VN - Others - Completed - Orc Castle - Disgraced Battle Maidens in Heat [Hentai Industries]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    "Orc Castle" does quite well what it set out to do. It's a completely inoffensive to my tastes nice short tower defence game with a focus on sex, which manages to entertain if you give the gameplay a go, even though there is not much replay value once you've seen all the scenes, and which doesn't bring anything new to the table story-wise.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    You'd imagine a game that has you playing as a nefarious orc capturing heroines would have a lot of kinky shit going on but this game thoroughly disappoints in that department. There are about 10-ish scenes, all awfully vanilla. The gameplay itself is somewhat interesting but there's really only one way to play and the monkey brain in me can't help but optimize every floor and once you do that, it's merely about getting the right combo and clearing the level.

    So the gameplay is about setting traps in a dungeon so that you can direct heroines towards your minions (which the game pre-places) and away from the exit (which results in a gameover). And when I say traps, I don't mean "fun" traps like wooden horses or bdsm or exhibitionist shit but really snares that send the heroine two steps forward or "traps" that affect which way they'll turn. Your job is basically to land the traps in such a way so that they merge together i.e. the heroine is propelled from one trap to another without any break in between which results in a combo. The combo is really 2^x where x is the number of continuous traps the heroine goes through. The traps should lead to a minion that deals a certain amount of damage. That damage is multiplied by your combo multiplier and then is subtracted from the heroines HP. And the heroines have a butt-load of HP. My problem with this is that there's really only one way to play. The traps are not interesting, the gameplay requires you to just pause as soon as the dungeon and heroine materialize and just plot out the path you want her to take and place traps along that path. It's simple. There are only four levels. It's too easy. Fun for 20 minutes. Afterwards, you're just waiting for the H-Scene.

    Every time you capture a heroine, it leads to the H-Scene (there are H-Scenes within the gameplay loop but you have to lead them to a specific monster which is really annoying). The scenes are all right. Nothing too special. Thoroughly average but acceptable.

    The fact that it's a short game means you will quickly get through it all but will be left wanting because it could have been so much more.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    First of all this game shouldn't have a high rating. This game is really fun, the gameplay is very interesting and fun but the main focus is about the orcs fucking chicks and completely blew it. The story is not well-written, the invaders invade the castle and that is just it. There isn't a goal to the game but just beat the invaders. The scenes is boring as hell, it is just a bunch of different facial expressions slapped onto some chicks body. I don't recommend this game for fapping but just to have fun.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    First H-scenes, all of them are just one or two frames with a coupe of face expressions. Nothing else, static af. I really find it hard to understand how poor the scenes are depiste the great art, the cute girls, the position choices and the voices... how they could've fked that up? RIP

    Gameplay: actually kinda interesting, I had some trouble at first until you get the trick. When you get the trick you just have to do the same thing all the time... yeah, repetitive.

    The game is short and the mechanics are fine, if you just want to play a game I guess this could work but I think there plently of better games out there.

    I think this game is unfappable, so I don't think you should download this one for the porn.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favourite hentai games. Just like many other japanese VNs out there the art looks great; crisp colours, accentuating shades and wonderfully exaggerated body proportions. What sets this game apart from those VNs is the gameplay.
    For every level you have to place traps in a monster-filled labyrinth while a "Battle Maiden" makes her way through it. With the traps you have to build combos to rip her clothes of and make her trip into enemies. If you get your combo long enough and make the maidens fall into a monster you'll be rewarded with hentai scenes with surprising detail in writing.
    Getting a long and satisfying combo is as much fun as it is sexy, making the game a wonderful little dopamine-maker. The story itself may be short but if you want to see all the hentai scenes you'll have go through each level several times over.
    In short, this game has both quantity and quality. The art is well-made and sexy and the gameplay is fun. It simply hits all the right spots, just like the main character's Orc dick.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    short game. fun gameplay. Girls are hot but the sex Scenes are Standard hentai VN = lots of text, only 1 Position and no Animation. i wish there was a Scene where we would fuck the elf. the game isn't bad, but the Story just had soooo much more potential imo.

    for People who struggle with the gameplay: just build a huge Combo with an enviroment trap and washtub infront of the Monster->save and reload if the Girl wont walk into the Monster during washtub confusion. something like "move left" "snare" "move left" "snare" "enviroment trap" "snare" "washtub" and that should almost always insta kill them. just save up some Points to build all the traps. also obv easy way is to get them naked first and then build a big Combo. snare into bomb into more trap is also a good Combo.
    finishing the Girl with a orc Monster will not give you an extra cg sex Scene. always finish the Girl with a Monster that isnt an orc.