VN - Others - Flash - Completed - Re:maid [v1.92] [Marble Syrup]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    From the guys that brought you "Crusoe Had It Easy" comes another game with a similar formula. You play as a typical anime romcom protagonist beta male trying to get with his roommate (who can also be his sister [determinant]) in a short but cute tale lasting anywhere from 30 to 75 minutes (depending on the route/ending).

    While short in length, the game boasts a startling level of variance in the form of "cheats" that drastically alter not only the appearance of the female cast, but their stories as well. For example, if you chose the "sister" option, the main female lead will be treated as the MC's sibling in the dialogue. And this doesn't just change the way the characters refer to each other, nearly every conversation involving the sister or the MC will include some reference to their relationship.

    What was perhaps the most refreshing aspect of the game was the way it treated. . . "non-consensual acts." Unlike your typical porn game, the MC does not sexually assault his love interest with cavalier fervor, nor is the act treated as inconsequential by the plot. The MC has to go through a disturbing process of short-sighted rationalization to convince himself that it is okay to rape his partner, which he must then face the consequences of once the act is done.

    With that said, the story does have its issues. The MC, regardless of how you play him, isn't very likable. At best he's a misanthropic beta lacking any traits that would normally attract a partner. He also makes some very uncomfortable remarks regarding the female lead's race if you chose the "brown" option in the options menu.

    MC aside, the story is good for what it is. If you liked Crusoe Had It Easy, you'll enjoy this. And if you're on the fence, just give it a shot. At worst you lose an hour of your life that you would just spent jerking off to something else.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    FUCKING INCEL ! GOD ! The MC is so annoying !

    If it wasn't for him, this game would be awesome ! The art is great, the girls are cute, interesting, sweet and charming. You want to see where are things are going to end with them. But, GOD, the MC is such an ass !
    He is your typical edgy/incel dude you find in porn game who only see girls as potential girlfriends / sex objects. Every time we talk to a girl, he's scheming ! "I have to say this if I want her to be my girlfriend", "Yes, I got a point" "No, I fuck up how do I do to regain her trust" etc... Dude, you are just talking about the weather, shut up !
    And of course we have the typical comments, "Girls are like this / like that", "Girls love this", "look at her big boobs", "I would love if she could give me a handjob" "I have a bulge just by talking to her" "I want to masturbate right now" etc.... After one hour, I just want him to shut the fuck up ! How can someone ruin a good game.
    Also, the game suffers from the prime problem of choice in visual novel, The sentence formulated after one word ! Us player select a word or a little sentence which express a vague idea. Since our MC is a dumbass, he'll choose to say the more stupid thing he can found, of course by adding some sexism and misogyny in his sentence while conversing to a girl.... Dumbass !
    It would be so much better if he was mute.
  3. 5.00 star(s)



    Version reviewed: 1.92

    Positives ;)
    • a modestly sized game with great replayability
    • decent story and graphics, it makes for a nice vanilla playthrough
    • the cheat menu is hilarious and completely off the rails (want to make your roommate your sibling and a zombie? The script adapts and explains all of that...)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is brilliant and impressive on how the writing and stuff goes by what you picked. Even if you make it get really silly or stupid. There needs to be more stuff like this with such options. Makes it replayable just to see how cute or straight up absurd the writing or scenes change
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    An honestly shocking amount of customization via the cheat menu, much of which is even reflected in text as well as art.

    Any game where you can bang your undead brown elf cousin who is actually your sister is an automatic 10/10 in my book~
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The story : plot is between an classmate and a roommate. choose one. personally, i liked the roommate more since they actually felt more drawn to eachother like "siblings," yet the classmate path was also pretty awesome. overall i liked the short story.

    The art : Now this is absolutely crucial imo in visual novels. and what this game did, was amazing. maplesyrup is imo one of the best VN makers atm on open market.

    The cheats : enable naked and demons. thank me later! ;)