RPGM rpgm mv first questions

Jan 8, 2019
First if you saw my last develoment post: https://f95zone.to/threads/3d-models-help-blender.132433/#post-9158230, briefly the project is dead, I will not give details, but basically I am alone. Having said that I still want to create something to practice my art on other than random drawings, so here I am learning how to use rpgm.

I will try to organize the questions according to their importance.
Note: im not english native speaker so forgive me if something doesn't understand.

-Custom pictures and videos in battles: something like both Shrift games, MGQ Paradox and Three Charms trilogy I tried to reverse engineer the 2nd game of Shrift and I didn't understand anything, another thing is that in the 2nd game the animations even of idle are videos. from what I saw investigating in the first game, the idle animations are a single image that stretches and contracts to simulate breathing, I would like to apply this (I know that doing the full animation would be better but I prefer to save 1 animation, the grabs / attacks are already done to be enough).

-Grabs: like i said above i want to add grab attacks, i already search and see that it works with abilities and states, but a extend readable explanation would be appreciated.

i think they are all at least for now (i think this was gonna be more extend). TY for taking your time to read the shit this idiot has to ask xD