Need help finding 2 porn games (medieval, fantasy, story games)


New Member
Mar 14, 2023
There are two games that I have played before that follow similar concepts that I have not been able to find ANYWHERE

They were 2D cartoon games with unique art styles, I'm guessing Renpy players but one or both could have been flash. I believe I played them on Gamcore but maybe not.

They were both fantasy/medieval based.

In one of the games, you had a wife, and were called upon by a dark lady-lord to do her bidding. This brought sex scenes with many different maidens including the main dark lady. Don't remember much else, because the second game is the one I'd like to find more. I think that at the beginning of this game your village is attacked and you're forced to go to the castle without your wife and then you get her later. A part of the story is having to have sex but having second thoughts because you don't want to betray your wife.

In the other, it was based around a small village outside of a castle. There were different people in the village that you could work up to having sex scenes with, including a neighbor whose husband was gone. The goal of the game was to complete small quests and eventually getting into the castle with an elven girl who was waiting outside the castle at the beginning of the game.

In one of the games, you fuck a fairy. Something happens where you become as small as her. Not sure if this helps. One of the games I think you also run a small store? Maybe? but I could be confusing this with another 3rd game that I also haven't been able to find.

I'm trying to give all the information I can remember to find out this two games. The second is the one that I want to play again the most.

They both had beautiful art, good scenes, not too grindy. Great games all around.

Other games I like, if anyone else shares the same vibe and can remember if they've played these, include Game of Whores, Witch Trainer, Wands and Witches, Park after Dark...

Thank you if you can help


New Member
Mar 14, 2023
Just MOMENTS after posting this I found the second game I was describing. It's called What a Legend (cannot post link to thread because I do not have 3 posts). Still would like help finding the first though!