Others Patreon and incest advice.


Engaged Member
Jul 4, 2017
Crypto for creators has it's own problems for me as a creator. The biggest benefit a platform like Patreon and Subscribestar have for me is that they take care of VAT. If I where to accept Paypal/Crypto or another form of direct donation I would be on the hook for paying VAT. I would need to know where the donation came from and pay VAT to that country. (And of course every country has it's own VAT percentage which I would need to know, keep on top of changes and look if for some reason I might be exempt from VAT in that country.) In short it is a B. And well I could ignore it of course but it is generally accepted to not fuck with the IRS no matter what country you are in.
I might not have explained myself very well: a platform that "works like" patreon (but is not shit) that does the pay-in and pay-out with crypto, and provides whatever services are necessary to help the creator meet their tax obligations - i.e. provides the data with percentage breakdown of country of payment origin * relevant VAT rate for each payout. Then it is up to the creator to input whatever crypto -> currecny conversion rate they acheive on their own payout. So at each reporting period, the data can be provided and the creator can pay the tax authorities out of their own responsibility.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Patreon proved the business model but have two big problems: one, they are based in the USA,
Like itch.io and SubscribeStar... The later is owned by a none US citizen, but entirely located in the USA, from the hosting to the postal box used as registered office, but the three depend on the Californian jurisdiction.

and two, they are big targets using stripe as their payment provider.
Like itch.io, that provide less variety in terms of payment processors.

They have zero room to push back against visa/mastercard moralization rules that are enforced by stripe.
It's not their location and size that is the problem, but the fact that the ban request was initially targeting prostitution. Starting the moment it's targeting real persons, you loose the possibility to negotiate. As a company, and commercial broker, you can't say that p*d*shit effectively have to be banned, and in the same times put limits to this ban.
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