RPGM - Mistress Domination Dungeon [v0.1.3] [Viola96]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Good early access game.

    Nice and rather long animations. with a good matching sound.
    I realy enjoyed to see how the ladies dominated the main character.

    I agree with the other review, that so far there is no storyline. But this is the only point on which I can agree

    I did not realy miss a story ... I like to fight and the animations more than compensated me for that. They are much longer than I'm used to from other games.

    I can´t wait to see which other lewed content will be added in the next releases. :sneaky:
  2. 1.00 star(s)



    extremely poor game so far.

    it has 0 story. literally. you just wander around to random npcs in an extremely empty map(s) you can train or buy some stuff to fight the mistresses who dominate you.

    the graphics/collission is quite dated, but imo it could work... so far it's only kissing but game looks like it's not even beta. it's like less than alpha. something a person can probably put together in 30min.(although there are good music and voices in it). it's like an admin UI to test stuff but not a game.

    so since this game is so bad, i uninstalled it quite fast. you should too. wait until more patches because this is less than a joke so far.

    plus ofc it's very grindy. bad game design. bad everything. except the music/voice and the original concept.

    but i dont think ive played a game which was so unready to play in my life and i played a lot of 0.1 beta versions and this is somehow 0.5 already lol.