VN - RPGM - Completed - Night Stroll [Final] [SUPERBAD]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game! But not for everyone. If you want a complex story or gameplay, look elsewhere. If you want a simple, almost idiotic, storyline that takes you from one great H-scene to another, you've come to the right place!
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Night Stroll (currently ver. Final)
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    AMOUNT OF EXPERIENCE: I've beaten the entire game in the fan-translated ver. and reviewed all scenes.

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    The entire story of the game is very mediocre if I'm being honest. It's not horrible, but it's a long way from being good. There are a lot of weird flaws like the pacing and the forced misfortune. And of course it ends on a cliffhanger. Definitely not my favourite story out there. 0.25 stars. It's bad, but could be way worse.

    ORIGINALITY: The premise and starting plot of this game is very generic, especially if we focus on the exhibition genre. To sum this trope up: JK's parents are gone in one way or another, and she is forced into/does exhibitionism once because of some fantastical unfortunate circumstances. Now she begins to like it and does it more. Then the game ends when she gets fully confident. Not very original. I think I've seen a dozen other games with a similar plot. 0 stars.

    DIFFICULTY: This game lacks said feature.
    ENGAGEMENT: This game is a VN, and thus, lacks said feature. I guess the way you're engaged into scenes is similar to those scene finder sandbox games?
    OVERWORLD: You can move around outside of scenes and look at your surroundings. It's kind of akin to western VN, except it's RPGM instead of Ren'Py. This feature is really just to take in the atmosphere, and getting to one place to another, so nothing really special. There is also one easter egg that unlocks the gallery. Overall, 0.2 stars. This game is a VN so there are less expectations, even still there is a gallery & gallery unlock option which means it should be above average.
    LENGTH: This game has about 30m-1h of gameplay, which is really, very, extremely short for a VN, which usually can even last up to tens of hours of playtime. It also has fifteen hscenes, which makes it really dense. It's mostly hard to rate these hybrid-type games since they're scarce, but it's easy to tell this game is wayyy too short for the amount of h-scenes. I'm not saying a large amount of H-scenes are bad, but what suddenly motivated her to do what she did? It just feels like I'm going through the gallery, instead of the actual game IYKWIM. 0 stars. Lots more devs need to realise the best H-games have genuine pacing, because that one reason is usually why corruption is one of the most popular genres in H-games.
    PERFORMANCE: The game runs easily, except it's heavily bloated. Nearly 1GB? For at max 1h of gameplay? This is 100% a game that you play once, then uninstall, then reinstall if you want to play again. For bugs, in the house you can clip through some objects but other than that really small bug, no bugs that affect the playability of the game. 0.2 stars. It's just too inaccessible for low-storage devices.

    ART QUALITY: Do I even need to explain this? I should point out that it's censored, but that's bound by law. And if you play the steam uncensored ver. that's not a problem. S-tier art quality, even the big-budget HRPGs with multiple artists working on it typically have lower quality art than this. 1 star. Truly amazing.
    SCENE QUALITY: Still going quite strong with the scene quality, we have 15 scenes. This isn't that many scenes but in those scenes are a lot of individual CG. I'd say on average, it's around 20-25 CG per scene. There are unfortunately no animations, which also means no cutscenes. However, the game has full SFX, so that brings it back. 0.4 stars. Not the best, but very far from the worst.
    VARIETY: This game is very niche and it shows. None of the sexual tags are useless, and all are properly represented. The main one is exhibitionism, with urination, rape and sex following suit. Also, this isn't mentioned in the tags, cause I don't think there's a tag for it but there's also self-bondage in a scene. I'd say they did a good job in trying not to bloat the game with tags, and there is sex for the more normal people out there. But there could've been more fetishes relating to exhib, since that's the theme of the game. 0.45 stars.

    DIALOGUE: The dialogue isn't funny or anything like that, not that there's even much dialogue at all, it's usually just either Rika monologuing or pretending to speak to others, or the narrator just stating what happens. The dialogue in general just feels shallow. Also, only in the rape scenes is there actual conversation. For the amount of dialogue though, it's a VN, so there is a lot of bla bla bla and yada yada yada, so it's average for a VN. 0.05 stars.
    TRANSLATION: I played the fan-translated version, which is near the top of the translation hierarchy. Obviously this means that everything is fully understandable with no troubles with pronouns, directions or anything like that. Sometimes the translators screwed up and used a word that doesn't really make sense in the situation, but it's still good quality, especially with the increasing amount of half-assed google translate H-games. 0.2 stars.
    VOICE ACTING: The game has full Japanese VA, except for the guys but no-one wants to hear them. Every single thing Rika says has voice acting, and there are moans in the H-scenes. Full VA isn't too outlandish in the world of JPVN, but it's still good to have. 0.5 stars.

    If we combine all these ratings together, we get...
    3.25 STARS*
    *F95zone only allows whole numbers for rating, so this is if it wasn't rounded to the nearest integer.
    Full-Save Gallery Viewer
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Reviewing info: How I rate/review and other info is HERE . W.I.P This sentence will not be included if review format is finalized and blog updated.
    Review layout: Lazy/minimal format (others)
    Review type: Game
    Review format: Lewds
    ✅ Solid art
    ✅ Good take on exhibit kink scenes
    ✅ Voice acting
    ❌ Pretty garbage script
    ❌ Pretty bad for linear scene hunter “gameplay”
    ❌ For gameover scenes, no fast resume
    ❌ Extremely linear and short
    Not much to comment. Pretty hot chick with exhibit kink that goes rather extreme. But sadly game itself is pretty garbage to be honest. It had nice art and solid scenes and having voice acting was nice touch. But it’s linear scene hunter, might as well been short visual novel, would been better. There are few split choices, where either main character backs off or goes full crazy and gets banged that leads to game over. But issue here is.. even though game is nice enough to tell you to save before getting those “game over” scenes, game is still dumb enough that after game over scene when you reload your save, you can’t damn hold button to quickly skip scene/dialogues to the choice selection again…. Also even though the kink focus was hot, the way what main character thought and how everything was presented felt so damn moronic… which was quite a downer. Tension of the kink became more of a joke to be honest.
    Yeah…. I wouldn’t recommend it, probably better stuff around that focus on exhibitionism tag.
    Total Score: 4/10
    Game status:
    ✅ Finished
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is simple. it is a linear visual novel, which have some bad endings and the normal ending.

    The game itself is really good. it promises the thrill of exhibitionism, and it delivers. The scenes about how the mc reaches there are belivable. If you are lookig for a fairly short game with the exhibitionist kink go on, is well thought.

    If you are looking for something else then it may not be your best option.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    While the art is good, the scenes were not that great. The scenes are the typical still-shots accompanied by very long-winded writing which pretty much repeated the same "i'm not a pervert *squirt* *piss* *squirt* i swear i'm not *squirt* *piss* *squirt*" (x20) as the MC proceeds to schlick in front of everyone's homes for the 100th time.

    Gameplay is non-existent. Its simply go to event, play scene, go to another event, etc. So more of a VN than RPGMaker.

    Overall, its another run of the mill h-game with good art. Its a shame but I found the MC and the writing to be more annoying than erotic. I think it'd have been better off if the dialogue was kept short or if she did something other than get off in front of apartment doors. I will say both park scenes were well done, however.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    There's honestly little to no gameplay here and it might as well be a visual novel, to be honest.

    ... I what I would normally say to criticize this game, and frankly speaking it's true. However, what is also true is the fact that this game might just be one of the most erotic and heart-pounding exhibitionism games I've ever played.

    I have to admit though, the story makes little sense. She goes from "Huh, let me try it out exhibitionism" to going fully naked inside an apartment complex and having a high-speed chase with a potential rapist, THEN peeing in the elevator instead of running away since she can't help being horny about the entire situation. I honestly think the game flew over a couple hundred steps. BUT, and I say BUT, the situations she's ends up in are really fucking hot though. They're very well-written and made my heart pound with excitement.

    Yes, the fact that it's an RPGM game really doesn't do it any favors and I REALLY should give it 4 or 4.5 stars, but man the experience was too enjoyable for me that I can't help but give it a perfect score.

    Stay away if you want a really interactive experience. If you're up for a really hot exhibitionism story and don't care much about anything else, this is your game to play.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    A short linear game, but absolutely excellent, this bitch be crazy yo.
    Great art and greater writing, never really even seen such an "innocent" type of story where the woman is the crazy pervert trying to convince herself she's not, but this just nails that. Gameplay is just walking from point A to B, but who cares you came here to cum not to find mind blowing game mechanics
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Not a game, more of a visual novel in RPGM, one thing I do like is the warning to save now or risk game over.

    I'm usually a save-a-holic anyway, but it was a refreshing change.

    I'd like to see more like this with maybe a bit more length or even a battle/chase system.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Reviewing version v1.01

    Well what a disappointment that was, after having seen the screenshot on DLsite few weeks ago I was excited for this release and the first question that one can ask is why is this a RPGM game?

    The only gameplay is running from point A to B, saving when the game tell you, game over to see the CG, reload and go to next checkpoint to do the same.

    For a corruption/exhibitionism fan the game is definitely not good, it just happens instantly from seeing a magazine and bam suddenly she's an insane exhibitionism that's willing to break every limit on the same night.

    The upsides now, the art is pretty hot and well made and there's voice acting which is always appreciated in those games.

    Final Rating: 2.5/5, just download a full save file
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Not a game.... It is a ULTRA linear story that has a gameplay time (without reading the scenes) of maybe 2 minutes.
    You walk a very short length to the next scene and it goes on.
    Also it instantly escalates where she just leaves the house only with a hoody.
    There are like 4 save points where you have a choice to continue or get a game ending scene.
    Overall go "play" it if you want. It is really boring & repetetive though.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Story/H Scenes: 4/5
    The story is simple enough to get the context for and enough to be enjoyed with the immersion. H Scenes are really great, albeit short but sweet. Wished there's more but that just adds to the pros for me considering how good it is and well... look around.
    Gameplay: VN/5
    The developer probably thinks it's better to make it as RPGM to add the immersion of the MC moving and seeing the perspective, which is great if you like this small details. It's simple enough for me to like it and I'm glad it asked me to save easily accessible gallery as well.
    Art: 5/5
    It's really good. REALLY good. nuff said.
    Conclusion: 4.5/5 or 5/5
    Great time overall. Not enough exhibition games and this one takes my cake of my of the best time spent. Worth every second.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Not a bad game. Story is nice but it feels rushed. In most exhibitionism games you get way more scenes and progression is slower. Here you pretty much go from no way i would do that to getting naked in span of few dozen voice lines. Other than that it's not a game. It's a visual novel. Art is nice so if you don't care about gameplay and story and all you want is some cg's it's not bad.

    Art 3.5/5
    Story 4/5
    Gameplay VN/5
    Fapability 3.5/5
    Originality 3/5
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    pretty good game albeit for being short which is why it feels rushed, if the story spans throughout the whole vacation period instead only one day it would be perfect. Nonetheless it quite good for exhibitionist game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    very nice game i liked it even though it was short it was really fun and i love how perverted the character is i just wish it was longer and there was more cg anyway i liked this one hope they make more of these in the future
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    A 30 minute visual novel. That's what this game is.
    This is rough to rate because at it's core, it's not bad, but as na RPG maker game, there just isn't anything there. The character is cute, but her actions end up making no sense. She goes from reading a porn to begging to be raped in the mater of hours. The story is so incredibly short that it feels more like a pamphlet and not even a short story. There is essentially zero game play. You just walk down the road and the only "decisions" are either to get a sex scene and a game over, or to continue the exobitionism. The art is pretty good, but there isn't that much and ends up repeating. Voice acting was top tier though, if it wasn't for that, I probably wouldn't have finished the game.
    The bottom line: If you have an exabition fetish, there isn't really a reason to skip this (since it's so short), but it's not really anything to write home about.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is nice
    Great art, sexy character with nice body proportions, although overuse some CGs
    Quite short, I hope the game is longer
    been a while since I played a good exhibitionist game
    there are no gameplays, just you walk around and a few choice event.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Short and nice exhibitionism game. Takes something like 20-30 minutes to complete.
    Art is nice, Story is straight to the point and linear. Don't expect something realistic or particularly well written though.
    No real gameplay aside from walking to the next event. Probably would have done better as an Visual Novel.
    Good enough if you are into exhibitionism, but certainly no masterwork.

    Was on the fence between 3/5 or 4/5, but I think it just misses the latter. Creating the game as an VN and offering more scene variety would have served the game well.

    Warning: Contains several watersport scenes. I personally just skipped them. (Hold left mouse key)
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    luckily the name of the developers here, SUPERBAD, is a perfect descriptor of the "game"

    all things considered, the art in here is actually not bad--but it's not really a "game" so much as a visual novel you sort of walk through, with barely any content to it. the h-scenes are okay, but nothing to write home about, and trying to see everything just involves pretty annoying saving-and-loading without any actual interactivity

    you would probably be better off just finding the CGs instead of downloading the game itself
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    I know these types of niches/kinks aren't for everyone but good god this game was terrible.

    They really didn't try here, and it shows considering you can unlock everything from the start of the game. Even if you do this, you lose absolutely nothing story wise.

    Weak plot aside, the H-Scenes were all odd, boring and short.