Identify Need help with a name.


New Member
Jun 6, 2017
First thread I've made, so I apoligize if it looks weird.
I'm trying to find a game that I can't remember the name of. I have played the game before and have vague memories about it, but I do know a few things about it. 1) The game is about a woman who watches as her village is raided and her mom is raped infront of her. 2) Some tags it would have is female protaginist, fantasy, and rape. 3) I remember the game having an QSP or a QSP like engine.
Sorry if wasn't descriptive enough, I don't remember a lot about the game, but I hope this is enough.


Mar 28, 2017
First thread I've made, so I apoligize if it looks weird.
I'm trying to find a game that I can't remember the name of. I have played the game before and have vague memories about it, but I do know a few things about it. 1) The game is about a woman who watches as her village is raided and her mom is raped infront of her. 2) Some tags it would have is female protaginist, fantasy, and rape. 3) I remember the game having an QSP or a QSP like engine.
Sorry if wasn't descriptive enough, I don't remember a lot about the game, but I hope this is enough.
Not sure if it helps any, but if you go to the "Games" section of the forums, up top before the posts start, there's an option to "sort by prefix". Just click the tag you want to search by (my guess would be QSP or RAGs), and it should give you only games made in those engines. There's only a few dozen in each. Best of luck with your search! ^_^