(Poll) Would you avoid checking out a game solely because it's running on the RPGM engine?

Would you avoid checking out a game solely because of it's running on the RPGM engine?

  • No

  • Yes

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May 11, 2017
Voted "Yes", tho it is not that trivial answer.

Yes, because overpowering amount of games which get to be based on RPGM becomes JRPG exclusively. I find the navigation and combat not intuitive there (and you will have it every little single step on a story progression, maybe even multiple times), and content vs MC-walking-on-the-map time ratio incredibly low. Though it is on the other end of a scale, but Frank's Adventure series has actually RPGM-like style, still I liked them, in those cases an RPGM tag would not trigger me to ignore.

No, because I'm kind of always open for good suprises and I can rigorously look for hidden gems. I'm okay to check and leave 200 games to find 1 really cool.


Game Developer
Aug 21, 2018
Vexton From what you said, you are definitely a no. Because you will check out the game and decide from there if it's worth playing or not. If you check out the content before making a decision regardless of their engine use then you are a 'No'.


Game Developer
Dec 19, 2018
If a game looks like a clone of thousands of others, its not the engine to blame, but the developer.

Take a look at my little hobby project: Sengoku Dating Sim. Or games like this: Wicked Rogue. Made with RPG MV, but different than generic rpgm games.

So, no I wouldn't avoid a game solely because it has an rpgm tag.


Sep 28, 2019
Yes. ( not to dis RPGM it has many decent games & im quite sure i havent explored even 5% of the rpgm list ).

Im playing adult games for only like a year now, i preffer to play renpy games first. I bookmark decent looking rpgm for later.

Some of the main reasons im not doing rpgm first are.
1. Cant save whenever / wherever we want.
2. Many rpgm games doesnt implement roolback for dialogs.
3. Crash in the middle of game sometimes. ( if crash happen in renpy, there will be some auto save in save menu for it ).
4. Most does no have extended save slots. ( i save some lewd locations that occur during grind which will allow me to replay a specific character path again whenever i want without too much grind. ive like over 70pages saves in some renpy games like holiday island, milfy city, foot of the mountains, etc. i miss that in many rpgm games ).

I have played some recommended rpgm games like pesants quest, long live the princess, etc. still many good recommended rpgm games like lust epedemic, my new life, milf control & many more games are piling up in bookmarks while im checking out renpy games.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2018
RPGM is boring. "Go there, go there and again go there" gameplay. And you can't save game during cut scene. Almost always user unfriendly quest design.


Developer of Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
I have played some recommended rpgm games like pesants quest, long live the princess, etc. still many good recommended rpgm games like lust epedemic, my new life, milf control & many more games are piling up in bookmarks while im checking out renpy games.
Long Live the Princess is not an RPGM game, for the record. It's made in Ren'py.

Deleted member 1816167

I try to avoid RPG games.. but if some game is really good i don't mind


Game Developer
Aug 21, 2018
Belle Can you port your game to android easily with Ren'py or it needs some special modding? Thx

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Belle Can you port your game to android easily with Ren'py or it needs some special modding? Thx
Why not directly looking at what Ren'py Author say regarding ? Because the answer to your question is "maybe", since all depend of what you'll do with your game. But if you plan it from start with an Android version in mind, there's no reason for this to not be possible.

A Nonny Mouse

Mar 14, 2019
I voted "Yes, I would avoid playing RPGM games" because I feel like there is a massive clash between the Western h-art (daz, hand drawn) and the, in my opinion, silly sprite art that comes prepackaged with the engine. The two don't mix well at all and it's hard for me to get immersed in the world of the game when half of the game is cartoonish and the other half is realistic. It's like playing Minecraft with the Witcher 3 scenes pasted throughout the game.


May 11, 2017
Vexton From what you said, you are definitely a no. Because you will check out the game and decide from there if it's worth playing or not. If you check out the content before making a decision regardless of their engine use then you are a 'No'.
Okay, changed my vote accordingly. Though I have a default 'avoid' feeling on RPGM tags, and it has a good chance to turn into real 'why bother' severity.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
Sadly, my answer was Yes.

It's not like I would completely avoid it just for that, but it will go to my "to play someday" list when I have over 200 games and probably never make it out.


The answer to the specific question
Would you avoid checking out a game solely because of it's running on the RPGM engine?
was No.

There are some games which make good use of the RPGM engine and which would be pretty hard to make in another engine.
The Last Sovereign comes to mind, as does Peasant's Quest and a few others.

However, even besides the "walking simulator" "grinding" aspects, there are still a lot of serious drawbacks, such as:
- Save system
- Not possible to quickly skip content, e.g. on a second playthrough
- No rollback for text / scenes
etc. etc.

All in all, I do not skip RPGM altogether but it needs to do everything right otherwise I'll pass. With Ren'py games I have a bit more tolerance for lower quality games, because they are simply less time consuming.


Dec 2, 2019
No, I am a big fan of a reward system that gives me content based on exploration, puzzles, and other interactivity in general. But I almost strictly play non-vn games because that's my preference. Although, how they advertise it in terms of gameplay strongly dictates whether I'll play it or not.
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Jan 13, 2020
I just haven't had one good rpgm game that I can fap to. It really has nothing to do with the storyline or how good the game is. I think for me its more like its super hard to fap in the game and that old legend of zelda feel is just not something I can even remotely want to fap to. I would probably play the game if it wasn't for the fact that I'm looking for fapping type games to begin with. Maybe someday I'll look into more rpgm games when I'm done with all these other games. I do agree with kytee. I don't agree with the "crybaby millenial" comment. But anyway, to each their own.

Agent HK47

Active Member
Mar 3, 2018
No, but the previews would have to really intrigue me in order for me to download and try it.