Nov 28, 2021
Torrent downloads fine; I'm getting a pretty good 15-20 MiB/s off it from at least 2 seeders.
If the issue is downloading the actual .torrent file, the g96torrents link will work no matter what.
On the off-chance that the above still doesn't work, you can find another torrent for it (same content, just not hosted by F95).
still no peers

Feb 23, 2023
still no peers
In that case you might be having a connectivity problem.
Do you have other torrents that are currently working/active?
You should try something like 's "Torrent Address detection". It will give you a magnet link that you can input in your client, and if it does connect, it will give you a timestamp, your IP, and the current port your client is configured to (meaning it's likely not a connectivity problem).