Unity - Morningstar: Book of the Fallen [v0.4.0] [Droid Productions]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    0.4 opinion

    If you like love of magic, you like this one. I think the creator has found his thing, and you can see the passion and skill. Yeah, you can say it follows the semi same route as love of magic, but I quiet like that route. The main MC discovers things, he trains and get skills, you meet fun and different kind of side characters. Why fix if it isnt broken right?

    Came of the porn, stayed for the plot and toned bellies.

    I find the writing and pacing, just like love of magic, top nodge. No need to drag out and explain things too much. A quick hint here and a wink there, is so much better. Like when you look at a character and it "glitches" and you are thinking, did I see that right, is so much better than some overly explained plot or twist.

    10/10 writing and pacing
    10/10 audio, and theme
    10/10 characters, yeah they are reused from love of magic, but again, why fix when it isnt broken.
    10/10 story, world and direction it is heading

    The only thing I want to see improved. But that is also because I dont do game making. Is the resolution of some pictures/scenes. Most are great, while others are pixelated/lower resolution.

    Keep it up Droid <3
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Excellent writing, and fun gameplay. Only complaint is the UI isn't the prettiest thing in the world. It's definitely functional, but the text box definitely doesn't need to take up half of the screen's vertical space
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    After "Love of Magic" we are here to witness another Droid's game.
    And after playing first 3 acts I am pretty sure that we have another masterpiece here.

    We can find some faces from LoM with similar attitude and characteristics.
    Emily is Still Duty over everything
    Katie is still hot tempered fighter (sadly no brogue here, she is american :D )
    Chloe is mastermind (this time acting more independently)
    Bella is still fierce enemy, but most loyal warrior.
    Snowdrop is now human sized, but still little minx.
    Molly is again master of manipulation and sexiness, but who knows her loyalties now? I certainly do not :D
    But new characters are just as good and interesting. From Dragon that is able to turn NY to fiery hell, to "antagonists" that are clever and inteligent powerhouses.

    This time our MC is more streetsmart MMA fighter that has some interesting relatives... He joined gym in NY just before his next fight. And due to events he stayed longer than planned.
    Great new lore, new slices of life of characters and their motivations we are unrevealing plot that might be demise of our world, or at least milions of lifes.

    Now we do not have cards, but bejewelled type of combat, that I love. Combine gems anduse them to create moves. Punches, kicks, block.

    We can see here how much Droid improved in his technical skills with renders and animations and it gets even better over time.

    5/5 because 6 is not on the scale :D
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent follow-on game from the Love of Magic trilogy, featuring a few familiar faces in a completely different setting. This is NOT a sequel, the characters here don't know anything about the events in LoM.

    Morningstar is an exploration of the masquerade genre, with supernatural forces maintaining the veil between 'normal' society and their power games. MC is older and more worldly than the MC of LoM, making a living as a supernatural fighter in the 'plausibly passes for human' MMA league.

    The story so far is fascinating, with a rich world of intrigue already showing up even this early in development. Angels, demons, uptight and scheming noble families and a giant dragon claiming the city as his own.

    Combat minigame is match3/bejeweled/candy crush with skills fueled by matches. It's also optional to the story, outside the tutorials you're allowed to skip it for an automatic win if you're allergic to minigames in VNs.

    The sex is limited this early on, especially since one of the primary LI paths is a literal angel and will take more than a date or two to get into her pants. Katie has no such qualms about a bit of fun, and the allure of the supernatural has seduced a smart lawyer lady (Lin) into your circle as well.

    I'm very excited to see where this goes, and to see the characters develop further.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the way this world seems to be ours, yet has that subtle underground of supernatural happening. Using PPV for supernatural fighters, and bringing the main characters (in soul at least) over from his LOM games, boosts the playability and enjoyment of this game.
    Using a gem matching battle system, is hilariously strange, and fun to play.
    All in all, I give this one a full 5 out of5stars.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story, gem combat is fun, and the girls are lovely. Really looking forward to seeing where the story goes.
    The art and animations are really showing off Droid's increasing skills.
    This game has several possible story paths, although so far, the meta story seems to be unified. More content than you can fit into a single playthrough.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Can't believe I haven't reviewed this yet. Another excellent game by Droid.

    -Compelling story
    -Excellent renders
    -Top-tier character development
    -Important choices
    -Good layout
    -Fun gameplay
    -Good production speed and quality

    I have supported Droid longer and more consistently than any other developer, and as of the writing of this review I have no regrets.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    You may already know that Morningstar: Book of the Fallen is a spinoff of Droid Productions popular Love of Magic. You may also know that sequels suck. Fortunately, Morningstar is not a sequel. It's a parallel universe and a full on 5 star story. Emily, Katie, Bella, Chloe, Snowdrop and MC are all back; same but different.

    Emily is an angel. Yeah... no, she's an actual angel. Yep, in this universe there are gods and powers, Seelie and Unseelie, the clan, dragons and a full assortment of monstrosities including vampires... and angels. Emily can be romanced and, it turns out, angels do... like hand holding!

    Katie is fiery as ever and an MMA fighter as well. She's still the Red Devil, smokin' hot and 100% your bestie. Katie is a LI. This time though, she can be your #1 girl. Oh, yeah! I'm in.

    Bella works for the devil; ol' Lucifer Himself. At his command, Bella practically raised MC and taught him how to survive. Huh... mysteriouser and mysteriouser...

    Some things never change. Chloe is still a bartender/owner. She still knows more than she ought; she's still aggravatingly mysterious and still very independent. Yep, that's our Chloe...

    Snowdrop works for Chloe tending bar while she studies to be a performer. She's ditsy as ever and she's taller; a lot taller. Interesting...

    So, you play as the MC. You grew up in SoCal. Raised by Bella, you were trained to kill supernatural beings. "She taught me how to fight so dirty God Himself would turn away from me." Your an MMA fighter and you've moonlighted as a hitman for the Seelie and Unseelie Courts of SoCal and Vegas. You start the story in NYC preparing for a big fight,
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    and the adventure begins.

    Damn good thing Bella didn't raise no mamma's boy!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    (English isn't my first or even second language, please excuse my mistakes)

    I love the way droid stories evolves. Morningstar features many characteres we know from LoM at least from the outside:
    Same look different story, character and habit.

    For me his games are the best I find here. I love the depth of character, I adore the looks (even if i prefer them myself a bit more curvy) and I play the minigames for fun, the last part is a absolut exception for these kind of games i normally rush through those. I get the choice here ( ty!) but instead of doing it i prefer do some extra rounds for my stats.

    I am a fan of old rpg games that's something doid does integrate without overding it for ppl with different perferences then mine.

    Test it yourself and LoM too! If you have to read a review to decide to do it, you don't have played LoM before, otherwise you would download it without a question after seeing "developer: droid"
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Top of the line start. Not as good as his other game, Love of Magic, but excellent non-the-less. Good looking characters, interesting story, good writing. Not too much superfluous wording, just enough to get the story across. Not a lot of content yet but the author has shown the ability to finish what he starts. Keep an eye on this one.

    Played up to most recent chapter, 30c. Still a top notch game. Great story and writing and the updates are coming along at a good pace.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2755092


    it's a droid game, so we already know the story will be top class.
    Many of the beloved girlies are back, however, it is NOT a follow up to the previous games.

    The characters are visually the same, saves snowdrop, but their personality and history, can be different.

    The renders are top notch as usual.
    The fighting, this time, is based on Match 3. While there are some differences to the basic match3, is does remain match3, so if you can not stand that, the fight may bother you.

    The first chapters is not extremely long, and there isn't too much sexy time, unfortunately. But, there is plenty of side content to be done.

    The game being pretty fast paced on the schedule, and several days being virtually blocked for the story, as was the case in the other games from droid, unless you know exactly what you're doing, and when to do what, you'll need to load the save after finishing the chapter, to be able to finish the side content.

    As usual, a high recommendation, as for any droid games in that world/setting.