VN - RPGM - Completed - Monster Girl 1,000 [v19.3.1] [TwistedScarlett]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The best way to describe this game is unfocused.

    The story tries to be way more than it can handle nothing is written good and everything is just boring, it would be better if it was only about breeding 1000 or rather 100 monster girls but it felt like that part of the game was complety meaningless.

    The characters are extremly shallow.

    The artstyle has three differnt ones, the first is the "we have anime at home" artstyle which looks extremly boring, then the ai artstyle which only come after like the half of the game and should be added to the tags, it is standart boring ai there are also some backgrounds which are cleary made with ai they don´t look awful but they don´t fit at all. And then there is the last artstyle which is a bit cartoony I liked it.

    The sex scenes are awful, the sex talk is boring and repetitive and the art is very similar and all sex scenes just feel and look the same.

    The gameplay gets pretty boring after a while but I liked that the enemies had healft bars.

    The music is okay some soundtracks are boring, some are average, some are annoying.

    I really wouldn´t recommend it, it feels like after the half the creator lost his creativity and the monster girls already are very basic looking.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Huh, thought I reviewed this months ago. Oh well, never too late.
    What can I say? It's one of my favs. A light hearted romp through familiar territory carried by its brevity, its writing, and it's surprisingly stellar gameplay for the scene.

    There's nothing we haven't scene before here, but it's cleanly done, the characters are cute, the experience is solid, the jokes land, and there's this witty charm that pervades it. I think the unseen hero of this game is how well it nails the beats of the archetypical RPG story: at the beginning you're a greenhorn struggling with basic grunts and by the end you're killing god, and how the both the narrative and the gameplay support this 100%.
    At the start you're throwing out basic attacks and basic spells and by the end your normal attack hits 16 times for capped damaged and you've hit your auto-life 4 times this turn and the enemy still won't go down. On that note a totally seen, front-and-center hero of the experience is the the gameplay; at first glance its pretty standard RPGM/JRPG combat, and it kinda is, if not for the breadth of the items and Blessing you can acquire. The builds in this game are insane. Yes, BUILDS. There's accessories that let you multiattack 100 times, for a character who has a weapon that can infinitely stack on itself. There's a club you get from a memelord macho-man that turns your Basic Attack into an AoE that hits twice while also buffing your team, and it does PIERCING DAMAGE of all things?!
    I came here for cute and horny monster girls and came out debating whether I wanted to equip the Big F***ing Gun or Multiblast for my spam-Bessie build.

    And all of this is wrapped up in this light-hearted package that just has me wanting try more things and keep exploring from start to finish. Does Act 2 rush a bit, and the towns seem a little shallower then? Maybe. Does it still lean on the tropes and archetypes of the genre a bit heavily? Proudly. But it does attempt some twists of its own and the entire package is just wrapped up so prettily and funnily and you're just having so much fun that it doesn't drag anything down from start to finish. Wholeheartedly recommend. If you lie standard hero romps, play this. If you like horny monster girls play this. If you like making OP builds to see how much you can break the game all while the game throws crazier and crazier shit at you, play this. It 's great.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It took me more than a month to finish this game and i gotta say i wasn't expecting it to be this good. It has variety of weapons, shield and accessories giving different buffs and stats. It helps to win certain battle. It has over more than 70 monster girls with different sex scenes. I saw the people's complaits about the second half the game. Which quite understable. The developer is working on multiple games at the same time and giving regular updates. But overall i enjoyed it. If you are a RPGM fan and you are looking for a good game. I would totally recommend it.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I understand why there are so many good ratings here, and I agree with some points. However, there is something that completely overrides all the pluses. Personally, for me at least.
    1. This is what started to happen after the first half of the game. Imagine that you just started playing and the first 10 hours you have two settlements (two story arcs) full of interesting tasks and related characters. Then you ask Rey bout other places on this continent, she tells you about them all, and you think with great interest how cool it would be to get there and how many interesting characters await you ahead. It's the same way, right ?
    NO. What awaits you next is practically half-empty settlements, some of which, if you remove, you won't even notice. Next thing you know, you've got AI generated characters describing the same sex scenes. Which you're already starting to skip.
    As one reviewer pointed out, it's not a good porn game. Because it's really, really shitty porn. It's very generic, bland. And it's the same thing over and over and over and over and over....

    I guess that's where the gameplay comes in, huh? Well, how to put it. I really love JRPG and RPG genre, so I have plenty of experience with different combat systems. And the only thing that saves this gameplay is the good - blessings thing. And the fact that there is in fact no grind here. If there was a grind in this game, I would have definitely finished it halfway through. And could still save myself from what I saw in the last half of the game....

    And so, porn is not a plus for this game, the gameplay is tolerable, maybe then the story, yes ?

    2. I understand the author is very fond of the Shonen genre. I myself haven't watched or read in that genre in a long time, but I roughly understand how it should work. And in this game it is a complete failure.
    In general, if we talk about the plot, then from the beginning to a certain point, it keeps afloat quite well. While the side plots have pretty much disappeared between a quarter and half of the game, it's still enough to be engaging.
    However, even here, you can already get a sneaking suspicion that things are about to go downhill.
    Because despite the genre of Shonen, you look at the timer of the passage which already passes over 40 hours, and the main character and his partners seem to face difficulties, seem to become stronger, and seemingly not. Because every time the plot progresses, we have stronger and stronger opponents. And the protagonist loses every time. All his merits are insignificant, and some victories come at the expense of luck and other characters stronger than the main one. You'd think MC would do something instead of just saying.
    There is no sense of catharsis here. Not once! A catharsis like Ichigo in Bleach. When every time, in every arc, he gets his ass kicked, but he gets up, trains and goes beyond his limits. He too has a special legacy, he too is an experiment. We'll have the protagonist every time he gets up and waving his fist pitifully, saying that he won't lose next time. We'll be told a lot about the strength of the protagonist and how special he is. But in 70 hours, you don't get much of that.
    We'll be told a lot about HG's powers and how special he is. But in 70 hours, you're not really shown much of that. Other characters will do everything for you. It's frustrating, because there's so many moments in the story where you're you could just about summon some of the MC's power, but no. Blank Shots. A complete failure of the Shonen genre. However, there is such a character in the story, I would even call it just the appropriate protagonist of this story, which fits all the definitions.
    Meet the deus ex machina, the cat in the bag, the real protagonist - Swiftstroke!
    Motivation and actions of which at the end of the game, almost made me quit the game, delete it and never come back. The only thing that made me finish it was the 70 hours of wasted of time up to this point. There's so much I want to write about this character and the final piece of the game, but I don't want to spoiler any more. Just remember this name. That's the main character - right there.
    In the end, the worst thing about this game is the practical total helplessness of the main character.
    What you can still put up with, until the first half of the game, are the sex scenes. The main advantage of which is a short duration. Here you are waiting for the same poses with almost the same proportions of bodies. Unrealized potential with Monster Girl.
    The name of the game should remove the number 1000 and call it Monster Girl 90.

    P.S However, it feels like the author loves his story, and especially the characters. Although it seemed tired after half of it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I haven't played an rpgm game made like this before. The developer clearly had an ambition and saw it to the end. Everything in the game, from the plot to the art to the sex scenes, was absolutely top-notch. Some AI-generated characters did seem to catch me off guard. And the one-shot cheat in the cheats menu doesn't actually work and only does a lot of damage. The post-game bosses are unbelievably hard and no sane person can actually do them without strategizing the battles to death. But nonetheless, this is an amazing game. The dev put a lot of heart into this and i hope to see similar results from him in the future.11/10.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game gets a 5/5 because of how fond of it I am, not because it's perfect. I agree with the other person who said they’d give it a 4.5/5, or maybe a little lower. If I was strictly rating it as a porn game it'd get even lower than that, maybe a 3.5. I still plan on mentioning what I found lacking (and there’s a fair bit), if anything because I am so fond of this game. However, at the end of the day my gripes just don't matter as much to me compared to what the game has going for it and what I enjoyed: the battles, the music, and the characters (party members in particular).

    What I Liked:

    This is much more of an RPG than it is a porn game. I did not play 69 hours for the joke, that's just how long it took to play through story, side, and postgame content. You can probably shave a fair amount of time off of that if you ignore stuff like endgame arena battles and weapon hunting but one of the biggest reasons I like the game is the battles.

    All 3 party members feel incredibly flexible: aside from the classic warrior ranger mage, it feels like you could have any or all of them switch between DPS and utility on a dime which offers the battles a feeling of fluidity that I feel like I haven't seen in a traditional RPG party in quite a while. In fact, because you can switch equipment without using a turn you could even do that mid battle as I’ve found myself doing more than a few times.

    And this is before touching a variety of utility skills that I basically didn’t use. Going through the game thread looking for strategies I kept finding things I would’ve never thought of before, but more often than not I decide I’m gonna do it my way and usually manage to make it through. It’s always really gratifying to manage to get past a battle when you’re below the recommended level and basically always possible. Especially when you get to the truly extreme fights in the postgame arena where your level isn’t nearly as important as your setups. You basically never have to grind exp since encounters and arena battles are designed to level you more or less appropriately if you do everything at least once.

    It’s great! I’ve definitely added somewhere between 5 and 10 songs to my library off the game’s soundtrack. They weren’t made for this game but I always found the tracks fitting even when they wouldn’t always fit the generic fantasy soundtrack idea I have in my head. The credits option in the main menu lists them all too so they were easy to find, I’m really glad that I didn’t have to do some funky soundbite search or RPGM extractor stuff to figure out what the songs were. My only complaint is that the Colosseum music was a bit too grating for how long I had to hear it.

    I was considering replacing this title with “Bessie and Ray” as I wrote this but there ARE plenty of other endearing characters. It’s just that none of them really match up to the two main party members. Bessie and Ray basically hard carry the story and the experience as a whole. A lot of characters have good relaxed and comedic dialogue, the latter of which usually doesn’t go far enough to become weird even if it brings up a meme. The main party members stick around long enough though that you get to see them develop, see their humor and how they react to stuff change, and of course get to have romantic developments. Of the sex scenes in the game I’d say I liked, Bessie or Ray or both are probably present for at least half and maybe more than that.


    As I mentioned, it’s not like I have no issues with the game. An easy one to complain about is the menuing. There’s a whole lot of scrolling through menus once you get far enough in the game because you just have so many things to use and upgrade and it does get a bit tedious. I understand that this may be a limitation of the engine though.

    I mentioned that if you do all the content once you’ll probably be at whatever level you’re supposed to be, but the weapon system kinda incentivizes repeating battles in order to get higher rarity versions of weapons to save upgrade materials. A given equipment drop can be common, rare, or legendary and it’s completely random what you get from a battle. They can be upgraded using upgrade materials you get from town but those are pretty scarce and you need to pass time by doing a quest anyhow so it’s more expedient to just replay the quest and hope RNG gives you the rarity and weapon you need. I say need because there are Mythic weapons that can only be made by combining a few normal weapons but the components all need to be of Legendary rarity. I feel like this could be avoided by just making legendary ore more common or alternatively make battles give you items that give you exp instead of just giving you exp directly. That way it’s the player’s choice if they want to level or if they just wanted materials.

    A Certain Part of the Story:
    I have a gripe with the plot that I’ll do my best to not be too specific about. I have actually not read the manga some say the ending arc is based on so I have no qualms in regards to that. There is a certain character who randomly gets stronger and becomes relevant in the final conflict and I did take issue with that but not even necessarily because that happened. No, my issue was that it didn’t NEED to be random. Looking at the justification given after the fact in the story, all the pieces were there to give better foreshadowing and explanation beforehand. I always thought it was odd that a certain Japan-esque village and a certain wolf girl swordswoman weren’t relevant in any way during the main story but having the quest take us by here and explaining the “monster girls who are closely related to/reincarnations of monster girl ancestors are unique” thing was absolutely something the story had time for. Especially considering you run into another adventurer party that’s from there and offers to show you around if you visit. And this is before getting into any problems I have with why she was in the final battle in the first place but those are minor gripes in comparison.

    Filler Sex:
    If you asked me I’d say I generally liked the art of the game (aside from MC’s dick being drawn weird but this is a monster girl game so that’s not the focus), but it varies a fair bit throughout the game. In particular around the middle to end section of the game there are various “filler” girls with simple sprites or AI art whose “scenes” are just cropped and recolored versions of other scenes with generic dialogue. Given the raw number of girls (I think it’s 90?) I understand that not all of them are gonna be unique so that’s actually not as much my problem. Of course, it’s certainly worse than unique art and scenes but having one dev do all of that is asking for too much from one person. Especially when at the least, sex CGs themselves are never AI art. In particular there is one case where the AI portraits make sense for a certain species in a certain mountainous region but the sex scene art is drawn and it’s probably one of my favorites. My main gripe was actually the filler dialogue. It’d be one thing if it was just for filler girls but I’ve seen the filler dialogue on NPC’s with proper names and designs too. Seeing the proper art and name made me think there’d be something unique so that was always an unfortunate surprise.

    The fact that all the scenes are CGs means the art you get at the beginning of the scene is more or less what you get at the end. There were cases where I would hold W or Z and just skip through. Usually for the filler girls but occasionally for actual NPC’s too which isn’t great. I think that’s just a downside of CG art in general and isn’t particular to this game though.

    This is honestly just me airing my thoughts about the game rather than an attempt at giving a potential player a constructive review, I hope it was thorough enough that they would get something anyway. The story isn’t the most revolutionary thing but I have a bit of a soft spot for the old “start with finding a cat, finish by killing god” RPG. More than that though there were some good sex scenes and I was fond of the main party members and music, and the gameplay was fun. That’s more than enough to cement it as a good experience in my brain and brush everything else under the rug.

    8.5/10, would play again
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6577935

    I believe the best compliment I can give this game, is to say that it exists in a league of its own when compared to 99%, of what you can find in this website (I would add "adult games" on steam as well, particularly those published by Kagura Games).

    The only competition, would probably come from Monster Girl Quest Paradox, and truth be told, arguing for one or the other as best, seems like a herculean task, and I played so much Pokémon growing up, that the bias is there (In short, both are amazing when mixing gameplay elements with adult content, but in different ways and quantities).

    This is my way of delivering high praise, but what can you expect here, that impressed me so?

    - Character traits (not development) on par with good quality visual novels. This is especially true for the two main heroines, who are genuinely lovable for their quirks.

    - One of those well written epic stories, where you get quantity and quality. Mind you, that this idea gets thrown around like candy in reviews nowadays, and we are not talking about "high literature". With that said, looking at the genre and what was accomplished in other titles, paints MG 1K in a very flattering light.

    - The people behind this title poured their soul and life experience in it (Disclaimer: I don't know twisted scarlet 60, and this is the first of "its" titles that I have played). I'm not exaggerating when I say that you can learn something here. Nuggets of wisdom are in display, regarding many subjects (crudely, philosophical stuff that can never be absolute). I'd call them imperfect but valuable nuggets, however that would make me the pot and the game would turn into the kettle.

    - A ton of "H-scenes", and several have a psychological component (of variable quality) that leads to a major turn-on. Let me exemplify: I have little experience with "furries", and never payed them much attention until now, well I was pleasantly surprised with the submissiveness/unconditional love angle (and more things that would lead to coarse language), portrayed here with the character Keke. I'm not as guarded against such content, and not many games can make such a claim.

    - A good turn-based Rpg. The title is marked as a VN, but there's plenty of gameplay elements (skills, gear, battles, levels, all that good stuff), room for strategizing, and different content, from start to finish.

    - On the negative side we are still leading with a title that has limitations born of its available resources. That's how it feels, but it's largely unfair. In fact, I could turn the argument around and say MG1K is so much better than most of the competition, that I started measuring it through a higher standard (I.e: titles with a much higher budget).

    I would like to go on, but I will finish with a 10/10 and a recommendation. One of the best "Adult games" I have ever played.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Extremely high quality game, the production value feels off the charts for a porn game.

    Story: He actually made harem work the madman, The MC lives in a world with extremely few men and has to solve the population problem, it is a power fantasy but it never feels extremely forced and MC isn't an insane rapist, wish there were some side characters that refuse him to add more depth to the world tbh, also the ending did feel kinda cheesy with the random character having a powerup.

    Combat: Way above average for a RPGM game turns are decently fast paced with no "press attack and win" kinda gameplay, decent challenge on hard wish the end game content was better, 90% of the game is nice after the main questline and 4-5 contracts the game is done, some arena fights are unwinnable and feel pretty bland even if you turn cheats on and win(I lost even with 1000% cheats sometimes).

    Gameplay: Become top hunter, complete contracts, fuck monster girls, insane amount of H-scenes, sadly they finish pretty fast unless its a 3-some or 4-some.

    Really good characters and tropes used especially the 2 main girls, the only bad character was Swiftstroke (you know why).

    Probably one of the best RPGs here due to production value and good non-insane plot, I can only think of 1-2 RPGs that would be better.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Possibly the greatest RPGM H game ever made. It plays more like a visual novel mixed with turn based RPG elements than an RPGM game, you won't find any giant open world maps to run around in and encounter trash mobs every 10 steps you walk. I spent 70 hours on the base game alone, and there's still plenty of post game content left.

    I would say this is even worth playing through without the porn element, which is very rare. It removes a lot of the tedious garbage in other RPGs like random open world encounters you blow through 10,000 times, instead focusing on a much more natural progression where every battle feels meaningful. You can farm levels by repeating quests, but you really don't ever need to unless you're aiming to tackle the highest end post game content. Out of my 70 hours of play time, only around an hour or two of that was spent grinding for some optional rare weapons and accessories. The rest was story and side missions. This game is simply packed with nonstop content.

    I found the story at times to be a bit strange and some of the events threw me off a bit, but overall still enjoyed it more than your average RPG centered around fucking hundreds of women. Dialogue can also get very excessive at times and had me quickly skimming through it occasionally.

    For the porn portion the amount of sex scenes in this game is astonishing and most of them are great. I could probably get off to this for months.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Ballistic 9029

    In all honesty, I'm disappointed that there won't be anymore of this game to enjoy. This isn't just one of the best adult games I've ever played, but one of the best RPGs I've ever played.

    From a mechanical and gameplay perspective, I've found that if you're someone who enjoys optimizing and min-maxing your way to beating the toughest challenges a game has to offer, you may very well become as addicted as I did to this game. Every boss and enemy, no matter how difficult, can be beaten with the right strategy and preparation, even those that seem to be scripted losses can be beaten with a bit of extra effort and in-depth knowledge of the game's mechanics, and even if you're someone who prefers a more laid-back gameplay experience, this game is also for you, with loads of accessibility options, many bosses aren't required to be fought unless you want to, meaning that grinding is a choice for those who want more, not a requirement.

    You can get more than enough XP to beat the game by just doing main quests and side quests while occasionally buying new gear, and loads of consumable options, so there's no pressure if you need some extra help, or want to turn on cheats to just enjoy the story.

    Speaking of the story, I'm honestly surprised at how well-developed each member of the cast is, even with so many side-characters, the roster may not quite reach 1,000, but it is massive for a project that's written entirely by a single person, the foreshadowing is masterful in hindsight, and every character in the game that has an arc of some sort, will have their arc satisfyingly concluded by the time you finish the lovingly crafted post-game content.

    Lastly, I'll conclude my review by simply mentioning, even though the songs in this game weren't originally made for the game, the soundtrack's choices for song is perfect, and each song is catchy and memorable, and go a long way towards creating a unique, even sometimes somewhat creepy atmosphere. I honestly could boot up this game just to listen to the music and sound design, a lot of care went into deciding the direction of every aspect of the game.

    My only real criticisms would be a handful of bugs that have slipped into the final build of the game, but they're honestly minor enough that I can't justify dropping my rating down a star, as you'll likely only ever encounter or notice them if you're like me and trying to 100% complete the entire game including super-bosses. The quality of life that's been built into the gameplay more than makes up for the inconveniences of some glitched end-game items.

    In conclusion, I would say that Monster Girl 1,000 is not just one of the best large-scale adult games ever released, but one of the best Visual Novel RPGs one could play, with heavy inspiration drawn from classic Final Fantasy games.

    If Final Fantasy with Monster Girls sounds like your thing, I highly recommend at least trying it out.

    Just have a bit of patience with it, and you'll have a great time guaranteed.

    Edit: November 17th, 2023. Every time I leave, this game pulls me back in.
    It's been 2 months since I wrote this review, I'll try out new games, and nothing makes me feel the way this game did. I'll be minding my own business and I'll suddenly hear a song from the game's soundtrack play in my head. I subconsciously compare every 18+ game I try to this game.

    Please send help, I'm about to start another playthrough. This is the Skyrim of Adult Games, be warned that once you play it, you'll never forget it.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Okay, after waiting for the game to be fully completed (I had played previous versions) and completely finishing it, i have to say it was a good game, I wouldn't give it 5 stars unfortunately because, despite both the artwork and the story being good it had a few issues.
    First of all it had inconsistencies in the story (Example, why was Switftstroke able to get so powerful so quickly? Otherwise, why couldn't certain characters like Luna join the village/harem despite clearly indicating lot of interest?) but i suppose the whole game was both time and resource intensive in a way.
    Returning to the story, it's honestly pretty good, it has a few moments where nothing happens, unexpected moments, both happy and sad parts too, overall it's well done (Despite the previously mentioned inconsistencies).
    The rpg mechanics are quite well done, there aren't too many builds to choose for mid-late game but there's still a good amount of choice, lots of weapons, overall pretty good.
    Artwork is definitely really well done, that alone is honestly pretty impressive despite the lack of any kind of animations it doesn't really matter too much.
    Overall i give 4/5 stars due to the unfortunately (in my opinion) rushed story in certain parts (ending and children interaction too) and the previously mentioned issues, it's nonetheless a great game and i definitely suggest trying it, kinda wish certain characters had more screen time or their chance overall with the MC but i respect the developer's choices.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is a hot mess.

    It's a game about banging 1,000 monstergirls (maybe just 10% by the end). It's a surprisingly good turn-based rpg. And it's also a very questionable Hunter X Hunter fanfic. I'm only half joking on that last point.
    I've probably spent the best part of 3/4 solid days playing this game and now I’m attempting to justify that time to myself and share my trauma. This is as much therapy as it is a review. Sorry about that.


    It's good. I don't know if it's a controversial take but I actually quite like the character art style, it's what attracted me to this game. Unfortunately it’s not always consistent, most enemies and minor characters use a completely different artstyle which looks kinda weird and out of place when the two are side-by-side. Game also uses ai generated art towards the end of the game, which is in another style, so there’s not really a single cohesive style. It's ok but a bit of a shame. Also Backgrounds kinda suck but they aren't the focus, so not really a problem.


    Surprised this doesn't get mentioned more but this game has some absolute bangers in it. Actually maybe not too surprising once you realize a good chunk of the soundtrack is some really good shit from Sewerslvt. Hopefully used with commission/permission. I know, feels weird saying that here of all places. I’ll argue the difference when I get to court.


    At first I found it really braindead and boring. So after the first couple of areas I bumped the difficulty too hard and then the game started to click for me. I'd actually recommend trying out hard and then go from there, it feels more fun and actually has you using buffs, equipment and abilities a lot sooner than you'd need to be thinking about that stuff. Also It's pretty nice finding things that combo and synergise off each other to make some really broken effects.
    The game does get pretty hard, mostly the after story, endgame content Swiftstroke can seriously fuck off so keep that in mind but for the most part, you'll have a pretty smooth time as you'll stay above the level curve for most of the game anyway.
    When you do come across something ballbusting don't worry, it's some anime story bullshit and you were never supposed to win anyway.

    If you don’t care about any of that and just want to play through for the story/porn, more power to you but you should probably know…


    It’s… just, not, very good.
    On the one hand it’s a power fantasy, as you are one of the last few males in the world and must save it by impregnating as many horny, fertile monstergirls as you can with your huge mighty trouser leviathan!!!
    On the other hand it wants you to feel like a little baby pissboy who has to stand around peeing and pooping his pants while characters way more powerful than he and his party can even imagine do the fighting and actual important shit.

    (Minor Spoilers) - I don’t know what your saving yourself for but you do you

    But that’s not immediately apparent, it starts off with you and your best friend leaving the safety of your village to become hunters; while simultaneously being given the task to impregnate 1,000 monstergirls to try and solve the disparity in the population as men are dying off from not being born (How convenient). Oh also you have taken it upon yourself to try and find your mother who’s somewhere at the far end of the world and also to maybe figure out why men actually aren’t being born. Honestly apart from the premise being a little cringe, that’s not too bad. Classic harem setup really.
    There are some hints that something more is at play here and some insidious characters may be behind it but it’s good foreshadowing and so far so good.

    Then somewhere around the halfway point the goalposts shift and you are now faced with stopping a god from wiping out all life. There’s also a number of A-rank hunters who are each untouchable demi-gods that may be supporting this plan. Not to worry though as you might be able to convince some of them (With your cock) to join your rebellion and gather other powerful allies to face them.

    And this is where problems start to occur. Because both your enemies and allies are infinitely more powerful than you and will remain that way all the way until after the story has wrapped. Everything starts to become a shounen battle manga as you watch powerful characters clash around you, complete with mary sue’s throwing out final forms, asspulls and deus ex machina.
    Meanwhile your character is pretty much just a background character. You get your ass kicked, vow to get stronger and train maybe… half a dozen times over the course of this story. Then right at the very end, after the story is basically done do you actually get the chance to rival and fight these characters. Sigh.

    I said like HXH earlier because of the Hunters and rankings being clear inspirations but you could just as easily insert a bunch of other Shonen here. Hey, for what it’s worth I actually quite like HXH. I just personally wouldn’t have thought that Shonen anime of all things makes a good basis for the story of your turn based rpg monstergirl porn game but maybe that’s just me.
    Oh and probably a good time to mention that the story of this game is 50-70 hours long and the ending sequence is a 2-hour slog of anime bullshit, for which the main character and his party get maybe… 15-20% of that screen time.

    Still… despite all that I will say the hype points were pretty hype. You just have to get past Swiftstroke, absolutely stupid fucking character a lot of bullshit to appreciate them.


    Good for about the first dozen hours, after that hmm…

    It’s not to do with the art imo. I think there’s another variance in the girls, proportions and monstergirl types. Maybe it’s the actual scenes? They do start to get repetitive and you start to see some that look very samey but they still look good, so that’s not quite it either…

    For me, it’s that outside of Bessie and Ray everyone else feels like the same character, having the exact same relationship dynamic with the PC. Everyone is submissive and breedable. Not one of the girls acts like the dominant one (There’s one that wants to but it’s mostly played as a joke). Everyone wants to fuck as soon as they meet you, or soon after once you do a single contract. Nobody gets jealous of the other girls. No rivalries form. Friendships between girls are there but also not really. Only one major character is a lesbian, in a world with almost no men.
    There’s one girl Luna that you meet who actually says she doesn’t want to get involved with you because she’s a jealous person and doesn’t think she could share you with all the other girls. I was pretty excited when I read that. I thought ooh maybe this will lead to an interesting relationship dynamic forming. Maybe this will be more of a slow burn. Will we see her to try to balance this feeling with her desire for… oh nvm they just immediately have sex anyway and she’s over it. :/

    I.. I honestly just started to skip through these scenes after a while. I didn’t think it was possible for sex with monster girls to make me feel numb but this game somehow managed it. I just got bored of them.

    I do genuinely like how Ray and Bessie’s relationships are done though. Way more satisfying. More of that please.


    And that’s about it. I know a lot of that looks pretty negative but I was able to finish this long ass game despite the issues I had. The good was real good (The fucking music slaps man) and I really enjoyed the combat system… even if that wasn’t exactly what I came here for.

    Idk like 7/10. Needs more water textures.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    I should probably start with the fact that I've sunk 15 hours of my life into this game and that hopefully earned me the right to write this review. Just kidding I don't care this is a pirate porn forum.

    There are two sides to this game at least for me. One that it is in truth a fun and entertaining game by itself. The other one is that it's not a very good porn game. And that's why I am here.

    I'll start with the gameplay. Plenty of interesting items crafting upgrading blessings skills food for bonuses and so on. Would like to see some more randomness (arpg itch needs scratching) in a game as large as this one in the itemization but otherwise yeah happy with what I've got out of it. Finished all the fights in the post-endgame all locations had a golden star the story was fine even though I did skip portions of it since well.......that's not why I am here.

    Now for the other side. The art is fine it has potential but the problem is that all the characters are just the same. All the monster girls' bodies are pretty much one template. Nothing that makes them actually different. There are 2 exceptions to this and that's the horse/deer girls. They are proper monster girls with proper monster girl parts and that's great! If only that was the case for the other 99% of the girls in this game. The other exception regarding the body type is the slime god. But SHE DOESN'T HAVE A FUCKING SCENE! Mature womanly/motherly body completely different from all the other bodies in the game and there is no scene with her. All the other girls are the same. Same plastic body with breasts that look like they are made from rubber same perfect waistline same legs just different hairstyles and bodypainting camouflaged as monster body parts (they seriously look like cosplayers in most cases) the tits are like 2 universal sizes and nothing in-between and...and this one is an actual travesty and is tied to that "one" exception I mentioned earlier. Why are their pussies/anuses all the same. That's just so boring I fully understand that not everyone is into bestiality and that it might scare potential customers away. But they are MONSTER GIRLS. Go all the way then. There are plenty of human/elven/demon girls there they can have the normal parts down there. But even then make them different. It's just the boring copy and pasted pussy and ass over and over again. I would strongly recommend any author out there to check out Atrocious Empress BAD END just to see how different female bodies can be in 2d. I am obviously not saying that all female characters in all games should look like that. But the uniformity in most of the games you see on this site in terms of bodies is just...boring. They just all look the same if you take off their "wigs" it's just the same"perfect" woman. Also every single MONSTER girl is perfectly shaved. Again this might be a personal preference but yeah I'll give an example why not give a bunny girl actual bunny legs and then nice fluffy fur instead of the "normal" pubic hair. I am fully aware that this is heavily subjective and in no way shape or form am I trying to tell the developer how to do things when I am barely able to write a "coherent review". But still it just feels bizzare that in a game full of monster girls they are all fully shaved on top of all the other things I've mentioned earlier would love to see some variety in that regard as well.

    Now for the scenes themselves. There are way less different scenes than the author might want you to think. Some of them are just reskins (example davy + her naga friend and that one scene in the capital brother literally copy and pasted same body positions) obviously no animations 2-3 still images. Which is fine. If the text was great. Which it's not. In most of them there are some exceptions but when you get the vaginal/anal option to choose from? It's the exact same text as in all the other identical scenes the writing is actually done in a way that you can't even tell if you are fucking her butt or her pussy from the text alone. That's just laziness and borderline scumminess. And we have that one thing that genuinelly pisses me off in porn games. The protagonist's dick doesn't go all the way inside ever. It's just the head and a few centimeters and the rest is just sticking out. I hate that. I don't tknow if it's like supposed to simulate "movement" but for me it's just shit.

    So yeah all in all if it wasn't for the sunk-cost-fallacy this would not have been 3/5. The premise is okay some of the characters are hot but there are just way too many (forgot most of their names almost instantly) which would be okay if they were diverse enough (can't believe I am using the word in a somewhat positive sense these days) but they are just so forgettable considering the fact that this is a PORN game. Good luck author on your next adventure please don't take my worthless opinion too seriously I am just some random on the internet. But I just really wish that a great game could be a great porn game as well. It somehow reminds me of Mystwood Manor. Interesting gameplay that took too much development time resulting in a bad porn game. Anyway good luck TwistedScarlett!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    It's not exactly perfect, a more accurate rating would be a 4.5/5, but in all honesty I really enjoyed it a ton (something I've struggled with RPGM games in the past). Great job, excited for the future!
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game had good scenes just felt to long dragged out the story was intresting and kept me coming back took me like 70 something hours to beat everything the characters are well done and are all unique
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    There's a lot of effort that went into this game. You can tell by the sheer size and scope. But effort and size doesn't equate to quality.

    Story 7/10

    The world building is... there. This is an h-game and there's world building which is a rarity. And it's not half bad either.

    There are monster girls in the world but no monster boys, only human males, although there are also human females. Monster girls either birth more monster girls or human males. However, the birth rate of males have been steadily declining to the point where birthing a male is very rare. Thus monster girls have all evolved to be hyper sexual. And there are sperm farms and trade for sperm to be able to keep community populations going. Frankly, that's amazing world building right there. I can suspend my disbelief and accept this premise as a plausible scenario as a very good reason for sexing all the monster girls.

    As you go through the game, you discover more and more of the lore of the world alongside a conspiracy that threatens the world itself. Again, I want to pause and emphasize that both the lore and the conspiracy are very nice. I play h-games to be entertained and let me tell you that the world building, the lore, and the story were very entertaining.

    That being said, I only rated story as 7/10 due to poor writing.

    There were a lot of jank story points and characters and weird power scaling. The final battle scene was like 2 hours long and honestly, it didn't need to be 2 hours long. Characters went through like 20 comic book deaths and the weakest members became the strongest, the strongest lost to particularly weak characters, new characters who had no impact on the overall story were introduced, back to back to back to back deus ex machina, and it was just weirdly long and unnecessary.

    In other words, the ending was not done well which negatively colored how I felt about the rest of the story. This happens often in media where the writer has great ideas and throws them all together but has no idea how to pull those ideas together so they whip up an unsatisfying ending.

    Gameplay 5/10

    There's an extensive combat system that's decently well balanced and really seemed fair. If you want to do the optional-ish endgame-ish content, you need to rely on the massive number of skills and try to combine them into a "broken" character.

    You travel along the map from town to town and perform quests to advance the story. Each quest involves some combat.

    My main gripe is that the game is super long (it took me 24 hours to beat according to the in-game timer) and the first few towns are novel but then the next 10 towns are not. Towns and their residents are kind of repeats where you get drip fed some story with different character models. In other words, the beginning was high quality, then the quality sharply dropped to the point of being repetitive.

    Art 5/10

    The art style is okay. It's not exactly to my taste but I'm not against it either. Some anatomical bodies parts could be drawn better.

    There were a lot of girls and so a lot of scenes, but there weren't a lot of variation CGIs. Scenes are basically static pictures with "variations" being dick out of shot, dick in shot, eyes closed, eyes open, jizz in shot.

    Then as stated above, the quality sharply dropped for a lot of locations, and this quality drop included the monster girls in question. The art didn't exactly go into generic art but it basically did. Scenes turned into V/A choice with the same flavor text repeated over and over for different monster girls.

    Overall 6/10

    The game was nice but it honestly felt unpolished. It felt like an early beta version with generic art pieces and a cobbled together long ending scene.

    I think the dev was overambitious as you don't even bang 1,000 girls, more like 100. And the quality for some girls was fairly high while the quality for some were rock bottom.

    I did enjoy the game though and played to the end.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Do not understand what the most recent bad reviews was about other than people who cannot appreciate works, time and talents and demanding for more like spoiled children. Time for the actual review though.


    Gameplay (combat and stats)

    Its RPGM, run of the mill classic, most of the battle systems is just that, dont expect more, but it is actually quite stable hardware performance wise, and the stats actually attributes to battle.

    Gameplay (world exploration & map)
    Different regions with different feels, with different simple and visible interactive nodes, stable. Nothing stellar nor to complain about.

    Character and story
    I get it, those that start complaining that this is an eroge game and that the MC should just be banging all day. At that point go seek porn vids or one of those picture reelfeeding "game."

    The character development was phenomenal, with affiliated quests, background story, and the journey along the way. I would say it is on par with Renryuu Ascension, which is also legendary in its own rights.

    Plot story, the beginning was actually kinda bland and seems like the responsibility was thrust upon, which was indeed supposed to happen but could use more excitement hook. The whole story continue to ascend nicely though, going through the beach area to the abandoned town, city, and the end was pretty great as well (no spoiler from me though).

    Art is simply beautiful and eye pleasing for the game genre, both the character sprites and the background, another on par with RA, unlike most of those garbage RPGM ones out there

    Overall the project was quite excellent, love myself some long waiting to get and cute kemonomimi girls.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    I don't understand, you had one job. Make a game about banging Monster girls. Instead the dev decided to turn it into some really crappy Dragon Ball Z parody. With super strong characters coming around over and over again. Like the story is so bad.
    Especially the final bit is so bad. Like holy! Some sort of apocalypse, yet another one by the way, is about to hit the world. I dunno exactly what, some kind of slime girl and a slime god or something.
    Then you have to fight the same character 5 times. Every time you defeat her she goes:
    and turns into an even bigger, stronger form. But you just don't care at this point, because all the characters besides the starter character are so uninteresting and one dimensional.
    So you finally beat her the fifth time and guess what the game pulls an Undertale on you.
    You have to "save the souls" of every, single girl you encountered thus far. You have to manually click "save," then click on every single character separately. You have to do this for every single character. You just sit there and press enter a hundred times. Like the song in the background repeats itself 5 times or so.
    Was all of that necessary? Does the dev seriously believe people play this for a different reason other than just banging monster girls?
    Why have a story about multiple apocalyptic scenarios, with all these "super strong" characters that you each meet maybe once or twice and every single time you have to ask them who they are, what their role is, how they even fit into all of this. Because this game and these characters towards the end-game are written so badly and everything is so dislodged, you just skip everything. Because its so tiring.
    Doesn't help that the dev used AI-Art towards the end. Clearly the dev is tired of this game himself at this point. So he rushed it with AI-generated Art. But you know the comical part about this? You have AI created characters side-by-side with Twisted Scarletts characters. So its a comparison of sorts and the AI-art looks always unironically better than what Twisted Scarlett made.
    Like man, the beginning of the game is fine. You want to be a adventurer, you figure out Monster girls really like guys. So you go forth be an adventurer and on the way you bang all kinds of monstergirls.
    But then there is this overwhelming, overarching story about the destruction of the entire world and you have to stop it. Its so shoe-horned in and full of artificial on the spot made-up drama for no reason.
    Like I couldn't bear reading the story probably past the first apocalypse. Not gonna bother, I suggest everyone to not bother because sheesh its written badly and its full of bad cliches.
    I can't really give it more than one star because this games story and characters turn out so horrible around mid-game. Its just a chore reading it.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Honestly, I couldn't finish it.THe main reason for this was
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    but we'll get to that in a second.

    TL;DR: good gameplay hitched to an okay story that gets worse as time goes on with the PC being shoved aside into becoming a side charcter during the "epic" final battle in favour of retelling the story of One Punch Man's Hero Hunter Arc with a monster girl Garou

    I'll start off with what was good: the art, the overall gameplay, and most of the story.

    - The art is good, what else is there to say?

    - The actual battle mechanics are fairly boilerplate for an RPGM title, but a well-done version of it. There's enough variation in the equipment you can collect and the moves the characters have where you can use different strategies just by swapping your equipment. In fact, it's completely necessary in a few fights.

    -Cool little city building mechanic lets you upgrade your village. It's incredibly simplistic, but it gives you something to work towards in the early game while the plot unravels itself.

    - The story starts out strongly and remains so for most of the game. There's a few twists and turns and overall I had no major complains until the end.

    If it weren't for the above three points, this would get one star from me because the "final fight" of the game was so goddamn awful that I couldn't get through it.

    Now on to those major complaints:

    First off, you start the gme by joining the "Hunter's Association" as a low-ranking hunter with the objective of moving up. Over the course of the game you meet higher ranking hunters who are much, much more powerful than you. You know this because the writer takes every available opportunity to inform you of JUST HOW ULTRA POWERFUL these other hunters are and just how weak the PC is in comparison. Over the course of the whole game, you're constantly beaten over the head with this fact, and every time there's a scene where the PC and their party mentions how much stronger they've gotten over their journey, it's immediately followed up with yet another scene to make damn well sure that you, the player, know JUST HOW MUCH STRONGER all the other characters you're meeting are.

    Spoilers from here on out:

    This is especially apparent in the final battle, as a good 80%+ of the next is dedicated to watching these other ULTRA POWERFUL BEINGS duke it out with no involvement from the PC, because of course the PC is nowhere near strong enough to fight them. You do get a chance to go against one, but once you win the fight your opponent immediately reveals their second form and wipes you away with one hit.

    Making matters worse is that the final fight is just such a fucking slog. Over an hour of watching a cycle of the good guys get the crap beaten out of them, only for some deux ex machina to come out and save them, only for said machina to be outmatched by some other random bullshit the villains pull, then back to the good guys getting smacked around again in preparation for the next ULTRA POWERFUL deus ex.

    Which brings us to what finally killed off my interest: Swiftstroke. Fucking Swiftstroke.

    This character is the epitome of what NOT to do. Literally, this character could be removed from the game entirely and you'd change nothing.

    You meet the character in the woods somewhere when she attacks you. You beat her, fuck, then she reveals that she actually let you win and she's actually SUPER STRONG.

    Next few times you meet her, the scene always revolves around the fact that no matter how much stronger you've gotten, shes grown even more and is now EVEN SUPER STRONGER THAN EVER BEFORE!

    When you finally get to the final battle, she's literally stronger than nearly everyone you've met so far, solely because she was TRAINING SUPER HARD AND BELIEVED IN HERSELF BREAKING THROUGH ALL HER LIMITS UNTIL SHE HAS NONE!!1!!oneone

    Even worse, she keeps getting more powerful as the already annoyingly long and frustrating final battle goes on.

    That's right, the writer took the unholy lovechild of Goku and Saitama and turned it into the world's most annoying monstergirl.

    It was at the point where she was literally going toe to toe with the "strongest being in the world" that I just up and quit, because at this point,t he story wasn't about the PC anymore, it was about how ULTRA LEET POWERFUL Swiftstroke managed to become.

    I can't keep going. This could have been a great game, but it just fell flat on it's face.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply phenomenal game that has a mind boggling amount of content despite it being a simple Ero RPG Maker game; it has a ridiculous plot that is actually really good and had me hooked the whole way through. It also has a massive cast of characters that still manage to be unique and likeable despite being so numerous. Now the adult content is the weakest link being a mere RPGM game after all.
    My only real complaint about the game is there 'still' isn't enough for me despite the 30+ hours of content jam packed in here, I just want more! (Also if this game were animated it would be BALLER)