Flash - Completed - Pokkaloh [v1.0] [Pokkaloh]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Just found out that this game is on this website. And let me tell you, the other reviews are bull!

    Sure the art is outdated, but come on! This game is old asf, even if it says "uploaded 2016" it sure hell was not. Maybe on this site yes, but I do remember playing this game way back.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Some of the art is poor quality, the animations aren't fluid and most are pretty janky, and the sound effects during sex scenes remind me of that video of a pufferfish eating a carrot. The game's humor is decent at least and it's not painful to play as a game (except the treasure hunting mechanic.) I'd say it's worth it to play if for no other reason than it's not a dime a dozen RPGM game.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    While I appreciate the addition of crafting-gameplay and the several different minigames, what they ultimately add up to is: a. lot. of. grinding.
    In principle I'm fine with the grind, if the process is somewhat satisfying and the reward for it is good, but 1 short sex scene per girl (15 in total), for hours of grind is not worth it. The sex scenes and the artstyle I like. Not really detailed, but still pretty and the girls looks and personalities are all varied. Plus, the sex scenes themselves all feature different positions, which prevents at least this part of the game from feeling tired and samey. If only there was more of it... As it stands I'm not mad at myself for having played it, but had I known what I do now about the game, I wouldn't have bothered with it.
    If you do plan to bother with it, play the version with cheats, which I would've given 3/5 stars instead of 2/5.