Unity - Completed - OWN:MAKE Soft Girl [Final] [witCHuus]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    A fun time waster. Follow the arrows to give the good sex, get money to get more girls, then do it again.

    The general flow of the game is as follows:
    Challenge Campaign Level to get a new girl + Bonus Cash
    Shop at the store to get a girl to either a) Add to your collection or b) Flip for cash (Tip: Keep the low Level Girls and Sell the high level ones to grow your collection!)
    Get the required amount of girls to take on the next campaign challenge
    Rinse and repeat until Campaign 10 (34 Girls Total)

    Finally you unlock the ability to customize your own girl, and while it's nothing fancy, it does feel like a decent reward! Plenty of sliders, handful of outfits, and cute/sexiness abound!

    That being said, it is about an 1 1/2 grind of Arrow Inputs to be able to customize. A major con is that there's only one "loop" of animations and it doesn't show anything more than the top half.

    Overall an average game, fun if you like seeing the variety of characters a system can make and if you want some Hell Divers 2 practice
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Has potential, shame it's marked Final.

    I think I like these sorts of short, surface-depth games more than other users here, so maybe I'm being a bit generous?

    The art is cute, the customization is almost excessive. Nice variety of choices.

    The grind is a lot more than the reward is worth, however. The game was fun up until the Stewardess, where having to grind the Queen several times just to buy *one* girl in the store quickly got dull. It was also a little strange that I had to buy and beat girls in order to... do the exact same thing to the campaign girls. The two groups are practically identical that I question why there's a distinction at all-- just throw some randomly-generated girls into the campaign if you want to make it longer.

    I feel like the customization should be unlocked sooner, maybe around the Stewardess, to make it a reward worth going for but also allowing the overachievers to actually try to beat the higher bosses if they want to. Maybe lock some customization options behind higher bosses?

    There should be a free mode for all girls, campaign and store-bought, that earns zero money and removes the timer.

    An option to literally just... remove the cum spurts would actually also be nice. Not having visual of what's happening down there is fine, but not having it sprayed everywhere would give us a different implied ending lol