Collection Video Nylon3D Animation Collection [2021-09-12] [Nylon3D]

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New Member
May 24, 2020
Hello community friends.
Are any of you on Twitter?.
If yes ? , the makers of are represented there with an account and now please come my friends , can someone point out to the makers that they could consider PAYPAL , because that way we would make further progress .
Thanks in advance to those who contacted the guys from! , I can't do it myself, I'm not familiar with these chats.
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New Member
Jan 2, 2023
and the quality to cost is not worth it. Like his videos have silly audio, or clipping, along with bad lighting. He uses DAZ3D so if any of you wanna recreate his stuff, thats a starting point.
A couple of years ago i heard DAZ3D is only good for creating a model and posing it in stills, but not for animation videos. Has DAZ3D improved meanwhile or do you think he's using a bridge from DAZ3D (for modelling) to other softwares (for animating)? If he's really animating the videos with DAZ3D only, it must have improved since. I wouldn't call the Nylon Productions top notch animation, but it's decent and would not correspond to the bad image that I always had of DAZ3D regarding animation videos due to many reviews


New Member
May 24, 2020

You shouldn't beg, if the community member doesn't want to share then he doesn't want to, but you should think about what you do in a community because you can be unlucky yourself if others have something you want too, stay cool someday we'll find the Breeders only the calm.


New Member
Mar 6, 2023
Not sure what's their plan over there payment-wise ... but, I do believe they are over priced. They determine the bundles, which is probably not the exact three titles most people want.
This is the last of the "free" loop groups (rhyme?); but it is a BIG, one coming in at 6.5gb approximately. I suppose it's not that big compared with the 4K stuff coming out these days. All in MOV format ... gotta love "quicktime". Again, there may be some dupes ...?
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