RPGM - Completed - Ruled by Rule [v1.2.4] [KineticDog]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my most favorite games, i love how they mix the sound and image changing when a event appear, checked on they DL site and found some other game they make but can't compare to this, hope they keep up the good work. Btw the sound is good and emotions of the characters is changing denpent on they corrupted level and debuffs they carryng
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Cant even play with how laggy this crap is, if this game not laggy this gane prob get a 3 or 4 star, the battle has a really tidious mechanic where each turn the heroine will be sorrounded by an enemy or more and you to use an attack to get rid of them, shouldve been every 3 turn or smth like that
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The lag kills me so much. If it just WORKED, I wouldn't rank this game lower than I want (4/5) but the lag affected by enjoyment so much.

    • Updated art from the last two games allowing each girl to look different now.
    • When you actually understand the gameplay, it’s actually not that complicated. I do appreciate that if you actually read what the items do, you won’t actually be stuck in a losing mode.
    • The gameplay is actually the strongest thing this game has. All three girls have different roles they play (compared to the previous two games where the game claims the girls are all different but actually aren’t). Blue relies on shielding to gain charges in order to hit back with a high multiplier that ignores defenses. Pink ignores the enemies defense stats for true damage and has the highest critical hit rate. Yellow gets rid of multiple enemies at once but doesn’t do that much damage otherwise. Knowing this, you have to prioritize who does the attacking of the boss, who does the saving and who will have to hold the L if the RNG is not on your side.
    • There are healing devices that can restore energy or heal your teammate. The former doesn’t require a check from the enemy to use but the latter does.
    • The story leaves on a cliffhanger for another game to be made that improves on this established system.
    • The lag is unbearable.
    • The rule system only adds four rules for losing and doesn’t go outside of the ones listed. (And while there are a lot of rules within the four main ones, they all do similar things).
    • You cannot save your game inside the battle room forcing you to leave the room, save outside and then enter again to force you back into the same boss fight. As more enemies surround you and lag your game, it becomes tedious.
    • Story is a wasted opportunity. A world where the rules are written on a whim and you just need to follow the rules or find loopholes in order to fight the evil in the world. The villains honoring the contract are nice and all, but there should be moments where they could try and cheat the system and get the girls at a disadvantage. Just having the mooks surround them at the start of the turn isn’t enough.
    • Like the previous game, this one suffers from the newer enemies having more options that can be used against the girls. A low level mook is not going to be able to use special hypnosis tools to hinder the girl and cause different status effects. Everything also goes away after the battle.

    I really wish this company understood what works. Three games now and the only thing that improved was the artstyle. There's still no gallery. No way to keep the status effects outside of battle, and no way to manipulate the AI to do what you want. The gameplay needs to combine the first and the third game (where you can still help your allies but its not RNG based. The first game was based on how many enemies were surrounding them and it just outright failed after a certain point). I also would like if there wasn't one ending that is achieved if you choose to beat the game versus just going the corruption route where once you are at that point, you can't win no matter what.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Art carries the game for me. Gameplay was pretty meh, the artstyle is cool though and overall i enjoyed it just once it was done it didn't feel like it reached the point i had expectations for when i saw the screenshots of it. Game is pretty good but for me something is missing
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, I love all the different kinks, almost every NPC being an ugly man is a bit lame, but the art style and gameplay makes up for it.

    Wish there was more content or DLC for the game, like the girls having the ability to change outfits, or more quests to do in the game.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Failed Karryn's Prison clone. Cool premises and fun-sounding mechanics... but not enough done with them. It tried so hard to be a game like Karryn's prison but with as little effort and gamefeel as possible.

    There's a rule you can activate that makes it so that the girls think sex is battling, and I go, "Okay! Sounds fun, maybe they can fuck them like a battle!" NOPE! It's literally just a rule that makes you lose so you can see the three of them get fucked at the very start of battle.

    So much potential wasted on a half-baked game. Shame. But a pretty alright artstyle though.
  7. 2.00 star(s)

    Lucas Clymenia & Acerola

    It's a short, okay-to-bad CG gallery with no history and poor gameplay elements. battle fuck is very repetitive. I mostly play RPGM games so I am comparing this to those.
    the corruption is instantaneous, with no development at all. the guy getting cuck never appears other than 1 time at the start. It feels like common DLsite shovelware.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    randomly freezed and cant even save before battle, i duno why this is ranked 1 on dslite but the programmer is absolute garbage. maybe cracking this messed up the game, but the uploader needs to fix this before uploading this is a serious waste of time reading garbage small text and not even moans during smex, whats that point of getting voice actresses if they dont even moan.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    This is for V1.2.4

    I beat the entire game without even trying or struggling in half an hour.
    Literally all there is to do is some very basic and simple "combat" before you beat the game and unlock free play.

    The art is "decent" if you want three characters with the exact same bodies but different hair styles having sex with fat ugly bastards.

    I would recommend saving yourselves some time and just look through the image folder rather than playing through this because it's half an hour of your life you'll never get back .
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    this is probably the worst kinetic dog game tbh, it runs like shit even with the newest version (which is only available on a site that makes you wait an hour to download the file with it's insanely low download speed cap), and you can softlock yourself if you want to see defeat scenes and lose twice in a row.
    The dev really should've made it so that you were only the slave of the enemy for a limited time and not forever with only one chance to break free which has you at a disadvantage.

    if you want similar gameplay to this just play the devs other game endless defeat arena
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    very hard to rate this... i think i finished it in MAX 1hour.

    maybe i was lucky with items, idk. but i just breezed through everything. blonde girl aoe kills all mobs blue haired girl finishes bosses with the gazillion multiplier on one of her abilities after he cuts down 5 mobs.

    maybe you are supposed to lose more? idk. if not, it's very easy game. i really liked the combat and the world building rules and the game fuck mechanic... but it's over in such a short time... so all this world building is thrown out of the window... honestly it could easily be a super 5/5 legendary game, but as a short game like this... idk. i spent more time reading about the rules than there was gameplay LOL.

    what a disappointment. feels like a great demo.sadly it's completed so keeps a sour taste in your mouth. anyway 3/5, i have no idea how to rate this due to this abrupt end.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Does it matter? It's a hentai game.
    Okay so, the world this game is set in has specific rules that are enforced by the system. The one who's in charge of this world sets up specific rules that ultimately landed our heroines in various erotic situations.
    The heroines are implied to be close with this character, and why he does what he did is up to your own interpretation.

    If you're asking me? I think he's toying with them.
    Like how you would toy with the characters in these kind of games.

    There are three.
    While they do have distinct names and unique appearance, the way they are presented through the art direction kind of made then nearly the same.
    Had the developer chose to only feature a single character, it wouldn't make much of a difference. But the fact that they are inseparable in terms of gameplay and the scenes features all of them experiencing lewd situations together may be appealing to some people who gets tired of seeing just the one character all the time.

    Most erotic scenes happen in battle, where the heroines are violated not only sexually but also physically (relax, it's not extreme, not a single drop of blood here). Enemies in battle, if given the chance, would first incapacitate the heroine in various ways, including but not limited to: hypnotizing her into dropping her guard, gut-punching her to the point she doubles over in pain, and even straight up uses a taser gun to paralyze her.

    Again, even the physical violations are depicted sexually. Hell, there's even a way to make the heroines take pleasure damage alongside HP damage, essentially making them masochists.

    "Battle" scenes comes in to flavors: Rape and Consensual
    is what you'd expect, the heroines are beaten down and then violated.
    Consensual is when the heroines are coerced into sex or even willingly approached someone to engage in sexual acts with them.
    Both of these will make the games transition into battle, where in Rape you as the player can still try to make a struggle, while in Consensual you lost all control completely and simply sit back while the action happens.

    Er, right. The other scenes.
    These you don't have much autonomy over once you reach the trigger requirement and start the scene. Using on of the unlockable "World Rules", the heronies can be forced to:
    - Instead of talking normally with an NPC, will instead be molested by said NPC
    - Certain conditions will have the heroines be enslaved by the enemy faction and essentially became their sex toys
    - Instead of sleeping to pass the day normally, will instead be violated by members of said enemy faction just before bed
    - Performing lewd dances in a nightclub, though it's more like a slideshow on your part

    Not much else other than that, really.
    Oh, and when it comes to something penetrating something else, only the heroines' private lady bits gets that treatment. No backdoor access (except fingering) or mouth-to-genitalia whatsoever (there is mouth-to-mouth). Which is odd considering the developers' previous games have those no problem.

    What I mean by presentation is how the game would be if you judge it with your eyes alone. And what this game looks like is... RPG Maker. Standard stuff with little custom assets in terms its tilesets and mapping.

    As for the heroines, they look fine to me. I've read some people called their proportions ridiculous, but I mean c'mon, what kind of game do you think you're playing. They're thick in places and I'm sure that would get some people going.

    Briefly returning to mention the erotic scenes, the heroines are fittingly sexualized to fit the typical Japanese erotic archetype. You will find exaggerated poses and facial expressions in this game.

    How does the gameplay mechanic works?
    Could be better.

    There are various status debuffs that negatively impact the heroines in battle (which makes then easier to fall).

    There is also an invisible value which the game does not warn you or tell you about, and that is corruption. The more the heroine is violated, the more debauched they become. This is reflected by their facial expressions and slight changes in dialogue. At first they would appear indignant or reluctant, until eventually they would embrace this darker side. It's all to the player's benefit, though, as it's purely cosmetics and has no bearing to the story or its outcome.

    Oh, yeah the main story, shit. It's short. And once you finish it, you enter free roam mode where you can do whatever you want (that is to say, seeing as many scenes as possible).

    You know what? While this game does leaves a lot to be desired, sometimes all you need is porn with little to no plot.
    And that's okay.
    Too much plot in an eroge gets tiring, anyhow.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Really fun little sandbox game. Somewhat small in scope but very good art and scenes. Getting to the ending is fairly easy once you understand how the combat works, but the real fun of the game is in the free-play. Despite the description saying you don't need to wait for defeat to see sex, you still won't see any sex until you're losing. Definitely the best the dev has done with their "sex in combat" concept so far.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    A game that locks you out of saving in battle areas, softlocked during the boss and erased 45mins of playtime.

    Yeah... that's unacceptable.

    Hopefully the dev fixes the performance at some point. In the meantime, this is the most complex and ambitious game by Kinetic Dog, though that isn't saying much... The main issue for the dev has always been trying to balance the rape-fantasy and pretty interesting art, with making a game that's worth playing.

    He doesn't really have the patience for long games or slow-corruption, though, so the results are... haphazard.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    So this is probably this dev's most ambitious project! Frankly I think that that's incredible. Kinetic Dog's other games are absolutely adorable, juicy sex fantasies that trap you in a world where you're forced into fuck-endurance gauntlets.

    This game starts off with a mighty shout declaring "It's different!" as your team of equally endowed pals demolish the enemy in a cutscene. Even if it's being translated, Kineticdog has always had funny dialogue.

    I'm no word counter, but this might have the most writing out of all their games? It's all really nice! There's plenty of world building and exposition. So if you're into knowing why the game about sex has so much sex in it, oho are you in for. a. treat.

    The battle fucking has an interesting twist this game. Instead of offering a handful of similar challenges - it's now a roguelite. You pick different paths to the end, get random loot, and you can restart at any time without losing that loot.

    There's even multiple designs for the bosses - a new from KinteticDog! They're still the same big tummy dudes, but they all have their own costumes. My favorite is the one working on his mix tape (adorable). They each have a fun punishment waiting for you and your friends if you have to fuck up.

    Which is unlikely. You probably won't fuck up. KDog's other games all have some real punishing game balance, but this one goes really easy on you. Unless you lose on purpose and can't afford to repay your debt. Then suddenly the balance flips to being wildly difficult!

    That's fine though, at the time of writing this diligent dev is doggedly working at fixing things. Like the slow down most people are experiencing. I found if I set the game speed to 'Manual', then it runs fine for me. But I also have tons of CPU and RAM. Your mileage may vary!

    Regardless of game balance and bugs, I still think this is the best game from Kinetic Dog! Whatever they make next is sure to be even better.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Gameplay: 3/5, works well but lacking in depth. Plays like a rouge-lite, just needs more items and to be fleshed out. Some scenes can be absurdly long such as the sleep scene while in a slave state. I think starting with like 15~ rules is a bit too much and would've preferred starting with 1-2 and building up how I like from there.

    Art: 4/5, consistent style, those familiar with this style will enjoy it.

    Overall: 3.5/5, would've liked the rougelike parts to be more fleshed out with more available items. More control of the rules would've made it a much more fulfilling experience. Not a bad game just way too easy and way too fast to build itself.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    What little story there is pretty stupid, but actually in a somewhat clever way, so that's actually an upside of the game.

    Because as a game, it's about 0 stars: maybe a lobotomized monkey couldn't finish it in about an hour without ever losing. Which makes it about a -∞ as a porn game where all porn is locked behind losing.

    Now, since you're here, you're probably used to pretending you're dumber than a lobotomized monkey by finding clever ways to lose, no matter how hard it is (it isn't, and you don't have to be clever; doing nothing works in this game), so...

    What's there in porn content looks decent enough, but it's not much, and much of it is pointless because who gives a fuck about the special rules you can activate for fights (which might actually make them legitimately losable) when the option to actually fight with those rules active isn't working?

    Would rate 3 stars (acceptable for what it tries to be) were it not for the latter problem.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like the fetishes so that's always a huge bonus point for me, the art is top quality and the gameplay is alright but the performance is so abhorrent im gonna have to rate it 3 stars, im playing it with a rtx 3060 and it nearly crashes which is insane for a rpgm game. I wont even bother saying something about the rest because the game performance will be the make or break if you're gonna download this

    EDIT: I have now completed the game, I agree with some of the comments about the gameplay, it is pretty brain-dead but if you are playing to get defeated and collect "new rules" that do something lewd to the main characters, it's not that bad for a combat system. Really the main thing that makes it hot is the art. The rest is really mediocre, there's not a lot of gameplay. As a framework however, I extremely like it, it has an incredible amount of potential. For example, it would be really fun if the items you get from chests after you defeat an enemy were lewd-themed instead of just mere stat boosts. More degrading comments from civilians would be nice, more ways to pay off your debt, more ways your debt negatively affects you. There are a lot of possibilities. I think the dev has good taste in lewd clothing and art quality is really good which is why I'm rating this so high. Also shout out to the system where you slowly get surrounded by more enemies. I know that was a thing in a previous game you made and although it still can be improved it was pretty nice to center combat around it. I hope you make more games in the feature or expand on this game because you have the potential to make top quality ero games, I'm changing it to 4 star because I did enjoy playing it and I did finish to this multiple times. Leaves you wanting more, good game

  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Here I am playing and thinking: the system of debts, prestige, rules, combat system, a lot of this has become the author's calling card, but the implementation leaves much to be desired.
    The plot is the most ordinary (it takes a couple of hours), there is no variability and, unfortunately, it is impossible to change outfits. There are improvements in the game that we get at the end of each fight. And it would be possible to make each improvement change the appearance of the characters. But what the author has not been lazy about is CG. Now, instead of a static picture with some variations, we have several different CGs, and the drawing has improved compared to previous games, which undoubtedly flies into the piggy bank.
    BUT OPTIMIZATION... I have Cyberpunk on ultra with RTX gives out more than a pixel game on an RPG maker. Apparently, everything was done "На похуй".
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Frankly, I liked KineticDog's two previous games of Profession School and Endless Arena. This newest installment lives up to the previous two games; that is to say: the combat is really oppressive and snowballs out of control until you lose looooose loooooooose with quite a bunch of naughty animations with decent variety.

    With all that said, this game is by far the easiest game of the three because I beat it from start to end without slowing. Combat has become an energy-based system where you keep acting until your energy is spent. Having some energy left over allows you to block boss attacks. Under normal circumstance, you recover 50 energy every turn.

    Speaking of which, unlike the previous games, the enemies are split into two categories: boss and minions. Beat the boss to move on while the minions surround you and have a chance to prevent your attacks from going through, making you waste energy, or preventing you from blocking, allowing a boss attack to go through which stuns you for a turn. Also, you can't aim at the boss while surrounded by minions.

    What ended up happening to me is that the third girl got two items, an ability + a passive that takes down 5 minions in one hit. If uninterrupted, that's 60 energy to clear out all the minions to allow the other two girls to go full power to take out the boss. I also got a drone that boosted energy regen by 30%, so I was recovering 80% energy every turn. The final boss was a breeze, especially when I crit him for 13K damage.

    Once you start losing, the game starts snowballing even harder, making it severely unlikely you'll accomplish anything in combat whatsoever, let alone win.
    You have complete control on additional rules and you can revert/close them as you please. There are a lot of possibilities and stuff for what'll happen and I found it all amusing.

    As for the plot, it is nonsense at the start but that's typical for games like this. Somehow, it comes together and makes a decent amount of sense by the end.

    Overall, it's no Succubus Acadamia, but it's still fantastic. I hope KineticDog continues to make these games.