Unreal Engine - Abandoned - Risk of Waifus [v4.26] [SeedWall]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Good ideas, lots of jank.

    Gravity jank: Falling damage is fine, but not janky unity with janky ledges that slip or janky jump-pads that are too weak and now force to fall or too strong and still force to fall down on the higher ledge.
    Some model parts have animations for gravity, some don't, some don't have gravity in certain situations or on certain characters and sometimes walking turns to sliding instead.

    Entity jank: Enemy spam is fine for this type of game, but since there is a spawn limit and enemies are slow, leaving them makes the rest of the level peaceful, they can also spawn to their deaths, since they spawn from above and can fall off.
    There's also seemingly no limit on projectiles count or lifespan, so enemies that can spawn slow moving projectiles (skeleton mages if I recall correctly) can fill not just the map, but even outside of it with their projectiles.
    Items have tiny hitboxes, so to see them you need to stop and look directly down and then pick them up, so in a hectic situation it's just blind pick-up spam.
    Bosses are the easiest enemy type, even easier than navigating the map- slower than normal enemies, much bigger hit-boxes, obvious incoming attacks that are almost always melee.

    Control jank: While I get that ranged characters are easy mode (especially with in-built healing), melee characters can't properly strafe, because ranged characters attack the target indicator, and melee just a small unmarked area in front of them at various angles.
    Inputs are very often either delayed or ignored- to cast a skill (even the basic LMB or RMB attacks) sometimes need multiple clicks to do it, so no proper combos and a lot of additional button mashing to actually play.

    Info jank: Character stats and skills are just experiment-based guesswork, since you pick them mostly by appearance (since it's what's shown).
    Some items have a decent amount of info like 'restores X every Y', others are just 'improves Z damage' or 'reduces W cooldown', so their value is blurry (not that it really matters since the best choice is to get everything you can), but inconsistent.

    IN SHORT Really good for a start, even there's lots of jank, that doesn't quite hamper the gameplay, just I haven't encountered any adult content? (win or lose, you just get told that you win or lose).
    3/5 cause while the game is okay, it's not sexy enough to be here.