RPGM - Completed - Rina And The Wishing Crystal [Souzai-soft]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is criminally underrated.

    The world building is spectacular. Themes of gentrification and urbanization are prevalent all throughout and even serve as a driving force for the narrative. These topics are explored to create conflict with the characters.

    In spite of its generic appearance, this game’s story and dialogue were surprisingly well done. There are three female protagonists, each with their own personalities and back-stories that are super engaging.

    I can't say much without spoiling the story but, as you probably guessed, finding the Wishing Crystal is not so simple as you might think...

    18 scenes in total. Most of the scenes are forced sex with the female characters begging for mercy. It can be disturbing to people sensitive to this type of content.

    Anyways ~ I highly recommend. I'm sure you'll enjoy if you give it a chance.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    A simple, default but cute RPGM game.

    + The heroines of the game are cute;
    + I like in this game that the enemies do not reset, they not only play smoother but also you can not become mega strong by gaining skills and gold;
    + Some funny events
    + Added some mechanical variations;
    + Craft elements;
    + Combat mode uses simple elemental assumptions and protection against various skills, so fighting individual bosses is more interesting. There would be nothing extraordinary about it, if not for the fact that the amount of gold is very limited due to non-resetting opponents, and therefore we must prudently manage our purse.

    - the moments spent in the fight will take a little longer because there is actually not much narrative in them and between them, we just break through the next crowds of opponents to the next event;
    - erotic scenes seem quite simple and lack verve, and after that there are not so many considering the several hours of gameplay.

    Like nothing special, the story is not very ambitious but has its charm - the game mechanics are based mainly on the basic assumptions of RPGM, but as far as the aspect of eroticism is concerned, it falls just average and nothing more.

    It's a title that perfectly shows the average game on this engine, so all RPGM "haters" will have another reason to point out weaknesses, but I don't belong to them and apart from a few moments of weariness, I played it quite nicely.

    Game time: > 6 hours
    Rating: 3/5
    A lovely average. Despite the nice visual line, the erotic side of the game is very average and I don't recommend the game for people looking for hot and sexy scenes. If not for that, the game would get a 4/5 rating from me - because the rest of the game somehow manages. I can recommend the game to people who like to mechanically play RPGM and do not have high requirements when it comes to the erotic aspect of the game.