported the original vision. Don't think I need to explain anything further if you look at the rating given. If the dev has the right to change his game, we have the right to criticize it and drop support.

    The original work had an unique and interesting premise in its post-apocalyptic wasteland full of dirty rapehungry goons, sci-fi elements and some genuine worldbuilding. Exploration and clear visuals illustrating the setting were its greatest assets.

    What might as well be another game, the original vision completely gutted and abandoned, is a horrible mess of barely functional UI elements and gameplay slapped together. The only good remaining from the earlier versions is the main character.

    Where the original had some freedom of expression in how play the game, the new Visual Novel style railroads you from one unbalanced, dull and unimaginative scenario to the next.

    As it is right now, version 0.16 is not worth playing over 0.15. And honestly, what's been Saria Reclaimed should be considered abandoned.
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6669282

    The art style is great, the character is hot, but if I wanted to watch a few cut scenes instead of play a game, I would.

    The rework removed so much content and completely changed the games genre, I don't recommend it.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Changed the whole game. Card battler that doesn't make any sense now. Got rid of the corruption element. Should be listed as a whole new game honestly. It is nothing like the last game except for the artwork.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I mean i'm not the one to talk shit when i'm pirating porn games (not the one to talk shit when i'm pirating normal games too) but this feels like the dev just lost interest in making a good RPG/Card game, the art is still top notch and it feels like the story that this version of the game has a better overall plot and flow than the older versions, still changing everything from one update to the other is some shit that doesn't fly, more so when the game that we have in 0.15 has more content and is more entertaining to play this this game is
    would not be surprised if 0.17 goes back into being the normal game again but if it doesn't i hope the dev capitalizes on this to have a deeper battle gameplay or to have better scenes or a better sex system, the combat rn is absolutely shit btw and that's something considering combat in 0.15 was already bad, if you like the art style or if you think saria's hot download 0.15 and play through the hour and something of content that that version has, if not i think you should just skip this and come back later
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    This game truly had a great deal of potential. It had a large, unique world with it's setting, atmospheric world-building with the mixture of dystopian desert cities interspliced with dilapidated, almost alien-like technology within it's open world, coupled with a cohesive and easy-to-understand combat system that tied everything together.

    Emphasis on had.

    After several updates to this game, I can say it left a sour taste in my mouth that simply cannot be undone after each update with the new formats and changes to the game stripped more and more content from it, until today, where all of it's explorative RPG world and content have been stripped in exchange for pushing it as nothing more than a VN art gallery. The fact that I'm giving it only one star is simply to give points to the art of the game, but in every other aspect:

    This game has well and thoroughly squandered it's potential and alienated anyone who was truly excited for it.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    If this game just kept to one premise then it would have been an awesome game.

    The atmospheric background of the game and its setting is cool, and the MC looks gorgeous. However, the mobs and enemies are all lacking in design and personality. I also find the MC voice work to be a bit underwhelming at times. There should be an option to cut it off, (unless there is and im missing it).

    The fact that this game is inspired by other games is fine. When the dev themselves compare their game to a popular one like on the forum, we all know what it is, but I won't name it here. Then a total of 180 degrees not once but twice is concerning. I've been seeing the replies in the comments and comparisons to those three and it's clear where the story elements and concepts come from. The attitude of the dev is completely out of whack, as someone who rarely visits the forums and is in his discord as well as a supporter I assure you it's not just the complete and total change and tone shift. It's how unpleasant talking to or suggesting anything is to this dev. There are far too many cons and reasons not to play or follow this project than there is to be hyped about it.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    I just finished playing the "revamped" game (version of v0.16), and to be honest i feel like somehow the game become downgraded in many aspects.

    I don't mean to disrespect the Dev by saying that, Im sure he does his best to make his game great and enjoyable for us as the same time as he making profit out of it. But i think this changes will only ruin the future of the game in the long run. And the worst thing is probably ruining the game popularity too, so many great game has fallen because they got popularity drops and usually their next game project doesn't interest anyone anymore.

    Flaws within this version :

    First, the game is so linear making the game so boring to play, you can literally beat this version in just 15 minutes. At least in previous version you can explore the map, thinking what to do next, searching and looting every treasure in every map, fuck every enemies in a map, etc. So many interactions that you can do in the previous version makes the game feel more dynamics.

    Second, the combat within every battle become so simple and lacking mechanics. The previous version definetely had much more complex mechanics, every part of Sharia's body got mechanics, like her ABS, her breast, her vagege, etc, and a lot more card type, like sexual attack card, etc.

    In conclusion, this game become worse than It used to be. And honestly, this kinda game is really rare in this genre so i appreciate every effort in making unique game like this! hope for the best for the game and the devs.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    The game suddenly became a VN with card combat. I don’t like both of these mechanics, and if earlier I could put up with card combat, now I have no such desire. The art is still good though. I hope that after such actions the game will not become another project on Patreon, forever being reworked without new H-content. Also encountered a lot of visual buggs with VN scenes.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Good art, solid gameplay, but only chapter 1, which includes 5 missions, so around 15 minutes of content, but looking forward to future updates. I have not followed this game or developer from before this point, so I can't say what it was like before 0.16. I went and played the previous version 15.1 and its a lot better.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

    It's like this, i've been playing for a while then the next patch just poof changed everything entirely like i guess the dev thought we're just here for the porn like this is for me but if i was here for the porn then i'd just go look for funny pictures somewhere else and i'm playing a game for a reason.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    game was great before this, dont get me wrong, but with the new vn update/rework it threw everything i liked about the game into the abyss, never to be seen again. hopefully in v0.18 we get another rework that makes this game an fps
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    I played the game up to version 0.15 and then tested the 0.16 update. The game has changed significantly to the extent that it's no longer enjoyable. The removal of exploration and freedom, along with the addition of randomness and glitches, leads me to believe that the current state of the game is not worth playing. Although it had great potential and could have been an excellent game, it currently lacks content (which have been removed) and doesn't reflect the quality we experienced until now.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    It use to be an interesting and promising semi-complex RPG game closely resembling Karryn's Prison in ero-mechanics and non linear story with exploration elements.

    The Dev took all the money people had given him specifically for producing an RPG game then pulled a bait and switch and changed it into a linear boring attempt at a card game that has none of the promised features of the original.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Before the v0.16 update this game was so promising and really good but I don,t know why it took such a terrible turn right now there was many good cg before this update and this one doesnt have got like 5-6max and this isn,t really playable as before with all this card stuff the card stuff I didnt really liked it when it was around the 0.12v update but Still managable but after this update its just bad sorry but it just randomly took a downfall turn so fast and quickly with just 1 update without even telling people before and asking for their opinion

    ps:Sorry for the bad english im french
  18. 1.00 star(s)

    Golden Twink

    This was originally a very decent game that was quite looked up to. With 0.16, Saria has turned into a basic visual novel with... questionable UI, lacking content, and turned into the complete opposite of what it originally was and what made it popular. It attempts to be a RENPY game made inside the RPG Maker engine which in turn makes the game both run and feel very awkward to navigate.

    With 0.16, this game really isn't worth the download which absolutely pains me to say
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm not mad about the game completely changing, I'm here to just review the new one. Unfortunately this one needs a LOT of polishing, There is no tutorial, no hints at the start that's a -1, and there is a lot of features that are not used or stated in the menu. Don't even get me started at fighting/card thing. The last enemy can one shot you if he gets the first turn a direct -12 when we only have 10 and not a chance to defend. and act 3 is just a recycled version of act 1 and you can completely skip it(no fun). It would be better if we had more cards or more detailed explanation about how attack type works. And as the story, personally I didn't even like it at all, It is lackluster and uninteresting to read. Overall, as always art style is good, but it is re-used CG's, gameplay is boring and repetetive, Story is uninteresting. My dissappointment is immearusable but we'll see how this new version evolves too.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    battles are unbalanced, and compared to your recovery options that you had in the previous versions, getting rid of it in favor of just healing your health and having NO WAY to heal your willpower is a terrible idea, nevermind the enemies being impossible to beat if you take the lewd way out, and the oskar boss going from fairly difficult to beat, but not impossible with preparation, to being pure chance to beat, with his damage skyrocketing to remove literally 80% of your health with no chance of healing your health makes it disappointing to see an actual good game turn into an impossible, unbalanced mess of an "RPG" game. (using dodge does not retain your dodge for the next turn, nevermind that the chance that dodge can fail you, dont @ me with the saying " jUst DOdGe")