rgss3a file Error!


May 16, 2018
one of my friend send his demo rpg game, i've download it and tried to open with VX Ace. It shows "unexpected file format" 2.PNG
But if i try to decrypt/Extract it it shows all file & even can be extracted. 1.PNG
i don't understand whats the problem here. Also, if i extract all file then is there any way to open that demo game without " .rvproj2 " . As far as i know that VX Ace can open " .rgss3a " file format. Really need some help here :(


New Member
Jan 6, 2019
I might be late, but maybe someone will have the same problem in the future.

The RPG Maker XP / VX / VX Ace Decrypter by Falo already has the feature to "Generate Game.rvproject2",
but really the only thing you have to do is create a file named NAME.rvproject2, which contains the plaintext:

"RPGVXAce 1.02a"

(without quotation marks; 1.02a is the current version, I think)

and place it in the folder, that is the decrypted .rgss3a file.

VX Ace should then be able to open the NAME.rvproject2 file.