Tool Daz Tutorial NSware - Daz3D Zip-Installer 0.5.4 (Info 0.5.5)

5.00 star(s) 1 Vote


Jul 22, 2018

NSware - Daz3D Zip-Installer 0.5.4

Help for version 0.5.5
Befor I release version 0.5.5 write me problems of your version 0.5.4

Current fixes:

Version 0.5.5
-Addet Delete Option by Source ZipFile-Settings
-Fixed Crash by Uninsaller if not find NSContentUninstaller(.nscu)-File
-Addet Content-Library Cleaner (Delete all empty Folders) ALPHA-VERSION
-Removed OBJ-Folder Support
-Faster Read Install/Uninstall Files
-Addet Support for *.7z (7zip)
-Changed some Colors
-Changed TextureConverter-Tab Max. Threads to 6


-Install mass of Rar and Zip Files of Daz3D Content
-Uninstall Daz3D Content (Content you intsalled with this Tool)
-Converting Texture Size by Installing or In the Texture-Converting Tab (Optional)
-Create Automatic Folder-Icons by Installing (Optional)
-Ignore to install Templates,Photoshop Files or Documnents (Optional)

Version 0.5.4
-Show Current Reading Texture(Path) in TextureConverter
-Optimated Slow Reading Uninstaller-list
-Write Filesize in Uninstaller File by Installing (Read Faster Uninstaller filesizes)
-Write Filesize in Uninstaller-File if not in Uninstaller File (Fix for last versions).
-Uninstaller delete Empty Folders
-Addet Search-Engine in Install-Ziplist
-Addet Search-Engine in Uninstaller-Contentlist
-Optimated Code
-Addet Uninstalling-Progress
-Disable Uninstaller List by Reading
-Addet Method to Abort Texture-Converting


Paranormal erection (He Found The "Use ExtractAllEntries to extract SOLID archives"-Problem)

The best Extract all Files from .rar to a Root-Folder (D:\,E:\,....),
because some Pathes to long, and Windows can´t Managed this Pathes (Max Chars 260).

The Tool Create 2 Folders
-"Temp" to Store the PreviewImages from Rar/Zip file for the tool (you can delete)
-"Uninstallers" to Store all Uninstall informations (DON´T DELETE)

Please Vote!

**Software need .NetFramework 4.6.1

1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png

Version 0.5.4
-Show Current Reading Texture(Path) in TextureConverter
-Optimated Slow Reading Uninstaller-list
-Write Filesize in Uninstaller File by Installing (Read Faster Uninstaller filesizes)
-Write Filesize in Uninstaller-File if not in Uninstaller File (Fix for last versions).
-Uninstaller delete Empty Folders
-Addet Search-Engine in Install-Ziplist
-Addet Search-Engine in Uninstaller-Contentlist
-Optimated Code
-Addet Uninstalling-Progress
-Disable Uninstaller List by Reading
-Addet Method to Abort Texture-Converting
Version 0.5.3
-Show All-Content-Size in Zip-Files-List by Import (GB)
-Checking Zip-File exist befor Extract (Fixed Errors)
-Move Damaged-Zips to Temps\Errorzips (checked zips with WinRar & 7zip, files are broken)
-Clear Errorlist by Press "Install" not "Cancel", now
-Speedup to Read Uninstaller-Content List
-Read ContentSize after Reading Uninstaller-Contents
-Converting (Uninstaller)Datagrid-Cell (Filesize(MB)) to Float-Type (Better to Sort)
-Removed Texture-Convert Fix for version 0.2 Converter
-Check Folder exist by TextureConverter-Tab befor Convert (Fixed-Crash)

**Clearing empty Folders after Uninstalling, coming soon
Version 0.5.2
-Addet New Extract-Method (First Method Removed)
-Changed Error Messages
-Clear the Error-Log List by Install
-Fixed some Path-Problems (Invalid Symbol "?")
-Support for "material" Folder
-Addet "Skip Installed" - Option to Importing Content (You don´t need the "Move to Backup-Folder" Funkction to Skip Installed Content, now)
-Addet LogWriter

-Fixed Image Path error
Version 0.5.1
-Fixed "Use ExtractAllEntries to extract SOLID archives" Problem, with some Rar/Zips
-Fixed not visible "Uninstaller - Button"
Version 0.5
-Fixed Crash by Create Folder with same name of File (Found by 114784.rar)
-File to extract must constains '.' (.exe,.dsf,.zip,.rar,....)
-Support for folder "enviroments" (Found by 114784.rar)
-Support for folders with Prefix "scene" (Poser_Scenes)
-Support for folders with Prefix "textures"
-Changed Error-Lock-Control Dock (Left/Right/Top/Bottom)
-Hide Texture-Converter-Panel by Standard Option
-Disable "Select All" and "Select None"-Buttons by Installing

Version 0.4
-Addet Texture-Converter-Tab
-Addet Convert All or Selected JPG´s in Contentfolder (Texture-Converter-Tab)
-Addet Fix-Button to Fix the Wrong Texture converting in Version 0.2 (If you have used the Converter in Version 0.2 Use it)
-Removed Delete-Option by Source ZipFile-Settings
-Addet Panel for the Texture-Converter Threads in Install-Tab
-Changed Texture-Converter to start more than one Task (Multithreading)
-Removed Progressbar for Texture-Converting in Install-Tab
-Changed from x32 to x64-Version
-Code Optimated

Version 0.3
-Fixed Texture-Converter (Daz3D-Loading Error)
-Fixed Progressbar States
-Addet Button to Show Content for Uninstalling (Faster Install)
-Convert Texture in Own Thread (faster Install Result)

Version 0.2.1
-Optimized Install Speed
-Addet Content-Size to Uninstaller
-Addet Zip-Size to Installer
-Save & Load Settings
-Checking is Content installed by Import Zip/Rar
-Disable Zip-List if Install

Version 0.2
-Fixed Error by Content without Preview-Images
-Addet Texture-Converter

Version 0.1
-Addet Install Feature "Templates"
-Addet Install Feature "Photoshop-Files"
-Addet Install Feature "Documentations"
-Changed Status Messages
-Addet Max. Zip-Files to Import (0 = Import all Rar/Zip-Files)
-Addet Support to Install "OBJ"-Folders to Contentfolder
-Addet Content add to Uninstaller-List after Install
-Addet "None"-Selection by "Source ZipFile-Settings"
-Addet ContextMenu to Errors-Log to Copy the Messages
Last edited:
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Jul 22, 2018
Please Contact me by Errors or Crashes....I Try to fix it for the next versions.
Jun 14, 2018
And you have try it?
Yea, I have a lot of this:


But those are from the temp files and i don't really care about them. Also, what's up with the backup folder? Why I need it?

Now, going to find a rar with rar inside to see if it ok too.

Btw talking about daz3d, I don't use poser.


Jul 22, 2018
Yea, I have a lot of this:

View attachment 269385

But those are from the temp files and i don't really care about them. Also, what's up with the backup folder? Why I need it?

Now, going to find a rar with rar inside to see if it ok too.

Hey, The Backup Folder is to Move the Source-Rar/Zip-file to another Folder. If you Import 100 Files of Rar and the Same Rars/Zips are in the Importfolder than befor, you import ever the same Zip/Rars. But you can delete the Backupfolder if you dont need the intalled Zip/Rars....If you select "None" than change the import Filecount to 0 to import all rars. Try Run the .exe as admin
Jun 14, 2018
I think there should be a way to clear these (different than reopening the .exe) reset/clear button, something like this.


Also, what means - use ExcractAllEntries to extract solid archieves?


Jul 22, 2018
Can't it work on any zip content instead of content from specific websites?
Hey, all is Possible but i have not enought testers to try it. I test Contents from and This Site. Normaly you can Install all Zip-Contents, but it´s not testet.....If you Try it, and you have problems, you can Contact me, and I fix it.....


Jan 8, 2019
Yea, it was the content library I had to add to the tabs. Not the most user friendly interface they give you right off the bat.
Thank you for the speedy reply and the install works great! Very intuitive!


Jul 22, 2018
Hey, ähm ok. Can you tell me what you do Step by Step? Maybe try to run as Admin


Jan 8, 2019
Hey, ähm ok. Can you tell me what you do Step by Step? Maybe try to run as Admin
Good timing, I was so frustrated so ended up doing a clean install of the entire suite and the version 0.5.4 still didn't work.
I re-downloaded version 0.5.3 and viola! Works perfectly... not sure whats going on here.

Steps I tried before doing the clean installs were:
-uninstall items, reinstall knowing they have worked in the past but still crashed
-run as Admin

The steps following up to the crash were just placing the content in the target folder, click "import Zip/rar" with "skip installed" checked and then hit "install". I can see all the files unzipping but as soon as it gets to the end of the install bar, the window disappears and nothing is installed. No crash log, no nothing. Weird...
5.00 star(s) 1 Vote