Others [RELEASED] "Help me, Brave Sir Knight!" - A Godot dev diary (previously just "sharing my great idea")


Game Developer
Sep 2, 2018
This is it for today, kinda germanic/gothic looking full plate. Feeling real lazy to make an "inner" thigh, might end up just mirroring it. Still haven't added this or the previous armor to the game proper, gotta export the pieces and reposition them around the bones.
1698024711337.png -- 1698024873434.png <- mirrored thigh

This is a good devlog. If you are still having an issue with the knight's jump on different framerates, make sure you are not calculating its physics with
It's been fixed. Turned out that I was doing some math ignoring the delta and that was causing the extra long jump. I ditched my local variable and used delta as the timer instead and all turned well.


Game Developer
Sep 2, 2018
Ok, changing armor is now working as expected. I apparently messed up the length of armor 2's leg and arm, so some minor adjustments will happen. This is more visible on armor 2 (below)'s knee joint, there's visible empty space there

Also, the first armor lacks a "penis exit", so when you're raping an enemy, the cock shows over the fauld. Gotta make a small opening there, give it a tasset (those protective side skirts).

Right now, I'm trying to figure why the game is loading the default values and overwriting the config file on the game startup, instead of properly loading it.
The problem was that the options menu saves whenever it becomes invisible. It was starting the game as visible, thus, due to how Godot loads stuff, it'd end up changing its visibility, saving, then loading other stuff that would eventually load the config file (which was already overwritten at this point) - I still need to fix the config not loading the proper armor set or the chosen helmet, they always default to the first one - Fixed

With some luck, R3 will be released tomorrow, with these small visual fixes to the armors, plus other stuff.

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Game Developer
Sep 2, 2018
Release 3 now available, changelog here and on the OP of the release thread, too. It's basically a compilation of the stuff I fixed in the previous days


Game Developer
Sep 2, 2018
Somewhat expectedly, my hard drive had a small failure yesterday, doing a full disk verification on boot, and made me lose a bunch of files, most of them unrelated to the game.

One of them was my WIP of a new enemy, an orc gal. It was still kinda ok-ish and needed some work, but was a decent starting point, if nothing else, already all limbs drawn and just needed some rework on the torso. I also lost the right boot of the plate armor. Luckily, it's just the same boot in a different position. Didn't seem to lose anything else. All code is still fine, which is the most important part. My last external backup was from october 25, so at least the loss wouldn't be too big. I need to take a day to install the SSD I bought and transfer all my shit to it to avoid further problems like this.


EDIT: Yup, motherfucker just had a nearly complete failure. Copying my shit will take a while, as it's capped at 36MB/s. Good thing I made a new backup ASAP after the post, as I probably lost more stuff.
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Game Developer
Sep 2, 2018
Been quite a while since I've posted in this thread. The things we do to keep a paying job.

Anyway, starting next week, I might have some extra free time to finally get back on working on the game. The things I'll work on for R4, in no particular order:

  1. Cumshots
  2. At least one new enemy (orc gal), possibly two (gnoll or catgirl), complete with sex animations
  3. On screen controls for Android
  4. New stage designs

As is, I suspect the controls for Android will be the easiest, if the in game pause button is any indication of work needed. Just add a toggle in the options to make it show/hide and maybe look if there's a way to detect the OS to automagically make it show, which will also hide the "Quit" button in the web version, which "crashes" the game there.

On a side note, the problems with jumping that I accidentally added to R3 should be fixed. They were FPS related and as of the moment of this writing, I don't remember exactly the reason why the fuck it was happening in the first place. Gotta check the code again and pray I properly commented that part.

Stage design is something that I'll probably spend some time testing in and out. It's something that will always leave some people frustrated, one dude on itch complained that stage 2 was "impossible". Personally, I think that was just a skill issue, heh.

Another thing is that Godot 4.2 landed some days ago, so I'll be going straight to it. Checking the changelog, there wasn't anything new regarding skeleton animations, so, for the time being, I'll have to rely on workarounds for the infinite errors it can throw (as I related back on post #35 here).

EDIT1 - Godot has a TouchScreenButton node that does all the heavy lifting for touch controls, which is great. The buttons work perfectly, I just need to draw some proper graphics for each action. Godot also lets me set them to auto hide if the screen is not touch enabled (tested by emulating the mouse as touch). Awesome.
I also found out that I can indeed figure the OS, with the aptly named OS.get_name() function. So, starting on R4, the Exit button in the main menu should no longer appear on the web version of the game.

EDIT2- Apparently, godot 4.2 broke something in my kobold archer's animation. She'll do the whole thing, but it won't animate the bow itself, nor shoot an arrow, which happen by calling a function on the first frame of the animation. It seems that it was something about the blend time between animations that was eating up the call within the node.
I fixed it by making the function call on the code, instead of the animation node. Made the icons for the mobile control

EDIT3 - Good news and bad news. The good is that I managed to export to android and successfully tested on my galaxy s8 running lineageOS 20 (Android 13). The bad is that I can't find a way to make the game use OpenGL2, so a considerable number of devices simply won't run the game at all. Godot 4.x apparently ditched OGL2 and only uses 3 and up for compatibility mode, preferring Vulkan otherwise.

EDIT4 - Moved some options around, added sliders for opacity and size of touchscreen buttons. Also made it so that menus are larger when played on Android or web browser
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Game Developer
Sep 2, 2018
Just a WIP of the orc gal. Her face is going to take a while to look decent enough for my tastes. I'm not too worried about limb position at the moment because each will be its own separate file and I'll be able to freely place them



Game Developer
Sep 2, 2018
Haven't done much to the game because, take a wild guess: i've been addicted to fucking palworld. I know, fuck me. I'll see if I can finish the orc and add her to the game by the end of february, at least. So that's work on animating her + creating the sex scenes


Game Developer
Sep 2, 2018
Finally finished the orc gal. Only took me, what, 2 months? Pshh, easy peasy. I also decided to make her a muscle goth. Dumb idea? Totally. Questionable quality? Definitely. But I love it!
Now to save-export the separate pieces, animate, etc. Then, get to work on the big sex animation, still thinking of a position, prolly something easy and quick-ish


Game Developer
Sep 2, 2018
Slow'n steady. Animations with the skeleton/separate pieces are done, including one missionary pose. Might still do one more for a melee attack, currently the orc gal only has a throw animation, gonna add a javelin for that. Next step, all the coding, aka lots of copy-pasting from the kobold. With that done, making the larger sex animation


Game Developer
Sep 2, 2018
So, having some trouble with my orc animation right now because of my own code working against me.

The problem: checking which sex scene to play happens both in the player AND the enemy's scripts. This is terrible because instead of having only one place to look at in order to fix, I have to keep checking two. How is this biting me in the ass? In the form of me not creating a "sex_on4s" for the orc gal. Since that part is written in the player script, I either work on a fix there, or create a proper "sex_on4s" animation for the orc, or create a dummy to stop some of the errors.

As if that wasn't enough, I also have to contend with this shit:

Yes, the face, hair and breasts are on the wrong side. Why? Because fuck if I know, Godot apparently hates working with bones. Keep in mind, this kind of error happens all the time with the orc gal in the editor, though a simple advance on any animation fixes everything's positions.

1712443600163.png 1712443652129.png
That's from the editor. Why in the fucking fuck that happens? Turns out it's because I'm being "lazy": the textures for the hair, chin, ear and face are all separate nodes, child nodes of the head shape. This means that, in theory, dealing with the parent node alone should replicate every position and rotation to its children.

This, however, becomes a problem because I'm not doing that straight on the textures, I'm doing that through a "RemoteTransform" node.
I'm not using these RemoteTransforms on the kobold enemy, but I'm using on the player and the princess, and the player's head textures can very easily "glitch" if you move left-right fast, the head takes 1 extra frame to get in place with the rest of the body.
- Now that I actually know the fucking cause, I also understand why this is happening: Godot draws stuff on screen going from the bottom of each scene upwards. Child nodes are always drawn before the parent nodes. Due to the RemoteTransform, ONLY the parent node will be affected, a change that won't travel down until the next frame. Why, however, it's not properly updating while fucking the orc gal as shown way above, I still don't know.
- See, remote transforms were supposed to help in order to properly align the draw order of textures: you put the remote as a child of the bone, then just point to the actual texture, which will ideally be ordered elsewhere, so that it's easier to rearrange what piece goes on top of what, like breasts show on top of the torso, boots show on top of the shins, etc. But Godot's entire draw order is one of the most infuriating aspects of the engine. As I said above, it draws in a reverse vertical order, whatever's at the bottom of the scene's node list is drawn first and on top of other stuff.

Another annoying bug that popped up is that after fucking the orc, she'll remain stuck to the player.

On the bright side, she's properly attacking, being hit and disappearing if she dies instead of fainting.


Game Developer
Sep 2, 2018
Fixed the position of breasts and face not aligning, now everything is good. I removed the RemoteTransform nodes that were dealing with the problematic pieces and things got fine.
Also fixed the orc being stuck to the player after he's done fucking.
Another thing fixed is the draw order of the animation, all parts are showing with the proper "this should be on top of that".

Kinda decent animation. Still lacking the larger sex animation, it's currently loading the kobold. I might give a different variation on skin tones and hair colors, but as is, the only thing really missing from the orc is a working ranged weapon, everything else is fine.

One thing that's annoying me is that, sometimes, starting a rape of the orc will put her in her "faint" animation instead.


Game Developer
Sep 2, 2018
After fucking forever, I've finally come (HA!) around and made the cum animations for the current sex animations with the kobold gals, just not for the in game sprites. I've made 3 short, 5 frame animations for cum, but they're very meh thus far, it's something that I really need to get better at. Flying gooey liquids are completely new to me. Might make a couple more animations for this.

On a side note, I just found out that my game is using ~470MiB of video RAM. That's an eyepopping number to me, and I found out that the main culprit is the total area of certain body parts. Right now, all of the princess' body parts are the full 1050x2109. While some of the PNGs only take a few kilobytes of hard disk space, whenever each is loaded in game, that's a whopping 8.44MiB of RAM! The 20 pieces that make a princess are needing over 160MiB of RAM and the game in general is using ~40% of my GTX 1070's performance, which is NOT ok to me.

I suspect I can easily bring down that use to ~50MiB or so, possibly less, the problem will be repositioning each part, since their respective centers will change, although I suspect most people playing won't see much of a difference, as I doubt anyone is actually getting low framerates or seeing their graphics card, or integrated cards, suffering.
This might be a problem for mobile though, so this is something I might have to check and fix sooner or later.