VN - Others - Completed - Noble☆Works [Final] [YuzuSoft]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I've given this a 4 but it's 2 girls that save this and they do so in a pretty good way by having 2 of the best endings.

    As far as the girls go, they are all great but not all have equal endings as I said above. Maya and Kunihiro are both great, Akari's is okay, Sena's is pretty meh (but so is her path) while Shizuru has a really good path but dog shit ending.

    No ending compares in scales of terrible to the utter waste of time the "bonus" (term used very loosely) ending is. I won't say who it is for spoilers sake (although you can guess from VNDB) but it's utterly pointless and leads to absolutely nothing, it can't even be called an ending. At best it's a bad end at worst it's a waste of download space that could have been spent giving one of the other girls more screen time.

    The biggest crime is, up until the ending, said path is pretty good.

    As for extra's, there are a few but like endings not all are equal.

    Chiaki is the head maid you'll see a lot of, I love this girl, she deserved a path so badly but alas it's not meant to be.

    Kotetsu is a close friend of Maya's and Izumi is the father of Akari. I'm sure these were meant to be comic relief but whoever did the writing went way to far with it and it flies straight past funny into creepy as fuck territory. Kotetsu is practically stalking Maya her whole life and Izumi creep on his own daughter constantly and never once is it done in a way that could be seen as "humorous".

    As for the MC, he's hit and miss. He has moments of brilliance but mainly overshadowed by a mixture of typical Japanese writing of male MC's being a mix if idiot and pervert. Again, like the 2 above, it's done for humour but so often misses the mark it's unreal.

    Don't get me wrong, there are genuinely funny moments in it, the writing isn't all bad and it's saved a lot by the last extra, Makoto. She doesn't have her own path but she's a female pervert that reminds me of me except I can't design shit and she's a full on clothes designer.

    All in all it's well worth a read, the romance is sweet, the girls are all fantastic and it has some really good moments. Some of it does drag it down like certain character trying too hard to be comic relief but it's easily overlooked.