VN - Ren'Py - Mesmerized - An Intoxicated Story [v0.24.1] [The Dark Moonshine]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    If you like drunk women, this is the game for you.
    Linear game, choosing this or that option is easy (you can always roll back, in case of anything).
    The graphics are peculiar, but I was not impressed, especially since looking at drunken women's faces is a dubious pleasure. It kills the sensual component. The sex scenes are not very good either.
    And the fact that, as they say, "A drunk woman is no mistress of her pussy!" ("Пьяная баба - своей пизде не хозяйка!"). I suspect that all the female characters will quickly get cirrhosis of the liver and that will be the end of all the fun. When I was young, about 40 years ago, I was in a relationship with a girl who liked to drink, for three years she drove herself to the grave. That's why I don't understand fetishists who jerk off to drunk whores. But god with you like it, play it. But the game has no background, no character development, just drunkenness. It gets boring quickly and makes you quit the game. No involvement in the development of the plot. Monotonous scenes. The main character is a common asshole, to associate yourself with him? No, it's impossible.
    Can I recommend this game? Only to fetishists of a special kind. Everyone else, I don't recommend wasting your time on it.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The whole story is just sad. Can't make it one star, cause the dude who made it put in effort and work and shit, but the whole story is just freaking sad.

    It would be one thing, if he had to rely on getting them drunk and high to get laid and alter their mind, but he can hypno them into doing whatever he wants and he still makes them drink the amount of alcohol that would kill a liver in half a year.
    Inebriated to a state they don't even understand what's going on, I just don't get the appeal, I guess.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    First things first: this game is about manipulating and hypnotizing a bunch of broads into acting like sloppy drunk whores. So if you're not into that I cant imagine this game being very appealing.

    I loved the range of expressions, and the depictions of inebriation were hilarious and top notch. The overall enhanced sluttiness was very well done imo and the game is completely devoid of all the overcomplicated and or grindy bullshit so many devs love to put into their work. The fuck scenes range from just ok to decently hot, but the surrounding scenarios help to augment the visual limitations.

    This game doesnt try to be more than what it is, which it absolutely nails. The art style is one I havent really seen before but the dev did a great job utilizing it to the fullest and capturing a range of facial expressions and emotions that imo do more for one of these games than the many skippable lines of dialogue we see so often.

    Don't expect much in the way of gameplay, but this is straightforward and more importantly hot. Awesome game.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    One of the most idiot Mc I have ever seen basically uses fake hypnosis and booze to intoxicate and bang his female side of the family and "sexy" neighbour.
    Although you may find this premise intriguing, the game has this pastel filter thath makes everything looks fake and, if this was true only for the background, I could go along with it but the models looks almost disturbing.
    And for the love of GOD, if you are to make an adult game it is required that you learn to make a semi-decent looking dick before! MC penis looks like a dollar store glizzy and it ruin every scene in which it appears.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    If you play for 3 minutes and get to see ms loveday face close up, and not altF4, this game is for you. For the rest of human beings out there who are scared of monsters, skip this one cause the weird art doesn't fix the fact that the base work is 3d the sims-ish and this particular one is not the best of those out there.
    The best thing about the game is the title, you see everything like you are intoxicated, so you have to be intoxicated, i guess, to see such monster as fapping material.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    lol, this game is written exactly like someone who hasn't ever had a drop of alcohol, let alone anything stronger. It should go w/o saying, but don't try to feed anyone this amount of liquor or mix anyone's drugs like this or you'll kill them

    pros: there are some hot scenarios. I like the hypnotism and drugged tropes as a rule. the influence points are easy enough to keep maxed so the porn is pretty easily accessible. There is a lot of sex so should be plenty to fap to if this is your jam

    cons: I've fapped to some implausible shit but for some reason the amount of hard booze this jackass MC forces these women to drink even after they're plenty dtf is too much for me. TIL I have a limit. And then he claims he wants his first time with Mrs. Neighbor to be "special" after face-fucking her in a drunk coma. Fuckin' lol

    The blurry-ass filter he uses on the art is hit or miss for me. Some of their facial expressions are horrifying. The obviously photoshopped dick just being in a scene is jarring. Maybe the program he's using isn't for porn? Who knows, but it's so out of place
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Pro: This is a unique game (or more precisely, a VN) with an interesting organic art style. It's written with a sense of humor, and is hot if you like drunken floozies who are MILFs. It's obviously done with care by someone who's into this particular kink.

    Con: Your choices don't matter much. The hypnosis theme would have been perfectly fine for mind control purposes, except it's mixed up with the MC drugging his female victims with enough alcohol to murder them several times over. Seriously, the plot almost veers into necrophilia with every update. She's already drunk and horny - why in god's name continue to pour liquor down her throat? Do we have a booze fetish tag? This last point is the main reason I can't give four stars.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Wow i dont understand how this game is still going on and even more baffling is the ratings it has here.
    Most important point, why is there a romance tag on this game? Because of what i saw, there is nothing romantic about getting a woman piss drunk and using some fake hypnosis to corrupt her. Like seriously, she is going to die of liver failure before this retarded MC even gets to have sex with her.

    Based on the tag and the synopsis, i really thought there will be an actual story where the MC tries to win over her. Never thought it will be some lame (and possibly disturbing) plot to corrupt a woman, who he actually "loves" :cautious:
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is good, period. Its the perfect game of how an intelligent person in the real world would use hypnotism to its best extent. This game is purely for your guilty pleasure alone and as such you cant expect much of a romantic relationship being built, and thats exactly the kind of trope this game is trying to build. So all these blind people trying to judge the game for what it is not is just plain dumb. Clearly the game is intended for those who have a fetish in slowly getting your target drunk, get them to open up and cherish in how they act drunk and take advantage of them, its a damn fetish that people might have, nothing wrong with that, aint noone gonna become a psychopath just for having a few interests in this, just because its the minority doesnt make it bad and this game clearly is only set for those minority with this fetish.
    Thats the reason i need people to play this game for what is it is, yes it doesnt have much background story, yes it doesnt have character development, yest it doesnt have flushed out sex scenes, but people need to realize that not all games need all of these stuff, certain games are made only for the "fetish", and in this case its the build up of how he tricks the lady and the art of executing it, not the sex scenes. Its a game with a particular fetish in mind and for those cultured lads who have it, this is the goddamn best game in that field.
    Also, must show much respect to those devs that go well and beyond to create games like this one which are catered towards the minority, really shows their passion, they could have easily just made a game that people wont complain about and just flushed out some money by making the common tropes everyone does. You have my gratitude for being unique
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    First, let me say that I don't want to yuck anyones yum. If you like this game, so be it, but read on to understand why I think this story (as of v24.1) is so very weak.

    Let's set aside that hypnotism doesn't work like this, because plenty of games have used the hypnotism trope to better effect.

    Let's also set aside how horribly abusive this story is to pretty much everyone involved.

    The core issue is that this story feels like it was written by a budding incel in middle school who has an idea for a scene or two they'd like to see played out, but has no idea how to get there plausibly.

    All of the women are one-dimensional, which isn't unusual for a porn game, but everything this game tries to use to further the narrative feels slapped together at the last second. So much so that even if you try to play this game as a fapfest you are going to be sorely disappointed. The sex scenes themselves are short and all pretty much the same. Get woman X drunk/high/hyptotized (preferably all 3) and then take advantage of them in that state.

    The plots the MC goes through to eventually molest the people around him are ridiculously overcomplicated. For example, it is pretty clear from the start that Mrs. Lovejoy is into the MC physically. He could have just hypnotized her (within the rules of how hypnotism works within this story) and had sexual experiences with her without having to force her to drink and take drugs. Nobody would be the wiser. Many AVNs start with a weak story and improve somewhat as the author gains experience, but that's not the case here. The story stays weak or gets weaker as time goes on.

    The MC pretty much makes everyone take so much alcohol and pills that they'd all have been dead and the MC in jail pretty early in the story. And none of that is needed, since hypnotism can give the MC what he wants without the expense, time, or effects of alcohol and drugs.

    Now a word on the art style: While I think it might be problematic for some, it is probably the strongest part of this game. It is at least different and unique and I appreciate the author trying something new. Of course it also might get in the way of the fapfest because it tends to obscure or hide key details during sexy time.

    I definitely recommend giving this one a miss. There are far better hypnosis-guided AVNs out there.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    I am usually critical in my reviews, but I try to avoid giving games 1 star. I do this by avoiding games until they appear to have enough content, and by trying to find points of redemption - things that might be worth praising despite an overall bad experience. This game truly deserves 1 star, I cannot think of a single redeeming quality.

    The story and motivations of MC in this game are pretty odd. He's a creepy man child who lusts over his next door neighbor (while romanticizing it internally), and hatches a plot to rape her since she won't put out. Amidst this supposedly "close to reality" setting, hypnosis is lazily thrown in as the main mechanic MC goes about getting what he wants (review above well summarizes why I call this lazy). How does hypnosis work in this non-fantasy setting? Who the fuck knows but MC somehow has mastered it. That, and the art of somehow convincing every woman he meets to consume lethal amounts of alcohol which somehow makes them want to be bred instead of needing to be rushed to a hospital.

    The art is fine at some times, atrocious at others. The sex scenes, when they occur, are brief as hell when compared to the duration of everything else leading up to them. Many are just one image with a "you did the sex" type dialog overlaid. The game really ought to have the NTR tag as well, imo, since our primary love interest and the mom (who is also a love interest) both talk with MC about and are implied to participate in sex with your "well-endowed dad"...

    All in all, this game provides nothing of value, and takes a hell of a long amount of time for you to realize this. Avoid at all costs.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Look, I enjoy a quick fap as much as the next person but this game doesn't try to have any sort of build up. It's difficult to really get any sort of joy out the scenes because they're so frequent and low effort. The art is also hard to look at sometimes. It's not just low res, it's actually blurry
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    This game was a trip, but not a great one. The game heavily features the women getting intoxicated, and the women's art gets loopy, foggy, and just plain weird. I don't know how else to explain it, but the intoxication scenes were just too incoherent that they snapped me out of the game everytime they happened (and they happened often).

    Choices do not matter, there isn't much of a story, and the sex scenes do not last that long.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Mesmerized - An Intoxicated Story [v0.16.1]



    The Story is so boring and close to non-existent. The women are just strong alcoholics and you “have” to “convince” them to drink more so you can get your way with them. Wouldn´t be so bad if it wasn´t implemented so terribly.
    You don´t really need to convince them because every chick is shit-faced all the time and the choices don´t matter.

    I have seen so many Games with shitty graphics, but this one is by far the worst i´ve ever seen. It looks like someone tried to create a cell-shading look, but over-saturated the shit out of it which makes it look like a shitty painting.
    It´s truly horrendous.

    The Sex Scenes are extremely dull and not animated which doesn´t really matter, because everything in this game looks terrible.

    If I could, I would give the game -stars, because it doesn´t have any quality whatsoever and is just a waste of time tbh.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    V 0.14.1
    I want to preface this review by saying I had avoided this game for a long time due to its rough-around-the-edges art, but I was bored today and so I played it.

    Boy am I happy I did!

    This game is stupidly hot if you enjoy getting a milf drunk with hypnosis and gradually unleashing her youthful wild side (and a little mom and sis corruption while you hone your skills, because fuck it, why not?). Reviews complaining of the character being psychopathic is such an odd criticism, or people complaining of not enough hypnosis. He hypnotizes Mrs. Loveday all the time, and no shit he's a psycho, look at the synopsis and the tags?! It's like playing Raptus and complaining that the MC is rapey, that's literally the whole point! The game isn't slow about progression either, but it doesn't feel rushed, despite how short the game is (you can easily finish current content in under 2 hours). However, despite the art (which is improving), this game had me hard as a rock playing through it, and not even the reason I started playing it (i.e. landlady fun), and the next update seems to involve sexy times with her too! 10/10, game's fucking hot is all I'm saying, don't be snowflakey playing a corruption mind-control game when your MC actually does those things.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    What can I say... Our character has no remorse, hypnotize everyone, manipulates everyone, helps no one except himself.

    Mesmerized - An Intoxicated Story, teaches you the functions of a psychopath. I don't know, but that's exactly how our character is, in the story or everyone who is close to us, serves as a guinea pig for hypnosis, alcohol and drugs.

    Technique of flirting for your greatest "Love"? Drunken her until she becomes a rag.

    I wanted to put two stars for the original style, finally, I can't, the game is empty of history and meaning, a story is interesting if it teaches us a minimum of something. Our so-called great love "Mrs.Loveday" is in a support situation, so we can imagine a situation where the roles are reversed, Mrs.Loveday could have lives with a family who never longer get along, go to the alcohol addiction and it will only get worse and worse, that's where you can he.. Wtf?? What are you talking about!? I want all my women to be drunk to death and to be fucked to death! Welcome to Mesmerized - An Intoxicated Story!
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    One last thing, choices are useless, apart from showing certain scene or not, they have zero influence. 1/5
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Game is great
    Story has lot of sexual scenes
    But problem i have with this game are: Renders looks weird , almost like i put my screen on full blurry mode and you can see only outline
    Another problem i have with this game is the points needed for the choice scene
    Story is just not really intresting for me it's the: hypnotize them
    get them drunk and make use of them being drunk to have sex with them because they won't remember it anyway
    Game is focusing to much on getting them drunk and less about hypnotize them

    no bugs
    never play with sounds
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Strictly speaking I'm not into VN's (I crave choices), and this is a VN, yet it is currently among my favs, so let that be an indication of how highly I rate this.

    The art at first glance seemed a little crude to me and for the first few frames of the first version I considered ditching it, but it quickly grew on me and now I can't imagine a better style choice for this project, the characters are so expressive and feel so alive. It is a massive improvement over most VN's you see here with their wooden postures and dead eyes.

    There is some blurring that on a logical level doesn't make sense since it isn't the MC who is drunk, but on a more visceral level it feels right IMO, it draws me in, connects me with the subject, with the scene.

    I'm loving the story and the way the art is constantly shifting as you read through it, giving a sensation of animation even though they are only using still images.

    My only complaint so far are the representations of the MC's dick, they seem a bit weird/basic but I really come here for those so I'm not taking of points for that.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. I'm super into mind control, drunk sex and sleep creeping so this game is something of a perfection for me. Please make a sequel if this game ever gets completed! The art is unique and the story is amazing, kudos to the dev!
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game with a very unique personality and art style. I hope we can get the MC Mom content soon, cheers to the dev and keep the good job!

    PD: To the dev an advice that I can give is to no losse the communication with the audience, even if you are going to take one more month for and update just do a quick explain in advance and all should be good :D