Others - Completed - Rookie Guard and the Queen [Final] [oneLegNinja]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    // Story
    The story is simple. You are a new soldier that has to proove himself within a month, and the Queen takes a liking to him.

    // Gameplay
    The game is a point & click where the progress is mainly based on minigames that have been thought for phone users. On computer, these are harder as you have to move arounnd the mouse for everything. I would have appreciated some tutorials on them (maid, sex minigames for example), and to be able to use arrow keys for some of them. I think the arrow keys have not been implements to avoid contradiction with the will of the developer to be able to play with one hand only (you know the reason *wink* *wink* ).

    The point & click part is really nice ! There is a day and night cycle that each have their number of possible actions. You have some quests that will make you find some objects on some screens, and your attention to details is rewarded ; as it can unlock some scenes, or an hint on the ending.

    The characters dialogues are straightforward and at the end of each of them you know what to do/look for. I find it appreciable and easy to overlook in a review.

    // World
    The map is really cool, with rooms unlocking when you progress. The graphics and the details are really nice, nothing is empty, and all the 'furniture' has been chosen to reflect the characters lore and the room goal.

    At some point the map starts getting big and the developer thought to give us time travel. There is also a shortcut to get to the room the Queen is currently on. Big thumbs up to him for that.

    // Difficulty
    The game is easy to play around, as well as it is kinda short. Once you take the grasp of the minigame, it is a breeze as you have plenty of time to do what you have to.

    Another review expressed that the first week was hard as it it the shortest. I agree with him due to the lack on tutorials on minigames and computer portability. At this point, if ever you have to restart, you lost around 5 to 10 minutes so I do not consider it game breaking.
    // Replayability
    There is only one path in the game. Apart from unlocking all the CGs, you will have no incentive to replay once you unlocked the 'relationship 5' ending.

    I hoped that it would have allowed the player to have other quests for a real different ending. I also have hoped the game to differentiate maxing the relationship with the queen with and without ruining her.
    This makes the game straightforward, and a bit grindy for completionists.

    // Music, sound design
    The game is kinda short, unless you want to unlock it all, and the few musics (around 5 ?) are well enough not to bother you.

    The sound design does the job, even though on completionist runs, you may want to reduce its level as it gets repetitive, as you have to play the same mini games over and over.

    Hint for completionists : keep track of the numbers you have to get for your work and for the relationships. That will help you know which relationship level you are at, and stop playing the minigames as soon as you have what is needed.

    // Art
    The characters designs are really nice and the developer warned you about unrealistic body proportions.

    But currenctly, apart from 'humiliation' in the f95zone tags, nothing indicates that the kinks are H A R D. Boy, be prepared.

    I do not want to spoil new players so I won't tell what is in it. But be warned that if you are not accustomed to some hardcore japanese hentai stories with mental degradation or mind break, you may be.... suprised? ... disgusted? with the content.

    There is a few softcore content, but the main goal with the Queen is really pushed far, and the world reflects it.

    And the art in this kind of content is really good. Characters design, minigames, unlockable scenes, real good.
    To be nick-picky, I would have appreciated to see all the minigames and Queen relationship art as well in the unlockable CGs.

    // Conclusion
    Really nice game, I spend a really good time with that game. Plus, it has been made with Godot, the engine I use for my game projects. If I could put a 4.5 rating, I would have. And when I am torn between two ratings, I put the highest.

    The content may be niche with this kind of female degadation, and I think it results from an asian or japanese societal problem ; I do not know western artists with that much fervor to humiliate a women that far, even when the character 'libido' """justifies""" it (if even it is justifiable).

    But the game is well thought out, no breaking bugs, nice art, easy to play with. The artist oneLegNinja is on itch.io, and from what I see, he is also coming on Steam. If you want to support him, there you go !
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent game. The most annoying part is the minigames. Many of them aren't explained and you have to figure them out through trial and error. No Idea how to get endings other than the one I already have. Supposedly there are several relationship endings though. A lot of the kinks aren't my cup of tea, but I'm sure someone out there likes them though. After you do the sex scenes which have their own minigames, they quickly become uninteresting as well. No real reason to keep doing them or the work missions as long as you have me your quotas. I'm sure if you did everything perfectly you'd get a special ending but I doubt the ending would be worth all the extra grinding. Still, it was a fun and short game.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game making me question my kinks

    cons: at the start of minigame of the week is every easy to loss,
    and it have minigame when it comes to sex just so not to increase "SUS"

    advantage: multiple ending, easy to understand gameplay at mid game. have day and night making a lot of action per day.