
Active Member
Feb 24, 2018
To unpack and run the game:
  • Use to unpack the game in the game folder.
    Note: There is 3GB of data to unpack so it will take a few minutes. Windows will mark it as "Not Responding" and the cursor will be an hourglass until it is done.
  • Delete everything in the game folder except for the new folder.
  • Move everything in the new folder to the game folder and delete the new folder (the game does not like the '%' characters in the new folder name).
  • Run "game.exe" in the game folder.

here is the fix for the slow game start up...

worked like a charm for me.


May 25, 2017
how do this quest:
For the night, visit Daisy's house, go upstairs and enter Daisy's room, watch the scene

when go Daisy room this happened

must download again game?

what must to do please help me
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Aug 2, 2017
Hello boys !
How can i load a older save ???
I copy and past my save folder but i can use this in continues ... :'(


Aug 2, 2017
It's good for my save ^^
but i've another problem ...
For Amy's quest,
– Once it's been 35 days, visit the Hornnet Pub. Next to the bar, you'll find Derek Amy's
boyfriend with Chloe.

i'm in day 37 but i can't find him ? what can i do ? ty


Engaged Member
Jun 12, 2017
Hello boys !
How can i load a older save ???
I copy and past my save folder but i can use this in continues ... :'(
you need to make a dummy save with the matching safe file of the file you want to copy and paste first. Once you do that then paste the save you want to use in the spot of the dummy save.
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Nov 13, 2016
Anyone having an issue with Nadine? I go to see her in the strip club and the game just goes black after her animation, cant interact with anything so have to close it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
Bring it! :p

Maria is desperately trying to protect herself and her daughters from the dangers of Chang's group at Otter Labs and now Warren's group because she has found out her husband Jack is Warren's right-hand man and only married her to steal assets from Chang. Now this will be further complicated by the fact that Laura is in a committed lesbian relationship with Liz. Liz did this to get close to the MC who is actually her son and not Dr. Robson who was set up as the creator of Chang's drug assets to replace Liz when she broke from Jack and was sold off to the Chinatown slave market (wait for it in a future update). Liz will set Maria and Dr. Robson against each other in the face of Chang's suspicions and to survive Warren's attacks while she uses Laura to get inside the household of the MC. I mean, c'mon now! Too easy. :relievedface:

Try me... :closedtongue:

Obvious! Since she's not actually the MC's mother, Liz will arrange for her to fall victim to the very drug she stole from Liz and be made into the MC's sex slave. :happyblush

Again, obvious! No blood relation to the MC and she will have failed Chang as a researcher, Warrren as a scapegoat, Nesrot as a turncoat, and Nina as both a turned asset and leverage into Chang's security. Nina will just order her execution but Liz will intervene pointing out that Maria will be much more valuable as a gift to the MC as another sex slave. This will encourage the MC's loyalty and help the MC protect Laura and Amy, but what Liz really wants is a solid and safe position for the MC allowing her to use Maria's situation to set all four gang leaders against each other. The plot just writes itself! :rolleyes:

Well of course! With both Maria and Dr. Robson firmly in the control of Chang, Liz will use her lesbian relationship with Laura to convince her to get Warren to gift her to the MC. He'll want to secure the MC's loyalty with the gift of a sex slave, control Maria by holding Laura hostage, and keep Jack under heel by demonstrating that his son could replace him at any time. This gets Liz, through her MC son, inside Warren's security, control of Maria in Chang's lab, influence over Nesrot since he thinks he has the MC as a double-agent, and threatens Nina and the Russians when she uses all three at once. Gangstering 101. :cool:

Now, everyone knows this one. Amy arranged for the MC to find her at the Hornet with that tool of a boyfriend (I mean, c'mon! Someone as smart and savvy as her would never actually hook up with that waste of human skin!). She was testing the MC because... Get ready... She already knew Liz was the MC's mother and it was she who told Liz and brought her out of Chinatown to set up that Kiosk, corner and manipulate the Tinymon card market, and that would bring the MC to her so she could start her plans to destroy all four gangs and get her revenge on Jack. That's right! It was Amy who arranged for Jack to marry Maria, who hooked Laura up with Liz, and who is the mastermind behind Liz's plans. That's why she can't stand any of them. If you just clear your head with about a fifth of Scotch, it all falls into place. :biggrin:

Finally! A serious question with an answer that is not so obvious. :D

Cooperating with Ronald's rape of Mrs. Tayler breaks this whole thing wide open when Ronald inducts the MC into a heretofore (just sound it out) unknown fifth gang! We all know that the school principal is selling warehousing and illicit transportation services to Warren't gang through Christian's father. She is actually using those services to manipulate them for a fifth secret gang: the Wharf Rats! A secret criminal merchant marine organization that is behind all of the gang troubles. It was they who sold Liz for Jack to the Chinatown slave market (future update), trained and provided Liz as the researcher behind Chang's new drugs and who is conveniently married to Jack, that supplies the rare ingredients to Chang for drug development they know will never work, who provide well trained double-agent dancers and whores to Nesrot, and who arranged to bring in the Russians to spark a four-way gang war. All sides will be desperate to buy any resources (weapons, drugs, manpower, etc.) from the suppliers who are all secretly run by the Wharf Rats.

However, this all covers an even more insidious situation that explains so many strange things about this city:
  • Why can you not enter most of the buildings?
  • Why is there so much traffic but so few people?
  • Why do most people answer you with the exact same sentence or just not seem to be able to talk to you at all, especially the children?
  • Why do none of the gangs use the sewers, like they are all afraid of them?
  • Why are there so few Chinese people in Chinatown?
  • Why is there only one homeless Beggar who knows everything that goes on in this city and can sell you the strangest and rarest of items, be they products, plants, or people?
All of this is answered with one simple answer: The Mole People!

That's right! The Beggar is actually the King of the Mole People. They have control over and use the sewers to infiltrate the city to implement their terrifying plans of invasion -- and it's already begun! Chinatown is not an actual Chinese-inhabited town, but a clever front for the operations of The Mole People using imported Yakuza pretending to be Chinese (The horror!). It is The Mole People who run the Chinatown slave market (coming soon) to gather city women to rape and produce Hybrid Mole People who can live and see in the bright city sunlight. And it is all being run by the Mole King himself -- The Beggar!

This answers all:
  • Most of the buildings are kept closed and dark to house Mole People who are keeping watch over and managing the unsuspecting human population while they harvest women to create Hybrid Mole People.
  • Most of the traffic are darkened cars transporting Mole People, and snacks. Invasion is hungry work you know.
  • Most people can not answer you like a proper human because they are Hybrid Mole People, especially the children!
  • The Mole People came up through the sewers at the order of the Mole King to stage their preparations for their invasion. You've already seen incontrovertible (Again, just sound it out) proof of this when the MC went into the sewers looking for Marge's cat. Cats are the natural enemy of Mole People who are terrified of them. Did you see any Mole People when that cat was in the sewers? Of course not. Q.E.D.!!!
  • Chinatown, being a Yakuza-pretending-to-be-Chinese front for the invasion and the slave market (working on it), allows The Mole People to infiltrate Hybrid Mole People into the city in preparation for the main invasion.
  • The one who controls it all is the Mole King as the only homeless Beggar in the entire city. The homeless population had to be the first to go as they have always served as the brave First Responders to a Mole People invasion. With his special abilities of the royal blood line allowing him to move and see in the accursed bright sunlight, he commands his secret army in preparation for invasion.
It turns out that the drug Liz researched, stolen by Dr. Robsen and taken over by Maria, was originally a secret project to create a sun-block for Mole People that also gave humans a nice compliant buzz but failed. However, the experience this gave the Mole King with humans, corporations, and gangs directed him to the idea to manipulate them all in a bid to create a Hybrid Mole People race to take over this city and then the entire surface world. Now, with more than half the city residents Hybrid Mole People, and the gangs on the verge of the chaos of an all-out gang war, The Mole People are ready to strike.

That is why it was so important to support Ronald with his rape of Mrs. Taylor. This gets the MC into the Wharf Rats and gives him control over their assets: Dr. Robson, Nina and the Russians, all the city merchant services, and the awe-inspiring power that is the School Cultural Fair! Amy will come after the MC for what was done to Mrs. Taylor but, after a fierce battle with weaponized angst, will reconcile when she learns that the MC and the Wharf Rats are a much better way for her and Liz to enact their revenge. She brings Liz to the MC and that gives him Nesrot and the Hornets since Jazmine is another lover of Liz, and Nesrot is actually a drug-created love slave to them both who only acts as the leader. At the height of the gang war chaos, the Mole People strike during the School Cultural Fair and the MC, who now can use the resources of all the gangs, must stand with his mother Liz, Marge's cat, and all of his lovers to stop their invasion and Hybridized deviance.

That is when the MC finds out the awful truth (Spoiler Alert!). Not only did he not know the actual identify of his mother until he found Liz, Jack is also not his real father. During the screamingly Patreon-expensive final battle, the MC learns that the Beggar Mole King himself is his real father and that, not only is he actually a Hybrid Mole People Person, he also shares the same royal blood line as the Mole King: and… his powers. The MC uses the absolute power of High School Peer Pressure to take control of all of the Hybrid Mole Children and, armed with his now well developed skill in weaponized angst (all thanks to Amy), turns the tables on the Mole King, deposes him, and assumes absolute control of the city, all of the gangs, and the entire Mole People Kingdom. x'D

And, he gets a few girls. I can’t wait for v1.6! :eek:penedeyewink:

This is what you get when you ask me questions like this after my Hot Chocolate and Kahlua. I just couldn’t stop typing! :closedeyesmile:

Edit: I dares ya, I say! I dares some MNL Patreon to post this on the MNL Patreon site. :evilsmile:
I love you brah, you are the MAN XD


Aug 9, 2016
Does it matter which gang you join? If you don't warn Maria does that cut off any further quests with her? Or is it simply player preference?
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